𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓼𝓼

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I had to re-write this entire chapter TWICE. Because I accidentally deleted it. :(

Berkley's POV

"I'm sorry I stained your nightgown, Bella. May I get you a new one?" I asked, handing the nightgown to Bella. She sighed. "No, no, it's fine. I have a rich sister." She winked, then carried on. "May I ask how you stained it?" She asked. My mind flashed back to the night before. I gulped. "Theo and I were drinking, got a little tipsy and the sleeves got caught on Merlin knows what." I said. 

She nodded. "Okay, well, I'm going to shower. Get your shit together. You guys are leaving." I nodded, and turned to see Theo, in the doorway, smirking. "We were tipsy that's all." He mocked. I scoffed. "I remember actually, that we were stone. Cold. Sober." I threw my sweatshirt at him. "Funny Theo." 

He smiled. "Please. I'm surprised you didn't wake anyone up." I scoffed. "Maybe if you wanted quiet, you would've left your knife kink out of it." I said. He laughed. "But that takes out all the fun." I smiled. "Sure. Go pack." I mumbled, grabbing my hoodie back from him.


"So, you told your father that you and Theo were dating?" Lorenzo asked. I nodded, biting my lip. "Well, that sucks." He muttered. I laughed. "Why? It's not like it's you that has to fake date me." I said. Enzo chuckled, "That's exactly what I wanted to do." He said. My eyes widened as he threw floo powder, escaping from the awkward conversation. 

Draco chuckled, then followed Enzo. "Wait until he hears that one, love." He said, winking at me. I gulped, then ran straight into Theo. "Hello love, miss me?" He asked. I scowled. "Sure did." He smiled. "Now, don't tell me you're flirting with both my cousins." He said. "I'm not. If I fancied them, I would've told my father I was dating Draco instead of you." I spat, slapping my mouth.

Theo laughed. "So, you did tell him." I twirled my hair. "I had no choice. I was pissed." I muttered. Theo smiled, dragging his thumb down my jawline. "I don't mind." He mumbled, leaning in to give me a kiss. "Get on lovebirds." Narcissa said, shooing us into the fireplace. I blushed, then said, "Slytherin Commons." 

"Ouch Theo!" I yelled, as Theo ran into the back of me. "Well, sorry love, but I thought you would've been out of the fireplace by now." He said. I scoffed. "They're closed." He looked around, realizing that indeed, we were trapped in the Slytherin fireplace. "Is someone in there?" I heard a voice ask. I recognized it immediately. "Astoria! It's Theo and Berkley. Let us out?" I asked. 

"Merlin." She pulled away the wooden boards. "What are you two doing in there?" She asked. "Floo powder back from her father's place." Theo said, wiping soot off his suit. Astoria raised her eyebrows. "What? I have to meet my girlfriend's father." Theo said, tugging at my dress. I nodded. "Right. Why'd they close the fireplaces anyways?" I asked. 

Astoria shrugged. "Something about Death Eater students. At least, that's what Blaise said." She said. I nodded. "Do you guys know anything about it?" She asked, making her way to the door. I shook my head. "Do you, Theo?" I asked. "No. Father doesn't tell me much." He said. Astoria nodded. "Alright. Let me know if you hear anything." She said. We nodded and waved.

"We don't know anything! Just the son and son's girlfriend of Tom Riddle." Enzo said, making jazz hands as him and Draco walked out of their dorm. I scowled. "Would you rather have us tell her?" I asked. Draco and Enzo looked at each other. "Exactly." Theo said, leaning back on the wall. "So, what do we do now?" He asked. "Go talk to Snape. He sent Draco and I a note to bring you two." Enzo said.

"Let's go then." I said, tugging at Theo's shirt. He grinned and followed Draco and I out of the room. "What do you think he wants to tell us?" I asked. Draco shrugged. "He's been acting weird lately." I nodded. "Agreed." I said, following Draco as we turned into Snape's classroom.

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