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Berkley walked along the streets of Hogsmeade. It was her nineteenth birthday. Two years since she used the 'Obliviation' Charm on herself after the last war. She trailed her fingers along the brick walls, stopping in front of a bright orange shop she'd never been in. "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." She muttered, reaching for the door handle. She walked in, color hitting every part of her eye.

"Charming isn't it?" Someone asked. Berkley smiled and turned towards the voice. "Truly charming, do you work here?" She asked. The girl laughed and shook her head. "No, no, it's not really my thing. Boyfriend's brothers own it." She said, sticking out her hand. Berkley shook it, still looking around the shop.

"I've never seen you before, usually everyone here is pretty close." The girl said. "I'm Hermione." "To be honest, the past years have been a blur." Berkley said, laughing. "I'm Berkley. Berkley Black." She said. Hermione's eyes went wide. "You look so different." "Pardon?" Berkley asked. "Oh I-" "Hello ladies." Two twins cooed. "Hello, I'm Fred Weasley, and this is George." Fred said, motioning to his brother, who nodded, sorrow in his eyes.

"You certainly seem more cheerful, bad day?" Berkley asked each twin. Fred laughed. "Old friend lost her memory. Man misses her everyday." Fred said. Berkley frowned. "I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope you see her soon." Berkley cooed. George nodded and looked at the floor. "Yeah, don't feel as bad for him. She had a boyfriend and everything." Fred said. Hermione was pale as she made motions for Fred to stop.

Berkley frowned. "How awful-" "Yeah, no kidding-" "OH MY GOD FRED, IT'S HER!!" Hermione yelled. George looked up, peering into Berkley's eyes, then going pale. Fred stopped talking too, and Berkley's heart began to race. "I- are you guys okay? Did I do something?" Berkley asked. Fred stammered. "Bloody hell, I didn't even notice you-" Hermione groaned. "Go tell the others." George motioned.

"Don't-" Berkley ran out of the store, all the attention scaring her. How did they know her? Berkley ran down the street, the wind blowing her hair out of her bun. Not looking where she was going, she bumped into a tall figure. "Sorry-" Berkley began. The man laughed, reaching out his hand. "It's alright." He helped Berkley to her feet.

Berkley laughed and brushed herself off. "Tough day?" The man asked. Berkley shook her head, placing a palm on her forehead. "It was going great, I mean, it's my birthday." She mumbled, "But then these people were arguing over how they knew me, and I've never met them." She said. The man frowned. "Well, happy birthday. I'm Mattheo." He said, smiling. Berkley grinned. "Berkley. Berkley Black." She shook his hand, not noticing the surprised expression.

"So you're single?" He asked. Berkley laughed again. "Yeah." She whispered. Theo looked at his feet. "I had a girlfriend once, she obliviated herself." He mumbled. Berkley frowned. "I'm sorry, why?" She asked. "Didn't like her life much, tons of war." Theo said, looking at the sky. Berkley sighed, "Well it was lovely to meet you, Theo." She said. Theo nodded. "Uh, you as well. See you around?" He asked. Berkley smiled. 

"I'll see you around." 

Theo looked at the sky, as rain began to fall. "Berkley Black, I knew we'd meet again." He said, looking at the brunette who had begun to walk away. He smiled, and looked back towards the sky. He laughed. "I'm sorry love." He whispered, giving one last look before running towards the Black family house, where his friends awaited him.


"What took you so long?" Draco asked. Theo shrugged. "Ran into a girl." He mumbled. Blaise looked up from his plate. "A girl aye?" He asked. "What about Berkley?" Luna questioned. Mattheo shrugged, and picked up his fork. "None of us know where she is, do we?" Theo asked. Lorenzo looked at his plate.

"I just wish she wouldn't have done it." Harper whispered. Theo nodded. "I think we both do, Harper." He said. Blaise shrugged and picked up his fork. "His life. Besides, it's not like Berkley would remember us anyways." He added. Theo looked at his plate, smirking softly. "What was her name?" Draco asked. 

Theo looked up, his smirk evident. "Berkley." He said. Harper dropped her fork. "You ran into my sister, didn't you?" She asked. Theo grinned and looked around the room. Harper threw her head back and laughed. "You found her Theo!" She cried. The room erupted into applause. "What are we supposed to do now?" Draco asked. 

"Do we talk to her and get her memory back?" Lorenzo asked. Luna shook her head. "No way, obliviation is one of the strongest charms, I don't think you could if you asked Dumbledore." Just then, Hermione, Fred, and George burst through the front door. "We know." Draco called from the dining room. "You saw her too?" Hermione asked.

Theo nodded, and looked at the excited twins. "Well folks, looks like we've got some hunting to do." Blaise said, leaning back in his chair.

Meanwhile, Berkley sat at her dinner table, feet kicked up on top of it. "He just seemed so familiar." She called. "Well, have you seen him before?" Jacob asked. Berkley shrugged. "I don't think so." Jacob set his cup of coffee on the counter top. "Well, life is full of coincidence, we'll just have to wait and see." He said. Berkley nodded and walked into her bedroom.

"So familiar." She whispered. Jacob watched Berkley dig through her bedroom, in every drawer and cupboard, looking for any signs of the boy. Jacob was still confused on how Berkley remembered him, even after she obliviated herself. He remembered reading that sometimes the charms don't work on the strongest-minded people, and that's how he knew that the charm hadn't worked the best on Berkley.

How else would she remember seeing Theo before? "What are you doing?" Jacob asked. Berkley looked up from a drawer, her clothes scattered across the floor. She was holding a picture. "Mattheo Thomas Riddle." Berkley breathed. Jacob looked slightly amused. "I do know him." Berkley dropped the picture and stood up, running her hands through her hair.

"Jacob you fucker!" She cried, laughter rising into her chest. "You knew I knew him!" She called, bursting out laughing. Jacob smiled and looked at his feet, shaking his head. "I figured it was best to let you figure it out since you-" "Obliviated myself." Berkley cut off. "Yeah Jacob, I remember." She whispered, picking up her mess.

Jacob grinned. "Took you long enough cuz." He said, raising his cup. Berkley rolled her eyes. "It's not like you gave me any hints." She protested. "Like I said, better for you to figure it out." Jacob said. "So, how much do you remember?" "Up until the last war- then it goes blurry." She admitted. "That's when you used the charm Berk." Jacob said, sipping his coffee. "Why the fuck would I do that to them?" Berkley asked. 

"You didn't like your life." Jacob said. "Rumor has it-" Berkley raised her eyebrow. "Theo still hasn't been out with anyone since you did." Jacob finished his sentence, smirking at Berkley before leaving the room to go to his own. Berkley chuckled and plopped onto her bed, with the picture in hand. "I'm sorry love." Berkley whispered. 

"You'll see me soon." 

A/N: Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger for a week. I will be uploading another chapter in a few days, and this is when the RELATIONSHIP gets into swing. Enough family drama- but tons of friend drama. love, B

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