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"Things don't always go as planned father." Draco said, tying his father's ropes tighter. "Where's Regulus and Milly?" Berkley asked. The group stood in the living room, with a dead Brianna and a bruised Lucius. Lucius licked his bloody lips, before squinting. 

"What is he looking at?" Oliver asked, folding his arms. The rest of them turned their heads towards the door, where a small frame stood. "Bloody hell." Berkley muttered. "Hello loves." Pansy Parkinson cooed, twirling her wand in between her fingers.

"Hello Pansy." Draco said, folding his arms. "Tying up your father?" Pansy asked. She laughed. "Understandable, he was always a twat." Lucius scowled when Fred let out a small chuckle. "Ran into Minnie, she said you might be in here still." Pansy said. "Which one of us?" Berkley asked. "You of course." Pansy said.

Berkley rolled her eyes. "I'm not as immature as I used to be you know, I'm not here to nitpick." Pansy said, folding her arms. "So what are you here for?" George asked. Pansy smiled. "Heard about the recent murders of elder Death Eaters." Pansy said, still twirling her wand. "I want to help." She added.

"What make you think we'll trust you?" Draco asked. "Avada Kedvra." Pansy said, pointing her wand at Lucius. Draco raised his eyebrows. "He killed my mum." Pansy said, tapping her black nails along the countertop. "Congrats on becoming Professors you two." Pansy cooed, pointing her wand between Draco and Berkley.

"Thank you." They replied. "And, I heard you and Theo are still together?" Pansy asked. Berkley nodded. Pansy smiled. "Good actually, I thought you two were cute together." Pansy said, pulling a stool out of the desk. "So, what can I help clean?" 


Pansy Parkinson was a treat. Her sarcasm brought life back into the friend group. Easily getting along with Blaise, she also got along with Luna splendidly. Pansy often helped out in the crystal shop, directing little witches and wizards along the way without suggesting any pay from Luna and Lorenzo. 

Draco certainly enjoyed her company. Hell, even Berkley was starting to enjoy having Pansy around. The group felt whole again with her. She was clever too, coming up with ways to find Regulus and Milly. She was the life of the party, that Pansy Parkinson. No one complained about having her around, and she was certainly not complaining about being with them either. 

"Maybe they gave up?" Lorenzo asked at dinner one night. Pansy snorted. "The Death Eaters don't give up until they have what they want." She pointed out. Blaise sighed. "Parkinson's got a point." He said. Berkley ran her fingers through her chopped hair. Pansy's idea. "They can't hide that much longer." Draco said, raising his glass to his lips.

"Besides, once we get them killed, life will be splendid again." Luna said, placing flowers in her tea. "Yeah, just think about it." Mattheo said. "Fred and George's shop is booming. Have you seen it lately?" Draco asked. "Don't change the subject Malfoy." Pansy snapped. "We've got work to do." Draco raised his hands in protest. "You're silly, Pansy." 

Pansy snickered. "So, brilliant Pansy, what's your idea?" Berkley asked, smiling at the girl. Pansy grinned. "Locator spell." Pansy said. "Why the bloody hell didn't I think of that?" Theo asked. "Because I'm smarter then you." Pansy said. Theo stuck his tongue out at her. "Okay, but how are we supposed to get their blood, or some possession of theirs?" Lorenzo asked.

Pansy looked at Berkley and nodded. Berkley pulled a small glass bottle out of her pocket, shaking it. Inside? Milly's hair, and a piece of Regulus's t-shirt. "You two are bloody brilliant." Draco said, taking the bottle. Pansy smirked at Berkley, who couldn't help but smirk next. "How'd you do it?" Blaise asked.

"She's my mum, and my uncle, Blaise it wasn't that hard." Berkley said. Pansy chuckled. Mattheo smiled at Berkley, who was smiling herself. "Let's get started then shall we?" Luna asked, pulling out her wand. Pansy cleared her throat. "I'll get on the dishes then." She said, grabbing the stack of plates.

Luna, Draco and Blaise sat around the dining room table with their wands above the items. Theo, Lorenzo, Pansy and Berkley, were in the kitchen, washing up. "Do you think it'll work?" Pansy asked. "I'm sure if Luna's doing the spell." Berkley said. Theo and Enzo nodded. "I'd feel awful if it didn't." Pansy admitted, putting a plate away.

"It was an idea, we just have to wait and see." Lorenzo said. "Besides, we'll kill them, then it'll be over." "Milly's powerful you know." Theo said, looking at Lorenzo. "Milly? Try Regulus." Berkley added. "It worked!" Luna cried from the dining room. "And where are they?" Pansy asked, calling back as she walked into the kitchen. 

"The Burrow." Draco mumbled. Berkley raised her eyebrows. "The Weasley's are there with Harry and Hermione." She muttered. "Quinn's there too." Blaise added. "With Cedric and Mae." Theo added. "Let's go you idiots." Pansy said, pulling on her cloak. "Dead friends aren't as fun as real ones you know." She added, holding out a port key. 


When the group of seven got to the Burrow, there was already screaming. They all pulled out their wands, and burst down the door. "Bloody hell where are they?" Draco asked. Luna screamed. Quinn was dead on the floor, along with Cedric and Mae. "Kill the people you love most first." Pansy whispered. "Classic Death Eater play." 

"She knows her stuff, bloody hell." Milly said, slamming the front door shut. Berkley raised her wand. "Don't hurt me please." Milly teased, laughing. Regulus chuckled from on the couch. That's when the group saw the Weasley's tied up. "Let them go." Lorenzo said. Regulus laughed. "No way boy, who do you think we are?" 

"Expe-" Blaise began. "Stupefy." Milly cast, knocking Blaise off his feet. Chaos burst out in the Weasley's home. Pansy, Berkley and Luna were soon fighting Milly, with spells and bodies going everywhere. Regulus was watching the girls fight when Theo took his chance. "Avada Kedvra." He whispered. Regulus dropped. Draco pulled out his wand. "Avada Kedvra." He cast again, making sure he was totally dead. 

Ginny was crying. "I hate you stupid girls!" Milly screamed. "We hate you too love." Pansy said. "Second that." Luna added. Milly rolled her eyes. "Ava-" Milly pointed her wand at Pansy. "Avada Kedvra!" Berkley yelled, watching her mother drop to the floor, cold as ice. Pansy let out a huge sigh before pulling Berkley into her arms. "Thank you." Pansy mumbled.

"Anytime." Berkley whispered back. Blaise sat by Quinn, holding her hand. Lorenzo was by Cedric and Mae, shutting their eyes. Luna was with Enzo, holding his hand. Pansy and Berkley walked over to the Weasley's. "Are you alright Ginny?" Theo asked, untying her. Pansy untied Arthur, and he fell to the floor. 

"Oh my god." Draco mumbled. Ginny ran into Berkley's arms, tears falling down her cheeks. "Ginny who else is dead?" Berkley asked. Ginny shook her head, looking at her family. Pansy moved to Molly. Dead. Percy? Dead. Draco couldn't look anymore. He left the house and waited outside. "Oh my god." Theo whispered.

"Ron's next." Berkley whispered. Pansy went towards Ron. "Dead." Pansy mumbled. Ginny let out another wail. "Theo take Ginny outside." Berkley whispered. Mattheo nodded and grabbed Ginny, bringing her outside. Berkley's eyes filled with tears as she moved to Hermione. Dead. She let out a small sob, as Pansy moved her out of the way. 

"Harry please be alive for Ginny." Berkley whispered, peeling off the tape on his mouth. Harry let out a small mumble. "Oh my god." Blaise whispered, seeing what was going down in the living room. Luna buried her face in Enzo's chest. "Berkley?" Harry mumbled. Berkley threw her head back and untied his wrists.

"Where's Ginny?" Harry asked, as he began panicking. "They killed them." Harry cried out. "They killed Hermione-" Sob. "And Ron-" Another sob. "And Molly, and Arthur and where are the fuckers?" Harry yelled. "We killed them." Pansy muttered. "Good." Harry breathed. "Where's Ginny?" He asked again, his eyes growing wide. Berkley let a tear fall from her eye. "Outside." 

Harry ran through the door, and everyone could hear Ginny's sobs. Berkley's eyes grew wide. "Does that mean-" She ran over to the twins. They fell. "Oh no." Lorenzo muttered. Berkley fumbled with the tape on their mouths. "Come on please don't be dead. Please." She shook them, while the others watched. 

Theo ran inside. "Berkley, they're gone." Theo mumbled, pulling her away from the twins, watching everyone else grow quiet. Just then,

Fred and George inhaled.

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