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The Death Eater's were quieter then normal ever since Kol's death. Life almost felt normal again. So, that's how they ended up at work. "Good morning!" Luna said, saying hello to the little boy who had walked into her store. Lorenzo was at the counter, placing crystals in bags. "Morning!" The boy called. 

"Can I help you with anything?" Luna asked, looking at the other kids in the shop. "Uh, I'm here for an emerald, and a ruby?" He asked. "For whom?" Luna asked. "Emerald for Professor Black's class, Ruby for Professor Grangers." Luna laughed. "Of course, that's what most kids have been in here for today." Luna said.

The boy let out a chuckle. "So, where's your parents?" Luna asked. The boy looked at the ground. "Muggles." He mumbled. Luna raised her eyebrows. "Professor Granger's parents are muggles." Luna said. He looked up. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah, I know both of your Professor's personally. I live with Black." Luna said.

"Is she nice? She seems scary to me." The boy asked. Luna laughed. "Very kind, let's get you that emerald." Luna said, taking him to the back of the store. "Are you looking on playing Quidditch?" Luna asked, grabbing an emerald and putting it in a bag. "Maybe." He replied. "I'm friends with the coach for the Slytherin team." Luna said. 

"Bloody hell, do you know everyone?" He asked. "Let's see, the boy at the counter, that's my boyfriend. I know both Professor's you mentioned, I know the Slytherin Quidditch coach, and the owner of Ollivander's." Luna said. "You know Mr. Zabini?" He asked. "Course." Luna said, grabbing a Ruby from a nearby shelf and putting it into another bag. 

"I'm Colin by the way." He said. "Who?" Luna asked, her mind flashing back to the little Gryffindor boy who died in the battle. "Colin." He repeated. "It's nice to meet you Colin." Luna said. "Do you need anything else?" She asked. "I think that's all for now, but, I'll be back on Hogsmeade trips. It's cool here." Colin said.

Luna smiled. "I'm glad you like it." She said. "Now, go to the boy I told you about earlier, he'll get you checked out." Colin nodded and ran over to Lorenzo, with his two small bags. "Okay, let's just press your name into the bag-" Colin watched in awe as Lorenzo drew Colin's name onto his bag with his wand. 

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Colin asked. "Someday." Lorenzo said, ruffling his hair. Colin laughed and skipped out of the store, the rest of his coins just waiting to be spent. 

Hermione and Berkley sat in Mcgonagall's office, along with Draco, Neville, Oliver, and Dean Thomas. "So this is the new Professor Crew?" She asked, trying her best not to laugh. "And the coaches-" Draco and Oliver said in unison. "Oliver? Weren't you playing in the World Cup?" Hermione asked. 

"Got canceled this year, so I'm coaching for now." Oliver said, leaning back in his chair. "You're gonna get creamed Malfoy." Oliver teased. Draco snorted. "What an interesting year." Dean joked. Hermione and Neville burst out laughing. "How's Seamus, Dean?" Oliver asked. Dean went red. 

Professor Mcgonagall shook her head. "Come on guys, it's like you're students again." 


"So Quidditch coach aye?" Berkley asked, dusting off her shelves. Oliver smiled as he dusted off the cauldrons. "Is it that shocking to you Black?" He asked. Berkley shook her head and smiled, looking back at the brunette boy. "How's Mattheo?" Oliver asked, washing out the cauldrons now. "He's good, we're good." Berkley replied.

"That's good, I remember you two were together when I left." He said. Berkley nodded. "Yeah, we were weren't we?" She asked. Oliver nodded. "Two years now huh?" He asked. Berkley chuckled. "Not sure how you could stand someone for that long." Oliver teased. Berkley grinned at the man. "I'm not sure either." 

"I heard about your dad." Oliver mumbled. "It's alright." Berkley insisted. "People die, it's not unusual." She said. Oliver nodded. "Of course, sorry." "No, I know that wasn't supposed to be hurtful Oli." Berkley said, putting her cloth down and walking over to the boy. "But just wait until the twins find out you're working here-" 

"Where's Wood Mcgonagall?" They heard someone ask. "Go find him, because I don't know boys." They heard Mcgonagall say. "Congrats on the shop by the way!" She called, watching them leave. "Thanks Minerva!" Fred screamed. "Don't call her that-" George insisted. "Wood?" Fred called. Oliver's eyes went wide. "Oh bloody hell-" 

"WOOD!" George screamed, running into the classroom. "Hey Wood!" Fred cried, jumping on top of Oliver. "Merlin guys, let him breathe." Berkley said, watching the twins tackle Oliver. "Shut up Berkley." George screamed, winking at the girl. She rolled her eyes, going back to dusting off shelves. 

Oliver shoved the twins off him, sitting back up. "Thanks for the warm welcome boys." Oliver said, brushing himself off. "Taking Snape's classroom aye?" George asked, running his fingers through his hair. "Brave." Fred added, fixing his cloak. Oliver snickered. "What's so funny?" Berkley asked.

"Nothing." They all said. "Cut the crap or I'll hex your asses." Berkley said. "Is that a threat, or a promise?" Oliver asked. "Oh shut up!" Berkley teased, pointing her wand at the boys. "Bloody hell." Oliver mumbled. "She'll do it, I'm not kidding." Fred whispered. George just kept smirking. "Hex my ass then Berk." He said.

Oliver made a face. "Gross kid." Berkley smiled and put her wand back into her pocket. "You wish Weasley." She mumbled. George groaned. "Now help Oli clean the beakers." She said. "Yes Professor." Fred said, catching the rag Berkley threw at him. 

"What a classroom." Berkley turned, where Lucius stood, his wand to Draco's temple. Draco glared, looking from Oliver, to the twins, to Berkley. "What the hell." Oliver mumbled. "Grab your wand." Fred whispered. Oliver reached for his wand, while the other three pulled out their own. "What are you gonna do?" Lucius asked. He dropped Draco, and pointed his wand at Berkley. "Ava-" "Expelliarmus." Oliver cast, pointing at Lucius.

Lucius wand flew towards the boys, where George caught it, shoving it in his belt. "Nice." Draco coughed, trying to breathe again. "Stupid kids-" Brianna mumbled, running towards the group with her own wand. "Stupefy!" She cried. Fred flew backwards, hitting the wall. "Shit." George mumbled, fumbling for Lucius's wand. He broke it.

"You little twat-" Brianna cried. "Avada Kedvra." Brianna dropped dead. Lucius turned around, where Minerva stood. "How'd you get into my school anyways Malfoy?" She asked, pointing her wand at Lucius's neck. "May I?" She asked Draco. He shook his head. "I want to do it." Minerva shrugged. "Fair enough." 

She tossed her wand to Draco, then shoved Lucius towards him. "You stupid ginger give me my wand!" Lucius screamed, lunging for George. "Avada Kedvra!" Draco cried, pointing his wand at his father. Dead. "Who the fuck are they?" Oliver asked. "Death Eaters." Mcgonagall said, picking up her wand. 

"Minerva's got it going on." Fred whistled. The Professor rolled her eyes. "Get them out of here." She said, pointing to the bodies. 

Berkley stood in the middle of the classroom, eyeing down the dead death eaters. "Check their pulse." Draco said. Berkley raised an eyebrow. "They weren't dead last time." Draco whispered. Berkley bent down towards Brianna, where the faintest heartbeat was felt. "Wake up bitch." she said, kicking Brianna's side. Brianna chuckled. "The potion only works once by the way, I've seen it."

George looked at Oliver, who pointed his wand at the death eater. "Avada Kedvra." Oliver said. Brianna's breathing hitched. "Check again." Oliver insisted. 


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