𝓲 𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾

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Narrator's POV

Most of the Death Eaters were in shock that their kids were standing before them. Especially Kol. He hadn't seen his daughters in years. Too bad Bellatrix wasn't around to see it, but Brianna was. Her hand was covering her mouth, in pure shock. Regulus seemed amused that his son had found him after all these years, even with his friend's children. "Well, well?" Brianna said, lightening up the mood.

"I'm so happy you've found us, come to join the Death Eaters?" Brianna asked. "Wasn't talking to you auntie." Quinn said, flicking her wrist, and grabbing Brianna's wand. Brianna sighed. "I hate you guys." Mae said, pulling her hair behind her ear. "You left us, when we were five." She spat. "You did fine on your own." Kol said, playing with his rings.  

"And who's this Berkley Black? Dad?" Quinn asked, "And where's Enzo?" She asked. Kol sighed. "Lorenzo has decided to be on the other team." Kol said, annoyed. "Good for him." Mae said, clapping. "Berkley's my cousin, along with Harper Black." Jacob said. "Oh?" Quinn asked. "Yeah. She's a real tool, gorgeous young lady." Jacob said, out of pure respect for his cousin.

"Who killed my uncle?" Jacob asked, moving his wand. "That would be my mother." Mae said. "She's dead too, Molly and Lorenzo killed her." Mae said. "Lorenzo killed his own mother?" Jacob asked, his lips turning into a smirk. "Oh yes, with pleasure. I'd kill dad too." Quinn said, smiling at Kol. Kol rolled his eyes. "I'd like to see you try." He spat.

"I would, but I don't have time for this." Quinn said, stuffing her wand into her skirt pocket. "Of course you don't." Marissa said, rolling her eyes. "All the kids these, days, so pathetic." She spat. "Avada kedvra." Jacob whispered, flicking his wand at Marissa. She fell to the ground, just as quick as her brother. "Well, who's next?" Jacob asked. "I wish to find my cousins, and if any of you get in the way-" He paused, scanning the room. "I'll kill you." He spat.

"Now, a hotel name please?" Jacob asked. Lucius muttered, "The Leaky Cauldron." "Wonderful, what's your name?" Jacob asked. "Lucius Malfoy." "Please let go of my aunt, thank you." He said, grabbing Milly's arm. "You alright Milly?" Jacob asked, ignoring the mark in her arm. "I'm fine, Jacob thank you." Milly said, following the girls out the door.

"Oh! Tom! I didn't even see you." Jacob joked. "You're so tiny." Jacob added, laughing at his own joke. "Where's Thomas?" Jacob asked, then pouted. "Right, Harry killed him. Have a good day." Jacob said, leaving with the other girls. 

"The Leaky Cauldron?" Mae asked a random witch, who pointed to the building. "Lovely." Quinn muttered, noticing the condition of the place. "Welcome, name?" "Just get us a room." Quinn said. Her tone was harsh, much like her attitude. "Right, upstairs to the left." The elf said, handing them a key. "Thank you." Mae exclaimed. The elf nodded and scurried away. "Right now let's go." Jacob said, helping Milly up the steps.


"So do you know where they're staying?" Quinn asked Milly. "I know they're at my old house." Milly said, "But they might've left once I showed up." Milly added. Mae sighed. "Boring. I just want to see Enzo." She said. "Patience, Mae, we have to find them first." Quinn said, patting her leg. Mae scowled, and swatted her hand away. "Do they have any close friends?" Jacob asked, trailing his fingers along the windowsill. "Uh yes, a few." Milly said.

"And who might they be?" Quinn asked. "The Weasley's, and the Lovegood's, but they don't ever visit Luna's father." Milly said. "So they're home, or with the Weasel's?" Mae asked. "Weasley's." Jacob corrected. "Read about them in a paper a few years back. They went to Egypt." He said. Mae nodded. "I saw that paper, the twins are adorable." Mae said, laughing. "Right." Quinn said, annoyed with Mae's behavior.

"Let's go find them?" Quinn asked. "No, we don't want to scare them. We'll send them a letter." Jacob said, pulling out parchment. "I'll address it to Berkley. She'll remember me the most, Harper was gone when I visited." Jacob said, scribbling on the parchment. "The Weasley's." He said, to the owl. "Well, what now?" Milly asked. "We wait for a reply. I'll assume Berkley will come." Jacob said. "With her boyfriend of course." Milly said.

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