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A couple months into Summer

Theo's POV

"What the fuck." I muttered, stumbling down the stairs, towards the knocking noise. It was three in the morning, and someone was knocking on our door. "Theo? What is that?" I heard Berkley ask. "No idea love, that's what I'm going to see." I whispered. She followed me towards the front door. I opened it. "Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Riddle?" A man asked. Berkley blushed. "Mattheo Riddle and Berkley Black." She said.

"You are?" She asked. "Milly." Berkley froze. "Milly, Black." The voice took off their hood. "Mum." Berkley spat. "What are you doing here?" She asked, "And more importantly, at three am?" Berkley asked. "You're not excited to see me?" Milly asked. A lamp flicked on. "Not at all." I turned my head, to see Harper standing by the lamp. "Harper dear." Milly said, inching closer. "I didn't invite you in." Berkley said, pushing her mother back a little.

"How'd you find us here?" Harper asked, tying her robe. "I lived here once too, before your idiot father-" She stopped. "Where is he anyways?" She asked. "He's dead." Berkley whispered. "Oh. Shame." She said, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "Pathetic as always." Harper said. Milly pulled out her wand. "Let me in, Berkley, or you'll regret it." Milly said.

I pulled mine out. "Oh! Your boyfriend!" Milly exclaimed. "Nice to meet you." She said, reaching her hand out. I nodded. "Rude." She mumbled. I sighed. "Can we help you, Milly?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. She clapped. "Ah! Yes!" "I'm not helping you, Milly." Harper said. Milly looked hurt. "Suit yourself, I'm going on my date." She snapped.

"A date at three am?" Berkley asked. "He's a strange man, Lucius Malfoy." Milly said, throwing on her cloak and leaving. "I'm sorry, did she say-" "Lucius." Draco said from the staircase. I gulped. "To the Burrow?" Luna asked. "To the Burrow." Berkley mumbled, going to grab our cloaks.


"Sorry to bother you Molly." Berkley said, hugging the plump woman. Molly sighed. "It's alright dear, what is it?" She asked. "My mother just visited." Berkley said. Molly raised her eyebrows. "And-" "-And she's got a date with my father." Draco interrupted. Molly gasped. "I knew it wasn't over, I knew it." She said, going to get Arthur. 

"Well, if it isn't-" "Cut the crap Harry." Berkley interrupted, "We've got a bigger issue then your crush on me." She snapped, leaving Harry silent. I chuckled, and pushed past Harry, into the living room. "A date at three am?" Arthur asked. "That's what I said." "How strange. They're certainly plotting something." Molly said. "But we killed Tom, sorry Theo." Hermione said.

"Yes, but there's still Lucius, and the other Death Eaters." Molly said. Ron sighed, then laid eyes on Berkley. "Ooh, wait until the twins hear this." I rolled my eyes as Berkley blushed. "You're mine." I whispered, grabbing her hand. She rolled her eyes. "So, Weasley's what do we do?" Harper asked. 

"Theo, do you know anyone else that might be teaming with Lucius?" Arthur asked. I paused, and thought for a while, leaving the room so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. "Well?" Harry asked. I held up my finger. "I might know a few, yes." I said. Molly stood up. "Who are they?" She asked. I gulped and looked down at Berkley and I's intertwined hands. "Regulus Black." I whispered.

Berkley looked up at me, with a hint of a smirk on her face. "Are you alright?" I whispered. "It's my favorite time." She whispered back. "What time's that?" I asked. "Time to go insane." I chuckled. "I thought he was dead?" Hermione asked. "Not dead, missing." I spoke, "He's been in our basement, and if I'm being honest, I forgot about him." I said. 

"Strange. Anyone else down there?" Ron asked. "A few, you might not know, but extremely powerful men." I said. "And they are?" Molly asked. "For starters, we have Kol, Kol Berkshire." I mumbled. Enzo lifted his head up. "You've got my father down there?" He asked. I nodded. "He's a muggle, what good does that do?" He asked. "Your father is not a muggle, Lorenzo." I said. Berkley laughed. 

"Is she okay?" Ron asked. I grinned. "She's perfectly fine." Harper said. The twins came down the stairs. "Ah, a party." Fred mumbled. George groaned. "And?" Arthur asked. "Erm. Brianna Lestrange." "My aunt-" Lorenzo said. "And mine." Draco said. "Marissa Greyback." "Another wolf?" Berkley asked. "Yeah." I said.

"Any more?" Harry asked. I threw my head back. "Tom Riddle, Senior." I said. "Your grandfather." Luna mumbled. I nodded. "My grandfather." I confirmed. "And they are all drinking unicorn blood I assume." Harry said. I nodded. "We've got a barrel in the cellar." I said. "This would've been nice to know a long time ago, Riddle." Harry spat. "Be nice Harry." Berkley said. "I'm sorry I forget things like a normal human being." I seethed. 

Harry rolled his eyes. "Oh and don't forget our mother." Harper said, "Milly Black. Terrible woman? Yes. Terrible Witch-" She said. "-Not at all." Berkley finished. "Great. How do we go about this?" Ron asked. "Not like we did with Tom Riddle." Hermione said. "That was careless." She said.

Berkley nodded. "Wait, careless." She said, clapping. "We've got to be careless guys!" She exclaimed. George nodded. "Why's that actually genius?" He asked. Fred smirked. "It is, I'm not surprised." He said, winking at Berkley. "Watch it Weasley." I muttered. He held his hands up. "I-" "Enough about Berkley, we've got another group of Death Eaters." Harry said. "More powerful then the last." Hermione added. Harper groaned. "If I get to kill mum, I'm all in." She said.

Berkley swatted at her. "Now, now, Harper." Berkley said. "Let's not get too excited, maybe Luna will get to her." Berkley said. Luna gasped. "I'd never kill." She protested. "If you were about to die, I bet you would." Ron said. Molly sighed. "Kids, go to bed, we've got a group of serial killers." Molly said, shooing us upstairs. 

Narrators POV

The children slept peacefully in the Burrow, somehow. It was silent, all over England, except in a certain house. The Riddle Mansion. 

"It won't hurt dear." Lucius said, pointing his wand at Milly's arm. "What are you doing?" Milly asked. "Shut up and do it." Brianna spat. "We're waiting." Marissa said. "Silence." Tom spat, "We're cursing her, then going to find my oh so precious grandson." He said, silencing the group. "Yes my lord." Regulus said, casting the mark upon Milly. "Oh sis, why'd you have to leave Sirius?" Regulus asked, pulling her hair. "Or did you do it for me?" He asked, smirking.

"I'd do anything for you, Regulus." Milly said, smirking. "I know you would." He said, planting a kiss on her lips. "That's why you left." He whispered, yanking her hair before strutting out of the gathering area.

Theo couldn't help but ponder the next morning if this was all his fault. His friends, and most importantly his girlfriend, his only family, could be in danger. No one knew what they were up to, or why they were up to it. 

A/N: This is a dramatic filler chapter! Trust me omg it gets better, I have so much drama planned. Also salty harry jesus. GO CHECK OUT MY FRED AND GEORGE FANFIC! YES BOTH OF THEM. PARIS MUCH? "Crushing" is the title, xoxo, B

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