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Berkley's cloak flew behind her as Jacob followed her to the Black household. She looked at Jacob, who nodded. She rose her hand to the door, and knocked. A blonde came to the door, smiling at the two. "Hello." She said. Berkley cleared her throat. "Hello Luna." Luna screamed. "OH MY GOD BERKLEY!" She screamed. Berkley laughed and lunged for Luna, who lunged back, wrapping each other in a hug. 

They tackled each other in the doorway, rain still pouring from the sky. The others came to the door, beers in hands. Theo dropped his, along with Draco as he ran to go hug the brunette who had came into the entryway. Theo grabbed Berkley, putting his hands on either side of her face. "You're back." He whispered, pulling his face close to hers.

"I'm back." Berkley whispered. Theo laughed and leaned in, locking his lips with Berkley's. Draco howled, making Fred and George laugh. Hermione smiled and leant against the doorframe. Theo smiled again, pulling away. Luna was laughing, and smiles were the only expression on everyone's face. 

George reached out his hand, and pulled Berkley up, pulling her into a hug. "I didn't know you were so sad without me Georgie." Berkley whispered. George sighed. "Only if you knew." He whispered back. Berkley chuckled and tucked her head into George's chest. Theo was smiling still, his eyes lighting up every time he locked eyes with Berkley.

"So, we've got some catching up to do then yeah?" Draco asked his bestfriend. Berkley rolled her eyes and hugged Draco, his cologne hitting her senses. "Yeah, I think we do." Harper called from behind Draco. Hugs were exchanged, and soon, everyone was sitting in the parlor, beers, or glasses of whiskey in hands.

"You just look so different." Hermione said, leaning back in her chair. "Wait till Harry finds out, he's been blaming himself for this whole thing." Fred added. "Well, invite them over then, what's so harsh about a family reunion?" Lorenzo asked. Blaise chuckled. "I think what's harsh is little miss Black obliviating herself." He said. Berkley threw a pillow at him, resulting in laughter.

"Does anyone have the stone?" Berkley asked, gulping down the rest of her whiskey. Theo nodded. "Luna hides it with her other crystals so no one can steal it." Enzo said. Luna shrugged. "It was smart until Lorenzo found it snooping." Luna complained. Berkley laughed. "So, would you like your job back?" Fred asked.

"It's a lovely job, truly, but I think I want to become a Professor." Berkley muttered. Blaise raised his eyebrows. "A professor? Since when?" He asked. "Since a while ago, I mean, I've been to the school a few times since my memory was wiped." "Still confused on how you got that back." Harper mumbled. 

"Has anyone seen Quinn? Or Mae?" Jacob asked. Blaise nodded. "I see Quinn almost everyday, she works with me at Ollivanders." Blaise said. "Well, what about Mae?" Jacob asked. Hermione giggled. "What?" Jacob inquired. "I've seen her around, with a certain Hufflepuff actually." Hermione said. Jacob groaned. "She's been around with Diggory hasn't she?" He asked.

"Hey, I like Cedric." Berkley added. "He's quite nice, I met him a few years ago." Theo rolled his eyes. "Don't be jealous mate." Draco mumbled. Theo glared at Draco, who had a smirk planted on his face. "Back to you being a professor though." Blaise said, turning his attention back towards Berkley. "What class would you even teach?" He asked.

"Probably Potions, or maybe Charms?" Berkley asked. "I think you'd be good at either." Luna said, smiling at Berkley. Berkley nodded. "I just can't pick." She mumbled. Theo laughed. "Pick Potions, everyone hates that class, maybe you'll make it more fun." He confirmed. "Would I even get in?" Berkley muttered. 

"Well, considering Mcgonagall is Headmaster, I'd say your chances are pretty high." Lorenzo said. "Sweetest lady alive if you're on her good side, and I think you're above her good side." Blaise added. Berkley laughed. "So no more joke shop?" George complained. Fred slapped his chest. "I think it's good you're finding something." Fred stated, placing his hands on his hips.

Berkley nodded. "Thanks Freddie." Fred nodded in return. "So, what are the rest of you intending to do with your incredibly boring lives?" Berkley teased. Everyone groaned at her. "I'm taking over Ollivander's actually, he passed away a few months ago." Blaise spoke up. Berkley frowned. "That's too bad, he was so kind." "Sold us all our first wands." Hermione added. 

"Quinn is working with me, like I said." Blaise added. Jacob whistled. "Shut up." Blaise muttered. "What about you Draco?" Blaise asked. "Quidditch coach." Draco stated. Everyone raised their eyebrows. "What? You can't tell me I'm not good. Besides, it'd be fun." He said. "Actually I'm not surprised." Lorenzo said, sighing. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah? What are you doing then?" Draco asked. "Why don't you ask Luna?" Enzo asked. Draco scoffed. "What about you Luna?" He asked. "I bought a store." Luna said. Theo spit out his drink. "Since when?" "About a week ago, I made Enzo keep it a secret." "For a whole week?" Harper asked. "Yeah, it's going to be a crystal shop, and Lorenzo's running it with me."

Lorenzo grinned. Berkley smiled. "That's actually really cool." She said. Luna beamed and played with her necklace. 

More chatter filled the room, as everyone discussed what they were intending on doing with their lives. Leaving Hogwarts was a big deal last year, and everyone had to scramble to get jobs. Theo was intending on working with Percy, which no one saw coming. Jacob was leaving to go breed dragons with Charlie. Hermione was becoming a Professor, no shocker there- but for charms. 

And Harper was working as a tutor in Hogwarts. Ginny traveled with Oliver, constantly, because of Quidditch. Harry went with them of course, being one of the most talented quidditch players ever. Mae and Cedric were long gone, without a trace, which was actually quite terrifying. Ron worked with the twins at the joke shop. 

That about clears up this past week, doesn't it? 

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