── ⊰ La Signora x Reader

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I am in love.

Signora x gender neutral! Reader
"Yeah, I do like her."
a/n: yo
Warning! : this is kinda pervy sooooo

"My type of girl?" You asked, facing Tartaglia.

As one person who's just a friend of Tartaglia's, you were surprised by him coming over to your house and hearing him ask such question. For some reason, him breaking in was normal to you..

"Uh, thats a weird question, why are you asking?" Sweat dropped down your cheek.

"Don't ask! Just answer the question." Childe said, pouting.


You put your hand on your chin, giving a thought.

"Oh, I know."

Childe looked at you as a light bulb popped above your head.

"It's simple. Big boobs." You answered with a thumbs-up. "Oh, and I guess she'll have to have nice thighs, like in those magazines I've shown you-"

"Do you seriously only care about the body?" Childe asked, giving you an unbelievable look.

"Hmmm, I dunno. I guess she's gotta have a nice voice with a ring to it. Probably nice sharp eyes.. and.. maybe step on me? I would like if her personality was straight forward. Maybe wears nice heels, is loaded with mora.."

Childe just even looked at you with even more confusion.

Nice voice with a ring to it? Sharp eyes? Like Zhongli?? Step on you??? N a n i???

The only part he'd under stand is the mora part, especially since you were to lazy to even go out and make money. You'd just rather buy loads of it with your geo sigils. After all, there were a lot laying around ruins and such...

"Oh, she better have a nice rocken' body, as in like curvy. I want her tall too." You said, almost drooling.

For a while, Childe gave it a thought. Your words basically described someone, but who again?



No one other than with a sick lookin body, curvy actually, a personality that can step on you, and sharp eyes..


"Do...you like Signora?"

Your eyes widened a bit at the question.


You just looked at Childe, not really knowing what to say.

Sure, you've seen her once, maybe twice before.. She was very pretty in your eyes. Almost breathtaking. She right away fit your description, you thought. Sadly, you've never really talked to her, nor approach her before. Coming from Childe, he really seems to dislike her.

"..Hey, why are you even asking in the first place?" You asked, glancing over to the ginger.

Childe quickly shot up, "Uh, randomness I guess! I was... bored.."

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