Chapter 27: Origins

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Yang POV

I watched as Freyer stumbled his way towards the stairs to take a seat and called out to him. "Frey? Are you okay?" At that he suddenly fell, his legs seeming to have given out on him and his body not responding. "Freyer!" I called out before rushing to his side. When I got there I sat down and placed his head on my lap before noticing that he was barely breathing. "Frey? Frey wake up." The other's all rushed to me at this point and Ren was on emergency medic duty. He checked Frey's pulse and I got scared as his face went pale. "His pulse is weakening, and his breathing is getting shallower. He's fading." "What?" I asked about Ren's statement. He looked up to me and replied with sadness clear in his eyes. "He's dying. And I have no idea why. We need to get him to a hospital immediately." "No,no,no,no,no." I looked over and saw Jaune muttering to himself. "It wasn't supposed to be like this. We can't lose anybody else. Please." With that Jaune closed his eyes and after a moment his hands which were grasping Freyer's right hand began to glow with his aura and flow into Freyer. "W-What!" Ren cried out. Jaune opened his eyes and looked at his hands. "W-what's going on. Ren talk to me." "He seems to be stabilizing. His condition isn't getting better but it seems like you're delaying it somehow." Finally managing to shake myself out of my shock I spoke up. "Then let's get moving. I am not losing Freyer." With that we called over the Mistral police force who had apparently arrived to stop the white fang attack while we were fighting inside Freyer's Box and they put Frey, Jaune and I on a bullhead to the nearest hospital. 

When we got there the doctors rushed Freyer and Jaune into the back and I was forced to wait in the lobby. About an hour later the rest of the party joined me and sat with me. Another hour passed before a doctor finally came out of the back and approached us. I stood and walked up to him before asking him the one thing I wanted to know at this moment. "Is he going to be okay?" He gave me a look filled with sorrow before answering me. "We have run every test that we can and we can't figure out what's wrong with him. Your friend is doing everything he can to keep him stable but I am afraid that there is nothing we can do but make him comfortable in his last moments." At the doctor's words I collapsed into a sobbing mess. I heard Qrow ask for permission to see Frey which he was granted and we were led into the room Freyer was in. I sat down on the chair next to the bed opposite Jaune who was doing his best to keep Freyer alive. Through my tears I managed to grab Frey's hand and was astounded by how cold it was. Normally he radiated a comforting warmth but now he felt as cold as ice. I let forth a fresh wave of tears as I rested my forehead against his hand. Three days later Freyer flatlined. Luckily with Jaunes help the doctors managed to resuscitate him but they were unsure if they could do it again and they almost panicked when he flatlined again two days later but by some miracle they brought him back again and his condition seemed to stabilize even without Jaune there he was hanging on. I prayed to every god in existence that Frey would be able to pull through this as I never parted from him.

Freyer POV

I opened my eyes and instead of seeing some kind of hospital like I had expected I saw a space very similar to the Box that I could create. I looked around confused as to what was happening until I remembered what had happened. "Right I must've fried my brain. The Box is an ability I can only use after I pull down the sixth barrier. I must have pulled it down for too long and my brain couldn't handle it." I sighed before I could continue talking to myself in this empty space. "I guess this means that i'm dead." Suddenly Yang's smiling face appeared in my head and I collapsed and let forth a wave of tears. I could only imagine the pain that Yang was going through right now and I felt terrible for doing this to her. "Sorry Yang. It looks like I'm going to be breaking my promise I won't be able to be with you all the way through this and beyond." "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Another voice spoke out behind me and I stood spinning around Flow suddenly appearing in my hand. A man dressed in a very tidy and orderly white suit with black pinstripes stood there and spoke up again when he saw my blade. "No need to be so cautious young one we are of no threat to you." "We?" I questioned him. 

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