Chapter 28: The Next Step

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My eyes fluttered open and I observed the white walls of the room I was in. The constant beeping of a heart rate monitor along with the I.V. in my arm led me to believe that I was in hospital. As I looked down I saw that I was laying on a bed with Yang by my side. She was clutching my hand with both of her own and I saw very clear tear streaks down her face. Tears pooled in my eyes as I realized just how much pain I had put her through with this. I stood quick as I could and picked Yang up. Laying her on the bed I placed her head on my chest and layed down with her. Allowing sleep to take me once more.

Yang POV.

A week after the battle of Haven and Freyer still hadn't woken up. His condition had stabilized however he was still weak. His breathing still labored, pulse still weak and body still cold. I had fallen asleep by his side but was surprised when I woke up. I was cuddled into Freyer who's ever present comforting warmth had returned. I sat up and looked at him to find mesmerizing pale green eyes staring back at me. "Morning little dragon." He said with a sad smile on his face. "I'm dreaming aren't I?" I looked down convinced that I would wake up soon and be back in the hospital with Frey still out cold. "Then maybe this'll tell you." I looked up just in time to catch his lips on mine. My eyes widened as I realized that this was no dream. I sank into the kiss and into him. When we pulled away I leaned my head into his chest and cried again. Eventually a nurse came in to check up on Frey and was shocked to see him up and stroking my hair trying to calm me down. Soon after a couple of doctors came in and separated us so they could run some tests. After that Frey was released from the hospital despite the confused doctors at his mysterious condition and incredible recovery. Where we were greeted by the rest of the party who had been on their way to visit Frey. After a round of relieved sighs questions started flying but the most prominent was mine.

"So what happened exactly? Even the doctors didn't know anything about what was wrong with you." He gave me another sad smile before responding. "Can we get back to the house first? It's a rather sensitive matter." We all nodded and made our way back to the house where we all gathered in the living room. "So what happened to me was... Sorry that's not the best place to start. Remember when I told you guys about my semblance." We all nodded and he continued. "Well I said then that my mind does a few things to keep itself from overloading. Drawing my aura in, and putting up barriers. This was essentially my mind overloading. The Box is typically an ability that I can only use after I pull down the sixth barrier. After all, more precise control doesn't give me the ability to isolate space." "So that's what happens when you overload your mind?" I asked. He nodded and spoke again. "In all honesty i'm surprised that i'm not dead." I stood and slapped him. "Then what were you thinking? If something like that actually could have killed you, you shouldn't have used it!" He refused to look at me, the sorrow clear in his eyes. I gave a sigh before sitting down again. "Anyway, we still need a way to secure the relic under Haven. With Raven on Salem's side they could just walk in and grab it whenever they want to." Qrow spoke out. "I may have a solution to that as well." We all looked to Freyer when he spoke. "While overloading my mind was incredibly dangerous something good did come out of it. I've had a breakthrough. By forcing my mind to accept the information that was blocked it has adapted to that information and the other barriers fell easily. Eight of the fourteen barriers are now down and with that I may be able to get inside the vault that holds the relic." Oscar's eyes flashed as he gave control over to Ozpin. "I am afraid that even for you getting inside the vault would be impossible Mr. Drakkon. I designed the vaults to be impenetrable from all forms of travel including teleportation. In order to do that I was forced to isolate the space within each vault even you would be unable to get in without the maiden's powers as a key." "Ozpin." Freyer quickly responded. "What exactly do you think the Box is?" The person in question furrowed his brow as he responded. "A barrier you put in place to keep certain things out." Frey shook his head disappointed. "The Box is an isolated space, just like you claim the vaults to be. I won't know if I can get in until I see it but with space at my beck and call it most likely wouldn't be very difficult." Ozpin's eyes widened before his brows furrowed again. "Very well. In that case let us go to the vault. I am well aware of how each headmaster secured his vault and can take you there now." We all nodded and went back to the room where we fought. Ozpin opened the way to the vault causing the maiden statue in the room to lower and become an elevator which took us all down.

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