Chapter 26: Confrontation

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 At Cinder's words Jaune's eyes widened before he activated the second form of his weapon and charged at her. Ruby tried to charge in and help but was intercepted by Emerald, Yang tried to help Ruby but was intercepted by Mercury. "Hey there, Blondie. I'm thinking you owe me an apology for my leg. Don't ya think." At that Yang charged at him and I was forced to block three blows from each of the three armored men. I looked at the three of them in turn before asking a question. "So tell me. Why do you three work for Salem?" The one with the greatsword answered. "Who cares about Salem. We work for the goddess of command, Aelia. She has commanded us to aid Salem in her plans by killing you." "Well I hate to disappoint but I am a very hard man to kill." The one with the glaive spoke next. "It matters not, we are members of the honor guard, the most elite fighters of our goddess's followers. You will die tonight." And with that I was forced to take a few steps back as I deflected three blows from each of them. "Well then, let's dance shall we?" It took everything I had to deflect their blows as they sent barrage after barrage of coordinated blows at me. I was doing my best to hold in my semblance as I was saving it for when it really mattered however due to not using it I was slowly being pushed back by the three of them.

Soon after I slipped up in my defense and one blade managed to get through and at that very moment a scream sounded out through the room. All combat stopped for just a breath and I managed to look over to see Weiss's aura break and Ruby's silver eyes activating before she was knocked out and I had to dodge another flurry of attacks. I pulled a trigger on the hilt of my blade activating one of the modifications that Ironwood came through with. The gears in the eyes of the dragon guard started to spin as I sheathed Flow and set the dust ejection mechanism in Ebb to electricity. When I drew Flow again swinging it to block yet another strike from the man with the greatsword. A Chinese Dragon made of electricity flew out of the guard and I controlled it with my semblance to pass through the man shocking him and dealing very large amounts of damage due to his heavy armor and come back behind me very quickly. It coiled in on itself behind me before I commanded it to charge again. The dragon was not permanent however and after a few minutes of the three men dodging the dragon in fear of taking the damage the dust faded out and I charged in once again this time with one of them heavily damaged I was able to go on the offensive a little bit and strike at the three men. "NOO!" I heard Jaune shout and I looked over to see Cinder about to throw a spear at the defenceless Weiss. I took another look around me and smiled. During my fight I had been maneuvering myself throughout the room getting into position. At the moment all combatants were inside my 52.5 yard range and as Cinder threw the spear I sent out a wave of distorted space destroying the spear and changing the scenery around us to a vast void filled to the brim with stars. "Enough playing around!" I shouted out, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. The three armored men tried to attack me at this time but their attacks simply appeared to sail right through me. I had warped the space around me to force their attacks to travel around me and warped the space in the same area but instead of warping the weapons I manipulated the light reflected off the weapons making them look like they passed through me. The three rolled before me not expecting to have their attacks go right through and landed in front of Cinder. "Ladies, and Gentlemen. Welcome, to the Box."

"Why haven't you killed him yet?" Cinder asked the trio of honor guards. "Oh, if it's so simple for you why don't you go ahead and try to kill him." The one with the straight sword recommended to Cinder. "Ah, well, while it may have been hard to kill me before, I'm afraid that now that you're inside the Box you have no chance. You see emperors and empresses of the past used to gather in colosseums to watch gladiatorial fights to the death. The place they were seated was named the Box and had the best view of the arena, without the emperor or empresses permission nothing got out of the box, and nothing got in either. You see I have enforced those same rules in this Box as well, and since I am the emperor. Well, nothing gets in, and nothing gets out without my permission." "Gr. Very well. Let's hurry up and kill him." Cinder quickly stated. "I'm afraid that adding one maiden to the mix won't do very much in the grand scheme of things." "Then how about two?" Raven spoke up causing a red flame to come out of her eye astounding everyone. We had all assumed that the other girl Vernal was the spring maiden but it was Raven the whole time. 

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