Chapter 2: So it Begins

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A week later I was on the bullhead to Beacon academy. Looking out the window in a rather unpopulated section of the ship I got a good view of Vale. It looked nice from a distance but I knew if we got closer we would be able to see the darker side of the city. "The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick. Who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts please contact the vale police department." 'Hmm' I thought after having heard a news broadcast about the robbery. 'Guess I can stop calling him Mr. Top Hat now.' Soon after all channels shut down and an image of Glynda appeared on all windows. "Hello and welcome to Beacon." She began and that was about when I tuned her out. After an absolutely inspiring speech and a guy who really needed a vomit bag ran past me. We arrived at Beacon academy grounds.

After following the crowd to the auditorium and hearing some kind of explosion from behind me which I promptly ignored as everyone else did. I stood in the back of the crowd waiting for whatever introduction was going to happen to happen. See i'm not a huge fan of crowds too easy for you to lose your spatial awareness and get pick pocketed. From the back I got a good view of who I would be spending the next four years with but one or rather two people caught my attention. The first was that little red girl from the robbery of the store that I used to work at I had informed the shopkeeper of what was going on and he had wished me only the best joking that it would be hard to replace such a hard worker as me. The other person I had noticed was the blonde chick beside her. They seemed to be really good friends, possibly even family from the way they acted. The blonde was getting looks from more people than me though many of the guys within view of her were sneaking glances at her but were too afraid to actually approach. I kept looking at them, not sure why my gaze was stuck on them, until Ozpin walked on stage and tapped the microphone getting everyone's attention.

"I'll keep this brief. You have come here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you finish you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look among you, and all I see is wasted energy. In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." I nodded in agreement with his speech. These people needed to be brought back to earth. They were up high on their fantasies of becoming huntsmen, they had failed to see the bloody reality.

Ozpin stepped away from the mic and Ms. Goodwitch took his place. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." I was one of the first people out of the auditorium. I wanted to know the surroundings if I was going to sleep here for four years and there was no point in not starting now.

Yang POV

It was nighttime and everyone was gathering at the ballroom. I saw Ruby laying on her sleeping bag doing something so I plopped down next to her. "It's like a biiiiiiig slumber party." Ruby gave out a short chuckle. "I don't think dad would approve of all the boys though." I gave her a smirk. "I know I do." I said before giving off a goofy purr before someone caught my eye. A boy who I had noticed back at Ozpin's speech. He had purple hair and entrancing green eyes. "Hey Ruby you know who that is?" I said pointing my thumb at him. "Hm?" She looked up from the letter she was writing to see who I was pointing to. "Oh, that's the guy who saved me from Roman Torchwick during that robbery. Didn't know he applied to Beacon too. World's a pretty small place huh." I looked back to him only to see him leaving the ballroom. "Hey, i'll be right back." I said getting up and following him.

Freyer POV

When I got outside I had a seat on a nearby bench. Taking a deep breath of the cold night air. I finally managed to relax for a bit. That is until I heard a voice behind me. "Pretty cold out tonight isn't it?" The blond from the auditorium walked up and took a seat next to me. I leaned my head back looking out at the shattered moon. "Not as cold as it could be." She gave a chuckle. "Yea, I guess you're a glass half full kinda guy then." I gave out a sigh. "More like a guy who's happy to have a glass at all." I gave her a sideways look. "So may I have the pleasure of knowing who I am conversing with this night?" "Oh, yea sorry." She bonked herself on the head. "Names Yang Xiao Long, what about you handsome?" I cocked an eyebrow at her last comment before shrugging. "Freyer Drakkon." "Cool. Hey I heard that you saved my sister during that robbery with Roman Torchwick. I came out here to thank you for that, not just to harass you I promise." I gave her another sidelong glance. "We're half sisters, different moms. Don't worry we get it a lot." I looked back up to the sky. "Wasn't what I was going to say but okay." She gave me a long look. "Oh, then what were you going to say?" "I was going to say if you saw a little girl about to get shot with an explosive dust round would you not intervene?" She nodded. "Good point." "Look you should head back inside. It's cold out here and you're gonna need your sleep for initiation tomorrow." She nodded and stood. "What about you?" I took off my jacket and laid it on my chest as I laid down on the bench. "I've been through worse weather. I'll be fine." I closed my eyes and heard her walk off, shortly after though I heard another set approach. A heavier set, a man's footsteps. "You know we can provide a sleeping bag should you require one Mr. Drakkon. Inside is also heated to sufficient temperatures is it not?" "Oh inside is great Ozpin. Well great if you discount the massive number of people. You know where I come from crowds aren't really my thing for now." I replied without opening my eyes. "Well at least allow us to provide you a sleeping bag for the night. It is going to get rather cold after all." I gave off a quick sigh. "Ozpin I'm happy enough to be in a place I don't have to fight for a safe spot to sleep. I don't want to burden the school with unnecessary expenses. I slept for 18 years without a sleeping bag. One more night is not going to kill me." I heard him sigh before he responded. "Very well Mr. Drakkon. Enjoy your night." I raised my hand and waved to him as he walked away from me finally allowing sleep to take me as I dropped my hand.

The sounds of feet hitting stone woke me. These steps were light, most likely a woman. I cracked open an eye and saw Ms. Goodwitch walking to the ballroom. Most likely to wake the other students. I got up after she had passed into the hall and made my way to the bathroom. After taking a shower, brushing my teeth and combing my hair back. I made my way to the cafeteria just as sleepy eyed students started to fumble their way into the bathroom. In the cafeteria it looked like some had decided to eat first shower later as there was a considerable number of people nevertheless I got my food and ate slowly. After 18 years of fighting for food and scarfing down whatever I could get my hands on I wanted to savor this food. I still managed to finish before most people got out of the showers and went back to the bench I had slept on. Sitting down this time I relaxed as much as I could with all of the noise behind me. Mostly one girl saying something about morning, pancakes, and sloths. "Seems like you were okay out here." I heard Yang speak up from behind me again. "Yep, nothing I hadn't dealt with before." "Okay, Well I just came to make sure you had gotten up considering you were out here and Goodwitch only woke up the people inside. Welp I got to get ready for initiation i'll see you later!" "See ya."

Yang POV

As I was walking to the locker room to get my gear ready for initiation I started to wonder about Freyer. Some of his words rang through my head. "I've been through worse weather. I'll be fine." "Yep, nothing I haven't dealt with before." He had dealt with sleeping outside like that before. What happened to him. Was his village destroyed by grimm. Maybe he was part of some inhumane Atlas experiment and escaped. My thoughts kept spiraling until I got to my locker and had to put him out of my thoughts to get ready for initiation. I was going to take no chances. I needed to pass this so I could become a huntress. This was my first step to finding my mom. Soon enough Ruby came up beside me and started to check over Crescent Rose. She couldn't be bothered when she was like this she was totally entranced. So I took a moment to go over Ember Celica but then started looking around. I saw Freyer standing before a locker he punched in a code then pulled out a katana. It seemed pretty standard until he flicked a switch and several compartments in the top of the sheath opened up to reveal dust cartridges of every type. He pulled out the yellow electricity one which was dimmed down compared to the others and replaced it with a new one. Flicking the switch back and a panel over the switch he placed the katana in his belt and shut the locker before heading to the designated area.

Freyer POV

"For years you have trained to become warriors, and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin started. "Now I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given Teammates. Today." Glynda continued and Ozpin picked up where she left off. "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well. That being said. The first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years." After a short meltdown from Ruby, Ozpin continued. "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path. Or you will die. You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?" With that statement students began launching. Jaune had attempted to get a question in but was launched during his question. "And Mr. Drakkon." I raised my brow at him. "I am still expecting that show you promised me." I nodded at him and was launched off into the forest.

As I flew through the air I drew Flow from the sheath and swung the blade which caught on a thick tree branch which I swung around reducing my momentum and redirecting my launch. From there I fell from branch to branch until I hit the ground and started walking north. I had encountered a few grimm along the way before cresting a hill and spotting a clearing with the temple that Ozpin had mentioned in his speech. I slid down the hill and approached.

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