♥01♥ A Hero

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The monsters who were attacking the Shiranui Islanders were all killed by the masked Heroes of the island. In a population of 2500 people, only 50 of them were classed as Heroes within the Island of Shiranui. U.A. were all surprised by how fast they worked to kill the monsters, they were swift, they were precise, and they didn't even put much effort into it! They didn't even work together. They were all going for the kill, ignoring everything and everyone else. 

Kirishima picked up Ranfa's kitsune fox mask and he looked at Ranfa. The light from the oil lamps and the cloudless sky with the moon shining down made her visible to him. She's very beautiful to him. 


"You know me?" She's confused by the way he was looking at her. He looked as if he had went on a very long journey and that he was glad to have arrived here. Why? Why was he looking at her like this? 

Kirishima smiled at her, "I'm glad to meet you. Nice to meet you, my name is Kirishima Eijirou." His heart's thumping. He's very sure he's blushing. 

"Hah?" Ranfa had no idea how to react but she introduced herself to him, "I'm Ranfa."

"I know." He smiled ever so happily, "I know. I'm so glad I know it." 

Seeing the genuine happiness on his face, she's rightfully confused.

"K-Kirishima?!" Mina always thought Kirishima had a thing for Bakugou or that he was not interested in girls! She didn't think she would see him show interest in a girl this beautiful! And to even say he wanted to see her face some more! What was he thinking?! 

"Hey!" Homura did not like that though. He pushed Kirishima away, "Don't touch Ranfa as if you're so familiar with her, you bastard! I can't believe you guys call yourselves Heroes. You all stood there like a bunch of pussies!" 

Ranfa smirked, "No, no, you shouldn't say that, Homura. Look, they're still quivering from fighting the monster. If you insult them some more I will feel sorry for them."

Mina already knew she didn't like Ranfa even though it's the first meeting, "That monster was a child! It was calling for his mom!" 

"Unless you have a Quirk that can turn that child back to his original form, there was nothing you or we could do. If you have the time to stand there shaking your legs, use that time to put that child out of his misery." Ranfa picked up the head of the child, "The least I can do is bring him home to his mom. Let's go, Homura." 

"Wait!" Kirishima ran up to her and he touched her shoulder, "I want to see the boy's parent. I feel bad that I couldn't do anything." 

"...I suppose you can come." 

"Ranfa!" Homura complained to her but Ranfa's final decision was it was fine. 

Homura made a tch sound and he lead the way because his Quirk Blaze allowed him to manipulate fire from his body. He's a man in his early 20s with long messy red hair. It's only the very first meeting and he knew right away he hated Kirishima Eijirou. 

Ranfa took the others to the house where the little boy lived. Apparently he didn't come back after having an argument with his mom. His mother didn't think he'd come back dead. There's a smell of hot food wafting from the table; she even prepared late dinner for her little boy. 
"All I could do was bring him home, ma'am." She returned the severed head to the mother. "The only part of him that's recognizable was the head. I am sorry." 

The mother of the boy cried. Seeing the mother cry, Mina felt angry as she cried too; the fact the child was right in front of them begging for help but they were too powerless to do anything made her feel powerless. Why couldn't they have done anything more? 

♥Rewrite: Unbreakable♥Kirishima Eijirou♥BNHA♥Where stories live. Discover now