♥11♥ Liberate the island of unknown fire part 4

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While Kaminari was acting as a lightning rod to absorb the electricity, Ranfa decided she will be the one to make the finishing move. The original plan was to have Kaminari shock Arua with his tecnique but since Arua resorted to somehow summon thunder and lightning to strike down on earth, it was too dangerous for the others to move. if Kaminari did not act as a lightning rod. They have to be quick because it was only a matter of time until Kaminari become too stupid to handle any more volts from the sky!  

Arua was not about to let anyone near her though. She struggled to get out of the bindings! The tapes and ropes that were laced with Mineta's sticky balls were making it very hard for her to escape! The mouth on her torso were blasting a powerful laser beam that shattered the earth and made parts of the ground float some more. Each time the mouth roared, it sent the students away with a powerful gust! 

But Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki were not afraid. They continued to distract Arua while Kirishima and Ranfa go from the other way. 

Kirishima promised to become her shield and he hardened himself again and again and again while running in front of her. He shielded her from all attacks. 

Why was it? Why was it that she could trust Kirishima? Looking at his back, she felt like she could do anything and she could turn all possibilities into a certainty when he's there. 

Midoriya kicked Arua's head with an axe kick! The ground Arua stood on dug itself into the ground! It was such a powerful kick that her legs were forced into the ground! 

When they finally made it close to the mouth of the torso, the mouth shuts with its teeth! 

"No you don't!" Kirishima leaped from the rocks to rocks so he could jump high into the air! "Bakugou!" 

"Shut the fuck up!" Bakugou didn't need him to tell him what to do. He touched the soles of Kirishima's boots so he could launch Kirishima right into the direction of the mouth that's closed up by teeth! 

Kirishima hardened himself in the air, going beyond his limits! Even if he's not the one to defeat this monster, he wanted to be the one to open a path for her! 

'I'm the man who said he will be her shield! Even if I break, I will fulfill my promise to her!' "Unbreakable!" With an unbreaking will just for her!  Kirishima's fist was an inch away from the teeth but black-like vines protruded from the side of the mouths and it restrained him! His fists couldn't reach it! He was desperate! Think! Think! Think! He thought of something! "Go beyond...! PLUS ULTRA!" He head-butted the teeth in his Unbreakable form! The vibrations from the impact caused the teeth to shatter before him! 

Ranfa jumped into the mouth but she looked over her shoulder to smile at Kirishima, "Thank you. Leave the rest to me." 

"Come back to me alive." 


Ranfa looked ahead of her and she entered deeper on her own. 

Todoroki froze the black vines and Midoriya jumped down to swiftly kick it so it'd break. Kirishima was caught by Bakugou who then used his explosions to land Kirishima and himself down to the ground.

Kaminari's finally at his limit. He could no longer be used as a lightning rod. Right now, moving too close to Arua will result in getting shocked. Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima made a run for it and they made it under the insulated sheet to cover all of the students from lightning made by a very exhausted Yaoyorozu; she went beyond Plus Ultra to protect everyone else even if it meant she's unable to protect herself right now. 

"Ranfa..." Kirishima could only hope for Ranfa to do what she must do. 

Ranfa's plan was to make it to the heart of Arua to make the final blow. When she made it to what looked like the heart, she saw Arua's naked body wedged inside of the heart. Arua looked tired and she looked like she no longer had the will to fight. Yet, the monstrous form on the outside was doing all of the fighting, still struggling in its bonds.

♥Rewrite: Unbreakable♥Kirishima Eijirou♥BNHA♥Where stories live. Discover now