Chapter 04

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04 - Until Heartache Heals

∗•✧◈✧•∗04 - Until Heartache Heals

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The Merlins were never fond of Albus Dumbledore. Despite being portrayed as a hero, they had always thought his method was unorthodox, reckless, and rather self-centered. Perhaps, it was due to their historical record of being sorted in Slytherin. They valued honor differently from the Gryffindors lot, when the House of Lions would appreciate people's cheer, the House of Serpents would rather receive a medal ( which explained why Arthur Zygo VII had decided to start the Order of Merlin ). Nevertheless, Gemma had always thought that Dumbledore was not one to fully trust.

            Her mistrust was budding the moment Albus asked Martin to join the Order by stating that she was in danger. She could fathom why he wanted to recruit The Marauders, Marlene or Lily. They were brilliant and legally adults, but it was infuriating to learn that he used her to gain Martin's intelligence on his side. To date, she didn't know what he did to get Leviathan too.

            Even more now, Gammaliel was furious. Her eyes darted to the dark sky, series of grunts echoed in the kitchen. She grasped a fistful of leftover peanuts from her birthday dinner and threw it out the window. Perched on a Rowan tree nearby, three ravens were cocking its head waiting to feast on her offer. "Urgh!" groaned the Irish, tossing the peanuts to the grass before she heard the ravens flap their wings to dive down and took the peanuts with its beak.

            "He's a nosy-" She threw another fistful of peanuts—"incredulous asshole, Sirius."

           On her side, Sirius stood, studying the letter on his grasp, signed with initial A.D. He folded the letter into a pocket size before he turned to face her. "He's trying to help you, kiddo."

           "By caging me inside my house?"

"Blimey, Merlin." Sirius rested his arm above her head and rubbed her hair harshly in an attempt to mess it up. Gemma lunged her palm to get rid of his arm but he trapped her head on his armpit. "You are inside a fucking castle and yet you still complained."

Gemma shook her head briskly, squirming away from Sirius's grip. "One day you're going to be in the same position as I am and you'll understand!" she shouted.

Pixie, who was cleaning thr dishes behind them flinched at her voice. Since her return to Isle of Glass, the house elves were ordered back to take care of the manor.

The brunette looked over her shoulder and pursed her lips. "Sorry, Pixie."

        "It's all right, my lady." The house elf gave a timid smile. "Should Pixie make a cup of hot cocoa for you?"

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