Chapter 02

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02 - A Tale of Light and Dark

∗•✧◈✧•∗02 - A Tale of Light and Dark

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It was five AM when Martin felt a shiver crept into his spine. The sky was still navy outside, wavered like threads, so tight and rigid that the stars seemed to suffer from suffocation, competing to shine on such ravenous dark. While the crescent moon was hiding between the waving tree branches, shifting mildy in the wind.

Cyan eyes studied the daily prophets' articles laid on the table before him. For the past few weeks he spent in the McKinnon's cottage, the blond's mind spindled over his accident and Gemma's attempted abduction. He knew there was a thread to connect both incidents because when his injury appeared as an accident the timing was too strategical. Aside from that, he couldn't remember what had happened before he fell that day, or any chronological reason to explain how could he slip off?

From afar, the cottage was dark saved for a glow of white from the boy's bedroom, twinkling on the second floor. His fingers were nearly as rough as the papers laid before him.

An image of Godric's Hollow infamous house, the Dumbledore's residence, was the headline news. The door was docked off, furniture stashed and if he quoted on the ministry spokesman 'no lost items, only damages, the house reeked of dead body, however, no corpse was found'. McKinnon rested his jaw onto his knuckles, he'd read the article for a dozen times that midmorning. His lips mumbled inaudible words, his eyes sutured from one word to another to find a gap he could gain from the article. He was profound, the raid was superficial. For one fact, he knew the said house was The Order of the Phoenix's headquarter.

Since the day Gammaliel opened her eyes, the blond and six Gryffindors were gathered by the headmaster. Martin had never seen the inside of headmaster's office before since he'd never found himself entangled in troubles or at least he was never caught while doing his rebellious stunts. Unlike him, the Gryffindors were familiar with the said room. Lily Evans had visited the room from numerous Head-Girl duty and complaining about James Potter in general, while Marlene and the Marauders had been dragged by McGonnagal inside the room to be sentenced guilty for their pranks.

It was at that moment, the young wizard was offered to relive his dream to be a hero when Albus Dumbledore spoke to them. "I want to speak to you about the Order of the Phoenix."

Surprisingly, when James, Remus, Marlene, and Lily replied with a firm approval, Sirius pursed his lips for a few moments as if pondering his choice. If he joined the said alliance, he would be fighting against his brother. Yet, something heaved his mind. He spoke with clarity, "Yes."

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