Chapter 14

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14 - The Civil War

∗•✧◈✧•∗14 - The Civil War

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WARNING: This chapter will contain dark violence, gore, mention of blasphemy (just to be safe, since I metaphorically wrote that my characters are Gods)

10:55 AM

The mothball ricocheted to the protection ward like a wild wrecking ball. Its tough opponent was the ward of sunlight, stood like a barrier before the students' locomotive. Five, Rosier counted inside his head, four, all kinds of prayers was floating in the air, hoping that McKinnon's wand-work would be able to take the first hit. Three, fright whimpers permeated his ears from the compartments nearby. Two, Regulus clutched his fingers to the ground. One, Levy pushed his palms against his ears. Zero.

A hot bolt of lightning lashed at the mothball of magic right before it reached the ward—ripped it into smaller pieces.

Specks of fire sparked in the air, it was akin to quarreling beasts, one tried to consume the other, cannibalism of magic. When such showcase of power existed a magical outburst was expected. Streams of golden light bled in the air like laser lights. Muggles, wizards, and witches raised their hands to cover their eyes, had they not done it they would've been blind that instant. Hiding behind his eyelids, Rosier could sense the bleaking of power fuelled the beats of his magic before he heard the earth-shattering boom.

Magic, too much of it, was oozing from what was left of the mothball to the platform's air, the radiation felt warm in bloods before it forcefully stroked the concrete pores like angry gigantic roots. In a spear-like motion, it penetrated the pavements. The ground trembled in its pained awakening and all at once, she wallowed everything stood before her path, upturning concretes in the haste of anger. Man, woman, and childrens' shrilling cry tore the air until a small chasm resurfaced as a wound of earth.

Before Evan knew it, the vibration jolted the carriages he was on. Screams ripped the silence as the remnants of power reverberated through the earth. Blindly, he grasped a chair's leg to remain still and braced himself for the impact but even thick metals quivered under such magnificent power. What followed was debris and dust surfed the air at the speed of sound, charging at the wards.

However strong the protection ward Martin cast, it was not a match against the bursting magic. It lashed at his amateur enchantments, breaking through it. At this moment, the essence of Platform 9 ¾ had shifted, from a peaceful ceasefire ground into a battlefield.

The impact surfed past the fragile wards. A rush of hot air pushed through the wavering shield before it devoured the unmoving train like a dry twig against the wind. Noise of shattering glass was heard from his right and Evan held his free arm up to cover his face, he could tell Regulus did the same. Streams of refined glass flew like sun dust in the air. He winced as he felt his skin prickled by the sharp particles. He bit his lips and screwed his eyes tighter and Rosier wondered who could've cast such magic?

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