Chapter 10

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10 - Good Enough

∗•✧◈✧•∗10 - Good Enough

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On the last day of August, Isle of Glass stood glum under the scrutiny of storm. It seemed to wash over the tension that mounded onto its roof, scrapping trace of blood from its walls, leaving a blank canvas. Between the series of thunders, a boy with hair the color of sunlight braved the storm and led himself to the veranda.

                Noticing the soaked jacket and mud on the sole of his shoes, the boy flicked his wand and cast scourgify. Once the raindrops and dirt were repelled, he pushed the door open, welcomed in peace.

The young wizard paced to the south. The heart of the building. Where multiple coffee-colored couches were settled to match the bronze accented wallpaper. Chinas, antique vases, and numerous pictures and awards belonged to Alphard Zygo were set atop the resin-covered fireplace, which was left unlit. Inside, he could hear the drumming rain on the window as solar light bathed the room. The sight of the glamourous room was mundane to the blond's eyes. He'd spent countless hours in that room since he was twelve. That late August morning, his heart was both crushed and caressed. He realised that it would be his last day to be in the said room before he departed to Hogwarts the next day.

Sat on one of the couches, a witch was scrunching her nose. On her side, James Potter was carefully running his fingers between her flaming red hair, examining the paper she was holding. She huffed out, "This is ridiculous," she spat out bitterly, keeping her green eyes trained at the embossed paper. "I cannot fathom what does Petunia see in that Dursley guy. Do you, James?"

James hummed, enjoying the sounds of the rain as he read on. "From this invitation alone, I can see that he has a deep pocket for Petunia to spend," he suggested. "Cheer up. Perhaps, he also has a good heart?"

"Yeah, heart," it was Peter who answered, he sat right below them with a smirk as he stretched his legs on the carpet. "Your sister must've had a very keen eye to spot it inside a cow."

"Pete, how dare you?!" A low voice came from the couch across them, with a dramatic gasp a raven-haired boy spoke pompously. "That is an insult for a cow!"

The three wizards snickered in response as if their brains were wired up by the same string. They were indeed a group of walking menace. But the redhead swatted the wedding invitation to the last man, scolding him. "Sirius!"

Sirius caught the invitation with one hand and crouched closer, "What?" protested the silver-eyed boy. "I thought she hated people with magic, I've never thought she hated people in general that she's marrying a livestock prototype!"

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