Chapter 31

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31 - War and Waiting

∗•✧◈✧•∗31 - War and Waiting

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Ice thawed in the dip of sunlight, cascading through the fissured fir trunk, soaking the long-frozen earth beneath. As the sun climbed higher, every rowan tree that guarded the Isle of Glass was awakened from its slumber, they shook its leafless branches, sending the flock of ravens that sat askew into the stretch of sky. Most of them fled, rearing up into the clouds, but one swooped low and landed on a snowbank.

            Her wings expansed graciously, a creature of midnight in the cusp of snow, but as soon as she fluttered them, the ink in each protruding plume wore off as though candlewax in the presence of flames, revealing the pale, delicate skin, growing larger and larger until she regained her limbs, trudging forward, barefooted in the ice.

            Before her, Isle of Glass stood grand among the dying trees, and the crystallized canals that circled its gates cast a luminescence glow onto its walls. Although she must admit, the lavish building now appeared much less like home. It seemed to lie dying as though a lighthouse in a no man's land, forever waiting for lost sailors to dock her way.

             She pinched at either side of her azure dress and swanned forward, crossing the frozen water as ice-melt splashed behind the paddle of her feet. As she strode through the cold, the snow thawed beneath her, and every hibernating creature poked their noses from their lairs, flushed in colors and warmth, cherishing the Goddess' presence after a long, wounding winter.

             "Welcome home, my lady." A timid house elf bowed before the Goddess' knees, her nose flushed red in cold and a burly woolen hat sat on her head. "May Pixie take your cloak?"

             The door clicked shut behind the Goddess' silhouette. She stirred and peeled the cloak off her as she asked, "Any visitors?"

             "No, my lady," answered Pixie as she tiptoed to receive her mistress' cloak. "but Miss Evans visited often, she borrowed books from the library, young Sir Black and Potter were here yesterday, for duel practice. There's a letter from Martin McKinnon and an invitation from the Order of Merlin."

           "What invitation?"

           "An Award ceremony, my lady. On Yule night. They will honor you with a first-class award for what you did on the Platform," Pixie answered.

"What?" Gammaliel furrowed her brows. "Why would they do that? The war is not yet over! My brother is no longer in charge, and now they spend their yearly budget on parties and whatnot. Godric!"

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