Chapter 20

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20 - Wrath of a Woman

∗•✧◈✧•∗20 - Wrath of a Woman

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WARNING: This chapter will include violence (by now yall know this book is a dark fantasy)

It was believed that twins were made out of a soul so ancient, that it had to be shredded into parts then stored in two different flesh. Even then, they would still be bound, like an anchor to the ship in buoyant waves. To cut one meant the other bled. Hurt one and the other would suffer. And to kill one meant killing them both. Neither was going to survive on their own, at least, they weren't meant to be apart for too long.

             In physique, they might be perfect. They would have a distinct glint of wonder pooling their eyes, signature features, or polarized personalities to tell one from the other. They could be born so free of flaws and sins—so beautiful, brilliant, and indifferent. But since the two were as young as deformed limbs, entangled in their mother's womb, twins had been no more than one psyche split into halves.

            With the Prewett twins, their soul was not completely shredded but stretched wide like a scarlet gateway, enough to part the misty sky. Their bond was vivid. It was set aglow, hung high like scarlet lanterns in the expansion of their minds.

             On one end, functioned as a head, leading and navigating their aim, determining where their heart would land. The other end would be the tail, pedaling both of them forward for stability. Only with both, there would be balance. Fabian painted the blueprint and Gideon smithed it into a solid presence. Fabian gave the hope, Gideon made it possible. Fabian ricocheted, Gideon was the safe landing. It was their rhythm. Their deep-seeded belief. But now Fabian could tell that he was sailing solo and no anchor would save him.

             "Let me guess," Gideon's voice was velvet, thick and heavy against the pattering noise of rain outside. He tilted his head to Fabian. "You switched with Gemma in the lift, concealed yours and Dorcas' presence but not hers. That way I would still feel her magic but neither of you."

             "You guessed right," said Fabian, a thin smile overcame his face, although, there was a hint of somberness in his voice. "Hiding these ladies behind us was a tricky thing though, but I managed. I guess I've improved my disillusionment charm that you couldn't tell my scheme."

           Gideon looked rather pleased. "How?"

           "You refused to do this task without Gemma when we could do it on our own," answered Fabian.

           Gemma who remained undisrupted the whole time finally spoke. "And for someone who claimed to never enter the room, you knew exactly where the notebook was."

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