I winced as he continued choking, I placed my drink on the table, "I'll be back going to go to the bathroom.
I dashed past him before he could say something, I really did have to go, all that liquid was going straight through me. I needed food pronto to soak up all the alcohol in my stomach.
I decided to go to the upstairs bathroom instead, not many guests would dare to venture upstairs, especially when my parents specifically designed the lower party area to have multiple bathrooms even with gender doors so people could use them.
I walked around the corners of the corridors turning the lights on till I saw the private upstairs bathroom dashing inside. Not a single person inside, just like I expected. I locked the door finally feeling lighter as I emptied everything I drank.
Why was it that once you finally peed after drinking for so long then you had to pee every ten or twenty minutes? It was like once you opened the flood gates it was never ending.
I washed my hands and dried them, then patted down any loose hair that were sticking up and all over the place. Why did I have so many frizzy hairs? I wet my hands again before patting down the stray hairs, it didn't work, now it just looked like I had wet hair.
Well that was a fail. I grabbed another piece of paper towel and wiped as much water as I could and threw it in the bin heading to the door. A part of me wanted to hide up here, I could have a nap in one of the rooms but I knew my parents would notice.
Somehow they always knew...
I headed back downstairs, walking as slowly as I could and keeping my head down so I didn't get caught up in a conversation with someone. It was always the same thing.
Hey how are you?
You look so different or You have grown up so much since I last saw you which I wasn't sure was a compliment or not.
Otherwise it was the same
Your parents throw a great party!
I love your outfit, where did you get it from in hopes i would compliment and stroke their ego back.
I slowed down when I realised Sterling wasn't where I left him. The drinks were still on the table but he wasn't beside it. Where the hell did he go?
I looked around to see if I could spot him, he should have been easy to spot but perhaps it was all the drinks, all the suits were starting to look at the same. Great, now I was left to fend for myself.
I started walking back to my not so hidden as I thought corner, when I heard a voice beside me.
"Fancy running into you again."
That wasn't a usual line I got, so I turned around to see who it was, but I really should have recongised it from the voice.
Dominic, of course he was here.
"Before you tell me it's your parents house, I know, I was trying to make a joke, I admit it was bad."
In his hand was a glass of some strange clear liquid, was he going to offer me any? Wait no, I said I wasn't drinking anymore.
I cleared my throat, struggling to come up with a response, he was the last person I expected to see her but then I should have because from what I heard he was actually good friends with my father. After all, all business people were good friends when you get to a certain level, you had to be friends and enemies at the same time.
Speaking of my father, I saw him walk up to us.
"Ah there you are Dominic, and Aedan, where's Sterling?"

Married to the Bad Boy
Romance"You're obliged to sleep with me." When Sterling said that I was three seconds away from slapping that smirk of his face, but seeing as we were surrounded by people, I decided not to. "I'm obliged to no such thing." I turned to leave with my champa...