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A stroll with Dominic was definitely not how I pictured my evening to go. It didn't matter where we go, my eyes were automatically on the search for that awful abandoning husband of mine. I was barely paying attention to Dominic.

"Sorry what was that?" I asked, pulling my eyes away from someone who looked just as tall as Sterling and somewhat similar build from the back. Why did all the men look the same when they put on a nice tailored suit, they became automatics 10's and it was hard to find my automatic 10 in this crowd. 

"I said you looked really lovely tonight,"

"Oh, sorry, I was just looking for a waiter for a drink," I lied, "But uh, thank you I guess, you look great too." 

Dominic chuckled as we headed outside into the gardens, "Thank you."

I led Dominic through the garden to a bench since I was too tired from walking already, luckily enough we passed a waiter who I requested to bring drinks out. I needed something to do with these hands of mine, they seemed so useless just beside me without holding onto something.

I almost felt naked without having something to hold in front of me, like a shield. What do normal people do with their hands?

"So, tell me more about this CEO that lives in a one bedroom villa, that was not what I was expecting you to live in."

"Where else should I be living?" Dominic asked sitting as far away as he could on the bench. 

God damn the bench was cold, how on earth did my parents not have heated benches for their guests, I better not tell them, they probably would waste more money getting that implemented. 

At least there were those stand up heating lights near us, I could just feel a little bit of warmth as I crossed my hands on my lap, unsure what else to do with them. 

"I don't know, most people seem to opt for the penthouse life, or high rise apartment life. I could never afford those when I was younger otherwise I probably would have paid for that golden city view."

Dominic shrugged, "One bedroom villa is enough for me. It's close to the city if that helps. I don't plan to move out anytime soon."

The waiter came back with what looked like two glasses of red wine, oh gross. But at the same time it was perfect, I could take small sips since I hated red wine and I wouldn't get wasted.

Before I could reach for them, Dominic stood up, met him half way and thanked him for bringing the glasses before handing me mine.

"Thanks," I said as I held the cold glass, at least now I had something to hold. "So no girlfriend?" I asked.


I took a sip, "Always is," I turned to face him, "Tell me the goss frenemy."

Dominic chuckled, ignoring me as he took a sip of his wine, "I don't think we should be talking about this."

I scooted closer, "I won't tell a soul."

"It's probably not appropriate."

"Tell me, and I'll consider our business deal."

Dominic looked at me, it was a lie, and perhaps he knew it, but he sighed, "Fine."

* * * 

"Where the hell have you been?"

Sterling looked around, his glass was against his lips and his eyes wide wondering who the hell slapped him on his shoulder, but of course, it was me. He finished swallowing whatever vile drink that I wanted to drink before he spoke. 

"Oh I was getting the auction items ready...sorry did I forget to tell you?"

"Yeah, you did! I had to go on a walk with someone, did you know how painful it is to make small talk?"

"Oh well, it looks like you survived," Sterling placed his empty glass on the table, his hand slipping around my waist as he pulled me flush against his side. 

"Have you had more to drink?"

"Just a glass of red, it was disgusting but the stupid waiter brought that out. I should have told him, a drink that wasn't red wine."

It wasn't his fault of course, most people drank red wine, just not me, I liked my cheap white wine and equivalents. It wasn't his fault that most people at this event were pure class and I was anything but. 

"I could tell when you couldn't stand straight."

Oh...was that why he was holding me. Right, my bad. I cleared my throat, "Whatever if you're not going to be nice to me, I'm going to go back to talking to my athletic friends I made."

"Athletic friends?" Sterling asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at me.

"Yeah, I made friends. Is that so hard to believe? They're more fun to hang out with, I might go back to them if you keep teasing me."

I tried to make a point and move, but Sterling's hand was still wrapped around my waist and probably for a good thing, the world was starting to spin. 

Don't be sick, I told myself, not here and not now. That would be a disaster. 

"Please, you wouldn't last a minute with them, they're too boring, you want to be with the artistic gang."

Sterling started moving, walking towards another room where everyone else seemed to head to, so I slowly dragged my feet next to him, a little fast, a little slow, just keeping steady.

"Why's that?" I asked.

Sterling came to a stop, we were standing at the back and I took the opportunity to lean against the wall as I looked at everyone finding a position to stand and hover around. The auction was about to begin.

Sterling leaned down, his warm lips against my ear, "Let's just say the artistic ones are better with their fingers." 

I wasn't sure if it was the warmth of his breathe, or his sentence that sent a dangerous shiver through my body. 

"They can hold your wine glass for you, see," Sterling said as he grabbed a glass of a passing waiter with, I had to agree, too much ease. At least it was white wine. 

I rolled my eyes, sure, that's what you were talking about. 

I officially do not have a laptop so please bare with me. I am trying to write as fast as I can but unless someone magically drops of a working laptop at my house I can't update. I really hope someone will be able to save my macbook because there are 600 STORIES ON THERE. I will literally cry if it dies, but i can't start it without it sparking...so off to the mechanic i take it...one day. 
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm trying to get the rest of this book up so I can start the next story for you and BOY am i excited for this one ;)


Follow me on Insta if you love me :P: Imsooverpolice (And please remind me to update cause I forget)

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