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"I still don't trust him." 

Nelly shook her head as she sipped on her iced mocha with extra whipped cream. She was in one of those moods, if she was ordering a super sugary drink.

"What do you mean?"

"It just doesn't add up Aedan, he was so mean to you the entire year and now you expect me to believe that he's suddenly nice? He wants something. He's still cut off from your money isn't he?"

"Yes but he clearly has income of his own. I told you, he's a painter and he hasn't asked me for money since the cruise. He jokes about it, but I don't think he really needs it. The joint account hasn't been touched either," I said, as I took a sip of my own coffee. 

"So what's his explanation for being a dick bag the other twelve months before he had a mood swing change?"

I shrugged, she had a point but at the same time I don't think either of us spent enough time around each other to know what we were both like.

Maybe he was always like this, and I just didn't know.

Or maybe he did want something, he was being way too nice. He now dropped me and picked me up for work while I was looking for a new car. The police had no hope of finding my old car which was disappointing. 

He was always on time, never late in the last two weeks. When he was home early, he would make dinner and we would have a sit down meal.

It was strange.

But I liked the strangeness.

"I'm telling you now Aedan, he's using you for something. Did you think he was cheating on you? What about all that?"

"Maybe I got it wrong." I said as I took another sip. I was out of coffee but it gave me an excuse to not meet Nelly's eyes. Surely Sterling wasn't just doing this because he wanted something.

What could he possible want?

"I don't know, also the whole thing about liking you since you were kids, well it took him a very long time to actually start showing any affection. I'm telling you Aedan, you need to confront him about all of this."

"But there is nothing there to confront him with? These are just accusations Nelly, you've got no proof and I've got no proof. If he wanted something surely it would have happened by now."

Nelly shrugged running a hand through her hair, flicking it over her shoulder.

"Perhaps he's fine, but I just feel like things don't add up. He used to come home drunk smelling like other girls and now he cooks you dinner. It's just awfully suspicious that the timing is in line with you making divorce papers, which he already knew about."

"And?" I asked.

"Well perhaps he found out that you were getting a divorce and now planned all of this so you don't get a divorce," Nelly leaned back in her chair, crossing her hands across her chest. Her bright red fingernails matched her red dress.

"What benefit would he get out of this though?" I asked. It was true, the timing couldn't have been better, but I just couldn't think what benefit Sterling could get out of this. Perhaps I was not wanting to admit it because maybe I was starting to like him.

The last few weeks had been great, I had enjoyed my time with him which was surprising and I don't think either or us had any arguments or fights. So if he wanted something, surely he would have asked for it by now.

He hadn't even brought up the face that he still didn't have access to my accounts. So it wasn't money, what else could I possibly  have that he wanted. 

"The Sterling you've told me about your entire life and the Sterling the last few weeks, are not the same Aedan. You need to get past your lust for him to see that."

"Hey!" I snapped defensively, "It's not lust ok. I like him."

"No offence but the last three boyfriends you've had were all dickheads so you're not a great people reader."

I sighed, she had a point. Those relationships went down faster than a forest on fire. 

"Fine." I said, "I'll ask him ok."

"When?" Nelly asked.

"Maybe next week, I have that event of his I said I would come to tonight, then its the weekend so maybe next week."

Nelly rolled her eyes, almost sighing again at me, "When did you turn into such a coward Aedan?"

"I'm not!" I said defensively. 

"Whatever, let's move on. What are you going to do about Dominic. He's been calling everyday to find out if you are accepting his offer. You're nearly out of time."

"I'm not selling and Burton enterprises will not acquire us," I said sternly. "I don't know what games he thinks he's going to play but my shareholders are all positive that they want to keep investing in this company. Both the Hart and Cesaro groups are tied with this one, they would be dumb to sell."

"But if they did, Burton enterprises would be one step closer to having a share in all three. Have you spoke to the lawyers yet?"

It did bother me that last time Dominic was in my office, he had given me a deadline of a week, now it had been three and I still hadn't heard from him. He owned 10 per cent of our shares and I wanted a way to get it back. 

I had spoken about it with my fathers, who said that he would investigate further but told me to make no rash moves. I also didn't know what Dominic could potentially get away with. The fact that nothing happened and he had gone quite could go either of two options.

He could have given up, or he was planning something behind my back.

Either way it made me anxious to know that he hasn't said anything since. Maybe that's what he wants, for me to be anxious and nervous about what his next move was. Maybe I needed to make my own move before he made his move. 

"What time is the event tonight?" Nelly asked.

"I think eight or something."

"Aedan...it's six already. When are you going to get home and get ready?"

"I know, I need to finish this thing off." I said as I turned to look at my laptop, "I did tell him I'll come around nine."

"Alright, I'll speak to you tomorrow then."

Nelly left the room closing the door behind her as I turned to look at my laptop. I tried focusing on the budgets and numbers but my mind kept going back to what she was saying.

I couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps she was right, perhaps there was a hidden agenda. But at the same time the matter with Burton enterprises was so much more important and I hadn't been focusing on it at all. 

It made me nervous.

I looked at the time realising it was getting even closer to eight and I was still here. I still had to go home and change for the party. Just on cue my phone buzzed with a text from Sterling.

Are you still coming tonight?

Next update hopefully tomorrow! Follow me on Insta: imsooverpolice xx

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