My spine would've definitely been broken if I had hit the stairs when we fell, especially with his body weight on top of mine.
Somehow even in his injured state he was fast enough to grab me before we both smacked into the ground and placed his hand on the stairs, making us hover a few inches.
I heard him groan before he let go, and the small drop having barely any impact on my back, apart from a slight pang when my hip hit the stairs.
"Let me call an ambulance."
"I'd rather you not," he said as he moved, sitting down on the lower stair next to me.
"Let me look," I said trying to scoot closer but he waved his hand smacking mine out of the way.
"I said I'm going to bed," he repeated as he crossed his legs at the ankles, and leaning backwards, in a position that was definitley not comfortable.
"Right...and you're going to sleep on the stairs here?"
"Great idea," I muttered moving his hand trying to see what the damage was in the dark. If he was still acting like this, perhaps he wasn't in that much pain.
Sterling resisted but eventually gave up moving his hand, and I couldn't make out much in the dark but there was definitely a cut in the fabric.
"Let's go,"
"Where?" He asked, almost sounding irritated as I stood up.
"Upstairs, we have to see what the damage is."
"I'm in no condition to move," he whined
"In that case I'll call an ambulance then, your choice, upstairs or hospital."
Sterling sighed then grumbled but finally stood up, muttering something under his breathe as he stormed up the stairs and I quickly followed him into his room.
"Do you have cotton and stuff?" I asked as I walked into his attached ensuite bathroom.
Sterling mumbled something as he fell backwards into his bed, whining that the lights were too bright, and that I was being annoying and I should be grateful for my gift and let him go to sleep. I went back to my bathroom grabbing cotton pads, disinfectant, bandaids and some anti bacterial creams, I wasn't any expert but google said I needed these things.
I walked back into Sterling's room, placing everything on the bedside cabinet and turning to look at him as I dried my hands.
"Ok, shirt off."
"What?" I asked as I grabbed the cotton pads, dabbing it with the disinfectant.
"I would never have imagined those words coming out of your mouth and being very unsexy, that was more a turn off then a turn off, can you try again, maybe in a less motherlike tone?"
"Sterling," I snapped, getting annoyed at his dumb jokes, did he really thing this was funny?
"I'm being honest, that was not how I would have imagined you telling me to get my clothes off."
"I'm ten seconds away from pouring this solution onto your wound and calling an ambulance if you don't behave."
"Right," Sterling rolled his eyes, "Whatever."
Sterling sat up, unbuttoning his shirt, still whining about how it was very necessary to do all this, but the wince when he got to the button around the cut told me that he was just putting on a show, it did hurt.

Married to the Bad Boy
Romance"You're obliged to sleep with me." When Sterling said that I was three seconds away from slapping that smirk of his face, but seeing as we were surrounded by people, I decided not to. "I'm obliged to no such thing." I turned to leave with my champa...