Sometimes I was surprised of how little my husband knew me, not that we were best of friends and he needed to know things about me. Seeing that we had been living for nearly a year, based on the food we ate I thought he might know that I didn't really like the fine dining style of food.
I sipped on my cocktail, waiting for our table. Sterling didn't make reservations, which meant they asked us to wait at the bar till they had a table free.
My suggestion of just hot dogs from the shop upstairs was shot down, so here I was sipping my third cocktail trying not to sigh or walk off and get my own food.
Being on your best behaviour hurt. Sterling was sipping his beer next to me, going over the pictures from earlier today. In each one he was flexing, and I wasn't that surprised.
"Nice." I nodded, I mean the pictures were nice, but they got boring after the fifth shirtless picture of Sterling holding up some coral he had found. Maybe I was jealous of how fit he was in these pictures, reminding me that I wouldn't be caught dead in bathers on this trip, not around him at least. Not that I cared what he thought of me, but...I didn't need ego boast from him.
I sighed, ordering another cocktail, I swear these drinks were watered down. I bet these restaurants did this on purpose, make customers go to their cocktail bar for an hour before reservations so they can make more money.
"Oh hey, you're here."
I looked up seeing Ethan.
"Are you stalking me?" I asked, only joking but judging by the face he pulled, the man didn't get my joke.
"N-No of course not. I left my wallet here so I came to pick it up."
I smiled, "I"m kidding. It was a joke, relax."
"Yeah relax Ethan." Sterling muttered from next to me. I reached for the cocktail, thanking the waiter, going back to my pose of head down, drinking through the reusable straw ignoring everyone around me.
"Have you guys had dinner yet?" Ethan asked.
"We're waiting for a table." I said.
"Yeah these guys take forever, It's probably on purpose. I recommend the hot dog stand upstairs, they have the best hot dogs I've ever eaten." he said.
I turned my head, raising my eyebrow at Sterling, "What did I say." I whispered.
Sterling narrowed his eyes at me and then looked up at Ethan, "Go get your own girl and stop flirting with mine."
"He's not flirting." I muttered but Ethan grabbed his wallet from the waiter and rushed off and I sat up.
"I'm starving. Can we just go get food somewhere else?" I asked Sterling.
"I promise the wait is worth it." he said, "Let me go check how much longer."
The man wanted me to starve and faint, a hungry me was no fun.
The worth was definitely not wait it. I was still hungry and I looked at Sterling across the table, who somehow was full, even though he was much bigger than me.
"I could really go with a hot dog." I told him, taking a sip of the sparkling water.
"But we just ate."
"Yeah and I'm unsatisfied." I told him standing up. Sterling looked at me for a moment before sighing, standing up.
"Okay." He said folding his napkin and putting it on the table, "Let's go get you a hot dog."

Married to the Bad Boy
Romance"You're obliged to sleep with me." When Sterling said that I was three seconds away from slapping that smirk of his face, but seeing as we were surrounded by people, I decided not to. "I'm obliged to no such thing." I turned to leave with my champa...