"You know you're going to throw up when you get home?"
I looked up to see Duncan giving me a weary look as I sat in the staff room with my laptop and shrugged, "Yeah, I know, but I'm hungry." I said. This was the only thing available in the kitchen.
"And you decided to eat an entire packet of chocolate biscuits?" Duncan asked loosening his tie.
They had caramel in them too, soft, goey, they tasted amazing and my stomach was already churning from eating too much, I was definitely going to regret this.
"I was hungry," I repeated trying to find an excuse to his demeaning gaze. He lowered himself into a chair next to me grabbing the last half eaten biscuit out of my hand and throwing it into the bin.
"Aedan, chocolate makes you sick."
But it also makes you feel so much better, for a bit. I grabbed the water glass he pushed towards me draining it, trying to get the sweet flavour out of my mouth, "I think you should go home, it's late." he said.
I sighed running a hand through my hair closing my eyes briefly.
"I have one more room to design," and it was Friday night, which meant either Sterling was home with his friends causing a racket, or out. If he was home it meant I would get no work done with the noise. So I might as well sit here and be safe.
I also needed to find away to talk to my own parents about keeping their nose out of our business, which was easier said then done. They always did support everyone else but me, so everyone else thought they were good and they kept up their stupid reputation.
God this stupid cruise, maybe I should just pay for it and let him go with his stupid mate and that way he will leave me alone, but it was my money. Why was he so incapable of earning his own damn money.
I looked up as a concerned Duncan hovered a bit too close for my comfort, his hand on mine and I looked at him, "What?"
"You completely spaced out."
I slipped my hand out from under his and ran it over my face before tucking my loose hair that slipped out of my pony tail behind my ear, "Oh yeah, guess I'm just tired," I said as I closed my laptop. I guess I could work on it at home, the past hour I had just been sitting here procrastinating anyway, "Why are you still at work?"
"Nah I just came back to get something and saw the light on in here, come on, do you need a ride home?"
I shook my head getting up as I slid everything back into my laptop bag, "No, I drove here," like every other day. Yet somehow he always kept offering anyway, well I had the option at least. Why can't Sterling be nice like Duncan?
Actually no, why can't Sterling just not exist.
"Do you need me to walk you down?"
"No I'm fine." I replied.
"Are you sure it's late, where did you park?"
"I'll be fine, I'll see you on Monday," I told Duncan as he walked back to his office to get whatever he forgot. He sent me a nod as I waited for the elevator. I checked my phone and to no surprise there were a few missed calls from mum, and a message asking me to call her early.
After working for another hour I decided it was time to get home before I fell asleep at the office. I got into the elevator deleting the message, no doubt she was going to try persuading me into this stupid cruise. "You work too much," I scoffed waiting for it to go underground. Well where did he think money came from? His arse?

Married to the Bad Boy
Romance"You're obliged to sleep with me." When Sterling said that I was three seconds away from slapping that smirk of his face, but seeing as we were surrounded by people, I decided not to. "I'm obliged to no such thing." I turned to leave with my champa...