By the time I got home it was just past midnight. Nelly and I spent hours trying to find the perfect shade and then ordering it so Joe would get it right, I couldn't risk trusting him to find sunflower yellow.
I opened the door rubbing my head as I kicked it shut behind me. Seeing the lack of cars meant our parents must have retired for a while. Thank god.
"You're late."
I nearly screamed hearing a voice, ever since I had that incident everything was making me jump, I looked up placing a hand on my heart trying to calm it down as my eyes met grey ones, Sterling, standing shirtless in the kitchen peeking out the corner holding the milk bottle.
"Ew don't drink out of that, get a glass." other people used that milk. He raised an eyebrow and lifted the bottle to his mouth taking a look drink from it, his eyes not breaking away. I wrinkled my nose.
"You're disgusting." My hand clenched over the paperwork. Doing the clients house, finishing it up barely left me to finish these, I had to do them now, fax them and this only made me even more eager. Two more weeks and he will be out of this house. Just think, this whole place to yourself. Maybe I will downsize, a nice apartment where it's just me and the things I need the most.
Judging by what he looked like, and dressed like, he probably just woke up.
"'re married to this disgustingness." He kicked his foot back and by the slamming sound it was to shut the fridge. Still holding the milk bottle he walked towards me, wait, why was he holding the milk, it was two litres, was he going to drink the whole two litres? Surely that was bad for you.
"So...wife," He said in a tone that made me take a step back, more or so to put some distance between us, why was he using his height to hover over me, trying to intimidate me. That wasn't going to work, I was used to too many people at work trying to do that. Clients who thought that would make me scared and give them a discount, I don't think so.
"What have you been up to?" even though his eyes kept in contact with mine I felt like he knew what was between the papers, the hidden divorce papers.
"What are you talking about?" I snapped. He can't know, no one knew except the lawyer and me and he would never go break his word and tell anyone else, that would result in me suing his whole family and the next ten generations to come.
"Who were you with?"
Wait, what? This took a different turn.
"I was at work."
"Work," He leaned back, taking a swig from his milk bottle like he was a baby and nodded walking back towards the kitchen, "His parents must have hated him to call him "work"" he said as he disappeared around the corner.
What the hell?
I gave it a moment, in case he went to place the bottle back and come back to talk to me but instead I heard the rattling of bowls instead, like he was going to put the milk in the fridge. Knowing him he would rather leave it out, let it go to waste than do something I told him to do.
I didn't have time for this. I already had a raging headache and I was starving.
I went upstairs, opening my locked bedside cabinet and placing the files inside. I needed to read over them again, put in some editing and then send them off. I felt all giddy just thinking about it, soon, I wouldn't have to wear this stupid ring that kept reminding me that I was married.
Why was I such an idiot to agree to this plan.
I didn't think it was going to be like this. I thought it would be perfect, two people so endorsed in their own career they would never have to see each other till family reunions, but boy was I wrong.
I heard my new replacement phone vibrate and reached for it. It was an old phone that purely let me make calls, texts and check my emails.
After all, what else does someone do on their phone?
I opened up the email, the agent at the bank had private messaged me telling me that the account would be unfrozen soon.
Shit. I was meant to take him off the register. That meant I needed my parents signature. And that was nearly impossible.
I groaned collapsing onto the bed staring at the ceiling, and my parents would never sign that document.
Unless...I told them I was switching banks and wanted him off so I can put him on the other, set up another account with minimum deposit to keep the bank happy and watch Sterling suffer.
I smiled, that would work.
The door burst open and I sat up my heart rate picking up, "Oi," Sterling yelled.
"Jesus do you know how to knock?!" I asked trying to keep my heart rate down.
"Why are you yelling, never mind you always yell, the police called by the way they wanted you to come over today but seeing its nearly one in the morning maybe tomorrow, or later today technically," He rubbed his chin confused.
"Why didn't you tell me! Could have emailed me!" I asked frustrated. They might have found my car!
"People still use emails?" He asked scratching the side of his jaw
"People with a job do." I muttered.
"Ouch, was that a burn because I really don't care."
I rolled my eyes, this is exactly why I needed to file for that divorce immediately, and now it just made me want to do it even faster.
But strangely, a part of me was disappointed. A part thought he would change, but for what, I wasn't interested in him and never would be. Just, what a waste of potential and a human. I scoffed, now I sounded like a fifth grade teacher, oh yeah Sam could do so much better if he just applied himself to what he was doing.
"Just get out of my room."
"Sure, have phone having phone coitus with work." He muttered before slamming the door shut, loud enough to make me wince.
What the hell was his problem?

Married to the Bad Boy
Romance"You're obliged to sleep with me." When Sterling said that I was three seconds away from slapping that smirk of his face, but seeing as we were surrounded by people, I decided not to. "I'm obliged to no such thing." I turned to leave with my champa...