Hi guys! Sorry for the delay...I did not realise it had been so long so thank you to that ONE person who messaged me on Instagram to let me know - and this is why I drop my insta at the end of every chap guys...I work 6 days a week, 10 hours each day so trust me when i say my brain is far too tired after these days. It only leaves me between 11 pm to 1 am to update and so here I am updating during this time...
So please, don't think you're harassing me but by all means jump on and annoy the fuck out of me on Instagram till I update!
Best behaviour my ass.
I sighed, staring at the ceiling trying to ignore all the sounds I could hear. I wouldn't call snoring best behaviour, because it was distracting.
Sure, Sterling was fast asleep on his side of the bed.
Sure, he had a pillow in the middle like he promised.
SURE, he was sticking to his part of the deal but the snoring oh lord save me.
It wasn't loud, but even the faintest sounds would keep me up.
Why did all men snore?
I sighed turning around to my side, closing my eyes trying to ignore the sounds but it was impossible, once there was a sound in my head, I couldn't not hear it till my body was too tired to shut it down and pass out.
But right now I was wide awake, thinking about slamming that pillow between us on him to wake him up, and hopefully this time I could fall asleep first so I couldn't hear the snores.
I tried remember if I was every with someone that didn't snore, what was wrong with all of their noses that they just had to snore.
At least Sterling wasn't as loud as some other people I knew, but god damn it was loud in my head.
It was like a water drop, in a dead quiet room which echoed. It was like a mozzie flying past your ears, only you heard it, but on 100 times more volume than anyone else that is near you.
I turned back around, this time facing him. I should let him rest, he did after all, get injured, but then again...I could kick him because I was just as sleep deprived. The bedside clock showed that it was three in the morning, which meant I spent the last few hours listening to the annoying lulaby that no one asked for.
No..wake up, stop that snoring, the inner cranky voice in me said.
But he looked so peaceful...just sleeping, how could I wake him?
Well if I wanted to sleep, I should.
He didn't need to know why I woke him up, could be a 'routine' check up. Something like a 'hey are you ok, you were making sounds in your sleep?"
I scoffed, that sounded silly. Maybe I could just 'accidentally' kick him in my sleep or something? I didn't want to make him up fully, just a small jolt that might stop the snoring. Or is that abuse...
Sterling suddenly turned, facing me his eyes fluttering open and then shut, then I saw the muscles in his face move before he opened his eyes again.
"Tell me you're awake," he said, his voice half groggy from not being fully awake. He blinked, those grey eyes focusing on me.
"Me?" I asked.
"Yeah, otherwise you're a demon that sleeps with their eyes open..." he cleared his throat shifting a bit closer, "You're awake right, not sleep talking with your eyes open."
"No, I'm awake!"
"Oh right...so you're instead the creep that watches me sleep."

Married to the Bad Boy
Romance"You're obliged to sleep with me." When Sterling said that I was three seconds away from slapping that smirk of his face, but seeing as we were surrounded by people, I decided not to. "I'm obliged to no such thing." I turned to leave with my champa...