Chapter 26

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Oops I am a little bit late with this sorry, i've been so busy with my new dog/puppy and its like a baby have to monitor 24/7. Thanks for everyone that messaged me on Insta and reminded me :)

I waited a few hours, hoping Sterling was asleep before I entered our room, but I should have known better.

Why would Sterling be hanging out in our room anyway?

I for one, was thankful that he wasn't here because I had no idea how to respond after that altercation.  I turned on the light in the fairly dark room, looking around to make sure he really wasn't in here.

He wasn't.

I could finally relax a little bit as I started gathering my things and chucking them into my bag. 

Sterling had said that we would reach dock by 10 in the morning, and whilst I still had to pack, I was going to do it now so I didn't have to run into him later when he came in.

His clothes were still everywhere so he definitely needed to come back and pack up sometime, hopefully not while I was still in the room.

I was grateful for packing light as it didn't take me too long to shove all the clothes in my suitcase and pack up my laptop into another bag. It didn't take me more than a few minutes to have my bags neatly packed and I looked at the time. 

I still had a few hours to kill before we reached the dock and I was exhausted from not sleeping, and a little bit cold from being outside for so long. 

But I really didn't want to run into Sterling.

Judging by the state of the room he definitley had to come back at some point to get his stuff, so how on earth could I avoid him?

I grabbed my bags heading up to the deck, perhaps luck was on my side because I ran into no one. Or maybe everyone else was asleep, because that's what normal people would be doing at five in the morning.

I grabbed my bags through the corridors till I found the concierge, and a waiting area there. I settled into one of the seats and stretched my legs out staring at my phone. I still had shocking reception but at least I could sit here in the peaceful quiet ignoring everything else around me.

For some reason, Sterling's words hurt more than they should. I wasn't sure if it was his words that hurt, or if the words hurt because it was from him.

I tried ignoring it, going through things on my phone to distract me, wishing that I had downloaded games so I had something to do offline. I was never really a games person so it didn't take me long to discard my phone and grab the book I was reading from a few days ago. 

But it didn't matter how many times I read the same paragraph, it was just going through one eye and out the other, none of it registering in my brain. I chucked the book back in my bag in annoyance, nothing would distract me from the way I felt.

And I felt like shit.

I started out the window, deciding to count time instead. Seconds turned into minutes, which turned into hours, which turned into more noise as the concierge area started to fill up with other early risers who wanted to get off the cruise as fast as they could.

I had a quick look around the small waiting hall and was pleased when they were all unfamiliar faces. The rest of them would have to line up outside, if I could just avoid Sterling for another day I could get into a clear enough head to pretend like nothing happened.

Because that's what I always did, I just pretended things didn't happen so I could just move on. Judging by Sterling disappearance from the room he must be the same. Maybe we could just cool off and then pretend none of us ruined the not so bad time we were having towards the end of this dratted cruise.

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