Incidental Emotions, Moral Dilemma

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I like to read about human psychology a lot. If you do too, you might have come across articles on how moral dilemmas pose dramatic and gut-wrenching emotional choices and vice versa. The thing is, you do not need experts to tell you this because everyone faces this on multiple occasions almost regularly. 

It's so silly of me that the first thing that strikes me as soon as I get out of Sir's cabin is this stupid article. But I guess that's what shock does to you. I was in my own trance when someone snapped their fingers before me.

"What happened in there?", Lily asked me.

Lily isn't just my colleague, she's a friend. Everything that happened back in cabin was still all over my head and I hadn't still prepared how to deliver my cover. I can only tell people that I am going to QMUL but can't say that Mr. Ahluwalia has to do something with this. 

"Nothing, he was just discussing certain things about a case I am working on currently." I try to smooth with my lie which is really hard since Lily knows exactly when I'm not being truthful.

"What are you hiding?" There I go. Anyways, in this split second I quickly framed a story.

"Ummm... I am going to QMUL," I tell her in a slightly sheepish tone.

"London? How? When? For what? Why didn't you tell me? I'm so happy for you. Shit! I'm going to miss you. When do you have to leave? Are you all packed?..." 

"Lily BREATHE." I chuckled, "Yes I am going to London but right now I have something urgent I need to take care of. I will tell you everything in the evening but till then don't tell anyone. Try to stay normal please."

Lily nodded with the biggest smile on her face. "You're going to London" she whisper-yelled while taking small happy jumps. 

"Lily. Normal." I remind her and start walking out of Mr. Ahluwalia's floor before Lily stops me. 

Fuck that, I need to walk out of this office for a while, I need a moment alone.

Five minutes later, I was sitting in my car realising that there is no other place in Delhi that would give me this peace. My mind went back to the stupid emotional choices article again. So, like any sane person would do (not), I started talking to myself, with words and audio involved.

"See, Sanyukta. You don't really have a choice in this matter. Let us see all the pros, shall we?

1. You get to go to London. 2. You get to study at QMUL, something you had always wanted to do. 3. You get to have a sponsored diploma course. 4. You will be working all by yourself. 5. You get to help someone. 

And of course the cons:

1. You won't be able to be here for your family. 2. You are basically doing pro bono for someone who absolutely does not need this. 3. You will be working all by yourself. 4. Michael Daniels."

Michael Daniels. It's funny how easily Mr. Ahluwalia had said his name. Google him were his exact words. I might not be into English music or their artists much but people around me are. Michael Daniels is a name I have been listening about since past four years. A self-made artist who has got everyone wrapped around his finger. Everyone loves him and frankly, obsessed with him. At the outside, everything seems to be going good for him but I guess, that's not true. 

Why Michael Daniels is on my cons list is not because he is a super-rich and extremely bloody famous Pop-star but because I know people around me will go gaga if they know I'm working for him and bat shit crazy if I hide it from them. I can at least count about 20 such people on my fingers right now. 

"So Sanyukta", yes I resumed talking to myself, "since you've already realised that you don't really have a choice right now and your pros weigh more than cons, you better get yourself a good cover, sort out your priorities and start on your applications."

I get out of my car, start imagining myself to Britney's "Work Bitch" and this time I entire the gates with much more stable mind and with the confidence that I can do this. 

A/N: And I'm Back! My exams are over and I can get back to this baby of mine. I know this was sort of a filler but we are soon going to meet the man himself. Thank you for being so so supportive and waiting for this. 

P.S. Avani this one was for you.

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