Unscripted Revelation

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As I followed Michael, I saw him enter into a room which I presume is his bedroom. I quickly catch up to him before he can shut the the door. As soon as he enters the bedroom, I enter too and close the door behind me and stand in front of it so that none of the two of us can exit just like that. 

"What are you doing?", Michael asks rather calmly and oh boy does this add to my fury.

"Me? What are YOU doing? Since the day that you've seen my face, you've somehow found a way to insult me, humiliate me, treat me like a garbage bin at your disposal which deserves nothing but disgust. I know my face isn't the most exquisite view to look at but I'm pretty sure that it does not serve as a ground for you to treat me like shit. So tell me Mr. Michael Daniels, why do you feel entitled to behave the way you do with me? What have I done to you? What is your problem with me?"

I realised that while I was lashing out, I somehow ended up very close to Michael. I don't think that even he took notice of this because he took a step further towards me as soon as I was done. 

Pointing a finger at me, he matched my tone, "You want to know what my problem is? It's you. You walk in here as some innocent, righteous, well-spoken person who is just humbled to get my father's help, someone who gets along with my friends in over a day but I don't believe you. In reality, you reek of lies."

I was taken aback at this both literally and figuratively. Of all the reasons I could've thought for his poor behavior (jerk being at the top of the list), him feeling lied to didn't even cross my mind. 

I know Uncle had promised to tell Michael about me handling his case at the right time, however, with the things escalating this way, I have a feeling that I would have to move from the script and reveal everything today. 

"What do you mean?", I ask him trying to still avoid the revelation of the entire picture. 

He gave me the coldest false chuckle and started taking steps towards me once again, "Either you're really a tool or you have seriously overestimated your acting abilities. I can see right through your act of simply being a student here. I don't know what is it that you're hiding yet but I will find out whatever it is and then make sure you pay for it. So, don't get too comfortable around here because you're going to get thrown out soon."

At this point he was so close that I was practically trapped between the door and his body. This time he noticed the proximity and there was a moment of silence between us. Then all of a sudden he started leaning in even closer. Before I could register anything, he pushed my hair behind my ears and whispered, "you can leave now" and unlocked the door behind me. 

He moved away from me within a second and then stared at me waiting for me to walk out. I snapped out of whatever happened in those fleeting moments and locked the door again. This took him by surprise. The look on his face said that he did not expect me to not walk away.

"Fine! You want the truth? I'll give it you," I said authoritatively.

He looked at me in disbelief, "Huh! Really now? If you wanted to tell the truth then you wouldn't have lied in the first place or waited all this time to come forward. So, why do you think that I'm going to trust a single word that's going to come out of your mouth ."

"You're going to trust me because I did not lie to you rather there are just certain things that you're unaware of. You're going to trust me because I was never the one of the opinion of hiding things from you. You are going me trust me because I have been hiding things from people for weeks now and I'm desperate to go off the script and discuss the truth", I replied with as much confidence.

"What are you talking about? Why are you here?" 

"I'm here for you and because of you. Uncle was waiting for the right time to tell you all this but since you want to know right now, the truth is that I am a lawyer and I'm here to figure out a way to get you out of the agreement. There you go. This is the truth in its entirety. I'm going to give you some time to process this and of course if you want to run my background check to see if I'm lying." 

Seeing that he had nothing to say at this moment, I finally open the door and walk out.

A/N: Here's another one. Let me know if you like the chapter through your comments and/or your votes. Meanwhile, thank you Shivuuu for consistently supporting my story. Love you!

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