Chapter 2- Well Fuck

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Well, 2021 is shit. Not just with my life in general, but fucking united states is going crazy.

Explanation Trump supporters can't get it through their fucking mind that Trump lost and that he will no longer will be president. So now they just get to have a 'proest' and storming the capitol building.

Also protest don't fucking do that. It's a fucking riot, but noooo they wanna see it has a protest.

Bitch, now had it been colored people doing that what do you think what would've happened.

They called BLM protest, riots, when most almost all we're done peacefully and correctly, well fuck.

It's barley been 6 fucking days into the year, and it's shit.

"It's not 2021, it's 2020.5, it's getting done what it wanted to do in 2020."

"Pretty much."

Oop-. I said that outloud. Anyway Kim and Kanye fucking getting a divorce, somehow Jeffree Star and Kanye, have been an affair?

I'm internally confusion about what the fuck this year is already. That's even counting anything from personal life.

Because personally has been fucked up too. We just love ongoing nightmares every night, they're so lovely.

Totally love calming down from panic attacks and crying myself to bed. You know what could be a lot worse, I haven't cut anything of my skin, and I've been going to my dad.

Ha ha ha ha, FUCKKKKKKKKK.

I wouldn't be suprise if the world is ending. I just wouldn't. Polar bears be wondering where the fuck their ice is going, climate is bad. Reality check mother fuckers, we're gonna die if we keep this up.

Anyway, you know I went back to school, and I fucking hate it. I just don't. Fuck no.

You really think I wanna wake up at fucking 7:30 am in the morning after sleeping in untill 11 for 2 fucking weeks. Bitch my sleep schedule is broken.

I go to sleep at 3 am, and else up at 11. Now I have to fucking learn how to go to sleep at 1 maybe 12, and wake up again early I'm the fucking morning.

I wouldn't be surprised if I just suddenly have anger issues. Plus I could tell that my fucking period is coming. So you know I just- I'm done. I'm officially done.

Imma lay on my bed and wait. I don't know what I'm gonna be waiting for but whatever. You know I could do something productive because I have done anything remotely productive since when I found out my mom isn't my biological mom.

I haven't done any research because the 3 days I had before going back to school I was emotionally unstable.

Ya gurl didn't even wanna eat, ha ha. But I did, because I have a dad that cares. So ya yeet, that's that.

And you know, it's just the audicity of people. I just need to start doing research on the problem.

First things first find an article about the women I so fucking hate, is it a good idea? No. Will I still do it? Yeah....

Will I have my dad around, so that if I go into panic he can help? Not at all.

Should I? Probably. Its fine. I go to my room.

I log into my computer, and start to dig. I remember this site, that my dad use to go on, and it was only for police officers. They each had their own password and account.

I remember this because my dad would always do research on criminals and crimes. I ended up remembering the password. Yeah.... Good memory skills from 8 years ago, yet I can't remember what the fuck I had for breakfast.

Surprisingly it still worked you would have thought a dead person would be outta the database by now.

I did research on the lady, who I hate.

Got arrested for assaulting a police officer, driving under the influence and has a restraining order against her from my dad. All from 16 years ago. Ha ha ha fun part all happening after I was born, I love being a problem. It happened in August, probably because she had just given birth to me and couldn't do shit for a month.

Okay who the fuck thought it was fitting for me to go with this lady, after attacking a member of my family. I question everything, what the fuck.


I heard walking and he knocked. I told him to come in and he opened the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Research, and look what popped up."

"How did you end up with that women, I- what the fuck."

"Ha ha ha, yeah. I- uhm- I don't know."

"Wait, what are you on?"

"A website purely for police officers."

"Is that even legal?"

"Well they didn't take off a dead dude from the database so yes perfectly legal."

"I'm not sure about that."

"Okay.... I don't what know say to that, but you know their fault. Anyway, I wanna know who the fuck was my dad with, did he have an affair with my aunt and then take away the baby to have with my mom, or what the fuck."

"I don't know but it's late, so get ready for bed and turn it off."

Fuck. It was 11:30. Why the fuck is it 11:30. Right when the fucking good stuff was happening, I have to go to sleep. What in the hell.

I turned it off, and just went into my bed. "Goodnight, love you."

"Goodnight to you too."

He shut my door. And I was left alone with thoughts, and mainly was just me think what the fuck. Loved it. Couldn't sleep, but you know it's whatever. Well Fuck.

A/N I have no clue what do ever if this is accurate, just role with it, it's fine. It's fanfiction it's fine. Shhhhh....

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