Beginnings are always slow.

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Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA, Konosuba or any other fictional story that i my use in here. 


The last thing Momo remembered was the all encompassing coldness and the warmth of the arms that held her. She remembered the boy that kept her so close like a delicate treasure, crying for her, because she was dying...

"Huh?" Her eyes shot open. This wasn't right... She felt the coldness, she felt her heart stopping. The wound on her stomach, was gone... She was still wearing her disguise, a long flowing dress, even her hair were styled like then.

After calming a bit she looked around and saw only darkness, there was no walls, no roof, no ground even. Just endless space as far as one could see. Countless stars shined everywhere, bigger and smaller. The only really visible thing was a large, white platform in a shape of a circle, her chair and...

In front of her seating at something akin to a throne was a young woman, wearing dark blue ceremonial robes. With silver hair and violet eyes, she looked really beautiful. In her hands was a big, leather clad book.

When the silver haired woman noticed that Momo was observing her now, she smiled and opened the book in her hand.

"Momo Yaoyorozu, welcome to the Afterlife!" Her melodic voice sounded pleasant to Momo's ears.

"Who are you?! Where am I?! What happened?" As she started panicking she didn't notice how the woman in from of her flinched and started to sweat.

"Please calm down! I will tell you everything, just please calm down. I am Eris, the goddess of fortune and I'm in charge of the ones that passed away before their time." Now named Eris raised one of her hands in a placating gesture.

"So... I'm really dead." Though Momo aloud, she really wouldn't see her family and her friends again.

"Sadly that's the case." The silver haired goddess said looking back to her book. "You was really a really good person in your life, you didn't slack, you pursued arts and knowledge. It is really commendable, i can say that it's quite rate to see someone that pure too."

At the unexpected praise directed at her, the young girl flustered."I just was trying to be my best..." She said softly.

"I can certainly see that. Even pursuing an occupation in helping and assisting people. Your case of death was heavy internal bleeding after being struck from a stray attack. You were trying to save someone to the end." Eris continued to read from her book.

"Do you know... Can you tell me if the rest of my friends got out of there?" Momo quietly asked. She really was hoping that they got away. Especially Izuku as he was left there alone, he was too close to the ground zero of that battle for comfort.

The goddess smiled, it was really warming that the first time she had to guide a soul to afterlife, it was someone like this girl.

"Time moves a bit different between dimensions, the battle you were a part of ended not so long ago. I don't really know to much about what happened but in this moment, all of your friends that were there with you are still alive, and they managed to save Katsuki Bakugo, according to your plan."

"That's a relief... So what happens now?"
Momo asked after a while of silence.

"Yes, that's what we are here for. As of now, thanks to your good deeds in life you have three options. First is of course heaven, my friend likes to compare it to a retirement home for souls, that's not exactly untrue. There isn't much in the in the way of entertainment there, beside other ascended souls to chat with of course... The second option is a straight up reincarnation, your soul will be purified from your sins and memories, then it will be returned into the circle of life. And the last is only available to you specifically because of your life to this point." Goddess of fortune started to present the girl with choices available to her.

"There is a world in a dimension really close to our divine realm, as a consequence of that, the esoteric energies are quite concentrated, creating a long list of problems. Us, Gods and Goddesses, have created a universal system that governess it all and regulates the flow of said energies, all living beings have access to it, and according to their life experience they are granted power to go with it. Sadly not everyone uses that strength to do good. Long time ago there was a war that ravaged that world, decreasing the amount of inhabitants drastically. And now as they are trying to rebuild a new threat emerged. Quite recently a new demon lord established himself, his armies are trying to conquer the lands of people, destroying whatever they can. As a result of that more and more souls don't want to go back into the circle of life of that dimension, causing to already low childbirth rate to go even lower." After giving Momo a few seconds to process all that information, Eris continued.

"And that is where you come into the picture! We decided to give young souls that died prematurely an opportunity to live their life, to continue where they left. If you choose this option you will be granted a boon of your choosing, to help you in your new life. And if by any chance you would manage to defeat the big bad guy, you will be granted any wish you would want!" The goddess of fortune ended her little rant with a big smile

After a while of staring at the woman before her, Momo sighed deeply.
"So you are saying that i have to choose between an eternal life without anything to do, straight up death by erasing what makes me who I am, and a life in an underpopulated world, full of dangers..."

Eris sat at her throne flabbergasted, when she heard her well prepared speech summarized like that.

"Well, i think I will give it a try, the last one i mean. I definitely would want to still live a little... And i always can help myself with my quirk to live decently at least." Momo summarized, getting a puzzled look from the goddess.

"Quirk? I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with that term. What is it exactly?" The goddess looked genuinely curious.

That gave the young girl a pause. How could this be possible? This silver haired woman knew everything about her and what happened to her. She even told her what was the cause of her death. So why didn't she know about quirks?

"You... You really don't know what a quirk is?" After Eris confirmed that in fact she didn't Momo continued..

"Well in our world somewhere around 200 years ago humans started to express supernatural talents. Now nearly everybody has some kind of power, mine is called Creation and allows me to create physical objects." After that short explanation the fortune goddess still looked a bit confused but then seemed to shrug it off.

"From the sound of that, those kinds of skills are bound to the mortal vessel more often than the soul. Otherwise you would be able to use your power in here too, feel free to try." At that, the black haired girl concentrated. She tried to call upon the feeling that she used to create but to her shock nothing happened. This continued for a short while but still nothing happened.

Seeing the growing levels of panic and horror in the girl, Eris decided to intervene. " I know that it isn't optimal, but you could always wish for your power to be the boon I can grant to you?"

Momo stopped her attempts to use Creation, looking at the smiling goddess she contemplated it for a while. "Will I be able to use this system you were talking about? My own power was always relying on utility, i would need a bit more to go into a hostile situation."

"But of course! And by any means, you wouldn't be sent straight into a dangerous place. I will place you near a town named Axel. Is rather pleasant this time of the year, it is even called the town of beginnings because it has really low level of threat." Before the goddess could go of with another rant, the young girl politely decided to cut her off. There was just to much to process in the last couple of minutes.

"I will do it. Please send me to the other world and grant me my quirk back as my boon." Eris, again a bit flabbergasted she was cut off, smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, you certainly will be of help there. I heard your wish and will fulfill it. Please have a new wonderful life."

At her words at Momo's feet and above her head showed glowing magic circles slowly rotating. More and more complex lines started to run through them, with the light emitted growing in intensity. With a flash of white, the young heroine was gone and only the goddess remained.
After a bit of silence Eris let out a giant sigh and slumped into her fancy chair

"How could Aqua even get bored with this work. It was so intense." With that said, the goddess of fortune vanished in a colorful flash of light leaving the space between worlds.


Momo opened her eyes with a slight feeling of vertigo, which quickly subsided. She was standing in a little clearing under some trees. Before her was a beautiful scenery of gentle, green, rolling hills and clear skies. In the distance she could see something that looked like a stone wall, quite big and impressive if it could be so easily seen from this distance.

'Well this certainly is a new world.' She thought to herself. There was no pollution in the air, it felt so fresh that at first it seemed even too clean. The Earth she left behind was in a sense nearly toxic, with more and more industry conquering more land every year, not to mention long periods of war at the beginnings of the Quirk era

. Scanning her surroundings she looked at the foliage surrounding her, the trees surrounding her were really similar to the Oaks in the park that was at the back of her parents mansion. The only difference were the leaves that instead of being serrated were a bit longer and had an oval shape.

 After moving around a bit she discovered a bit of a discomfort in her clothing, looking herself over, she was wearing something akin to a traveling gear from the middle ages. She had a creamy cotton blouse, dark brown hemp pants and leather sturdy looking boots. At her belt was a little purse with a few silver coins bearing a winking visage of the goddess she just spoken to. To complete her looks she had a dark grey, hooded cloak. She quickly discovered that this uncomfortable feeling wasn't coming from this foreign clothing, more from the lack of something that should be under her blouse. 

' Does that mean that women in this world don't wear any bras or any other upper underwear?' Momo thought to herself, to her chagrin her body was more developed than she liked it too be, often causing more problems than she would like to. Even ignoring the problems it caused with sudden movements she needed to do in combat, her very mature physique was getting her a lot of attention from the opposite sex, more often than not, the unwanted kind.

 She traveled a bit down the memory lane, after one of their first heretic lessons when they were changing from their hero suits there was a commotion from the boys side, her friend with a great hearing quirk, Kyoka Jiro, overhead that this little creepy troll doll, Minoru Mineta was trying to peep on them. After a bit of panic as every female student covered themselves there was a loud yell easily identified as the little perv, and a loud crash. After quickly dressing themselves and going outside all the girls found out that Mineta was launched through the wall to the outside and was currently being transported to the recovery girl. 

After some investigation, mainly by the social butterfly of the group, Ashido Mina, to the shock of the entire female population of class 1A it was the nervous wreck of a boy, green haired Midoriya Izuku's doing after he warned the little creep a few times. 'Come to think of it, wasn't it the first time he didn't hurt himself using his power?' Momo thought breaking out of her memories. Smiling a bit at the thought of the green haired cinnamon roll of class 1A, always shy and gentle, her thoughts suddenly came to a grinding halt. She suddenly remembered how they parted.

"Did i really confesses to him that i love him?! And in such a cheesy way to! Oh my God if i ever see him again i will just combust from embarrassment! The other girls would strangle me if they found out..." With that thought it just occurred to her that in fact her friends couldn't do that to her anymore. 

After a bit of struggling with her thoughts she gathered herself and returned to the problem that started this entire train wreck of an internal monologue. Concentrating she tried to use her quirk, and to her relief she felt it responding, a lot more sluggish than before, like it was resisting or lacking in power, but it was there. 

Creating her new piece of clothing she quickly realized that there really was something wrong with her power. It was working as earlier, a lot slower though, and she certainly could feel the increase in usage of her lipids.

 After quickly putting on the new piece of apparel, she decided to create a few trinkets to sell if she could, just in case that the money she had at hand wasn't enough. Back home where she had her whole family fortune backing her up she could afford to be frugal with her power, she could pay for everything she needed but now the situation was a bit different. She didn't even know how much those couple silver coins were worth, so after creating a few small rubies, emerald and diamonds, and a few golden and silver rings, with her now a bit more full money pouch, her last Creation was a metal staff for self defense, now used as a walking stick. With her preparations done she set of in the direction of the town in the distance.

"Well... Let's see what this new world has to offer."


Authors Note:

Hello. The adventure begins, how will it go from now? Even I don't know... We will need to wait and see what my twisted mind will come up with. I realize that Momo, Izuku and the rest of the cast in this story may be OOC but what would be the point otherwise. I will try to do a bit of world building through the memories and flashbacks to somewhat show the differences between this version of the BNHA universe and the original.

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