New places, new faces

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Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA, Konosuba or any other fictional story that i my use in here.

Chapter 9


According to the reports that she was given from the royal guard, this town was supposed to be after siege performed by one of the undead Demon generals. But nearing the gates of Axel, Sena couldn't really spot any obvious signs of the conflict, only a few scorch marks on the ground and walls near the entryway were visible.

As she entered the city limits, an older guard greeted them, and after asking for their destination started to guide them to the guild hall.

"Were you one of the guards that defended this town from Beldia?" The young woman asked. Her purple eyes shined with a bit of curiosity behind her triangular glasses. To defend a town from such an assault with only 80 city guards and a bunch of adventurers was an achievement of really grand proportions.

"I indeed was, Lady Sena. The Black Princess directed a vast majority of the city guard near the attacked gate. We were responsible for setting the hordes on fire when they come close. It was a sight to behold when Lady Creati started using her magic, even iron and stone was set on fire, the undead minions didn't stand a chance." Lucas proudly stated, remembering this unbelievable show of arcane mastery.

"Is she an arch wizard then? I never heard of such a spell, must be a really high ranked one. But where was sir Kyouya then? Last time I checked he was sent here by the King himself to defeat the Dullahan." Sena said, intentionally seeming as ignorant and uninformed to gauge the reaction of the locals.

The guards face immediately twisted into a scowl, when he heard that blue idiot's name. "That imbecile was nowhere to be found, he left the city a day before the attack. After what he did in the guild I'm starting to think he could be allied with the Demon King army." Said Lucas visibly agitated at the swordsman.

Not expecting such a hostile reaction from the guards she decided to ask further. "What did he do? Was it something serious?"

"Serious? He destroyed a lot of property, nearly killed a few people. This buffoon decided it was a great idea to challenge our savior to a duel of honor because of some unfunded rumors. After he started to lose, he used his magic sword and started shooting magic left and right. If it wasn't for Luna's immediate decision to evacuate, and mister Deku controlling his opponent's direction of attacks we would have a bloodbath." Lucas didn't even attempt to hide his distaste for the man responsible.

"Can you tell me something about this man called Deku? His name seams strange." Sena asked, knowing only that he was the one to defeat the general and fight Kyouya in a duel.

"He is a real hero of this town. From what I heard he is a close friend of Lady Creati, the Black Princes herself. There were rumors that they are engaged, and there was this one ridiculous that the man was a warlord and a cruel brute, but all of them were created before he even arrived here." He smiled a bit remembering some of the most ridiculous of them.

"I was still up on the wall when he entered the fight. Lady Creati with her friend, a Crusader names Darkness entered into a fierce melee with the Dullahan near the gates, it was one of those fights you remember to your last breath. The Crusader was taking heavy blows and got sent to the ground, the Black Princess then took her sword and defended her downed friend, it was surreal when her blade many times smaller than that behemoth of a sword that Beldia wielded was deflecting and blocking him. After her weapon shattered she took out a short metal tube that transformed into a fighting staff and continued to defend, but that weapon was destroyed too and she could only dodge the attacks." The older man paused for a second to gather his thoughts.

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