The Siege of Axel

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Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA, Konosuba or any other fictional story that i my use in here.


Beldia was seething with rage. It couldn't be described in any other way.
One and a half month ago his beloved liege, the Demon King gave him an important mission. He was too investigate a sudden burst of holy power coming from the city of beginnings, Axel. To their knowledge one of the supporting pillars of the magical barrier that was defending his majesty castle was living in that city, so just to be sure he has to check if she was still on their side. That was the plan at least, as from the day one some moron was destroying his castle with explosions. Luckily today there were none but it didn't change anything as his castle, once magnificent now was in ruins.
This could not stand. If it was destroyed in a battle, or in a deadly confrontation between him and some hero then sure. But no it was lade to waste clearly be an arch wizard who just casually threw an Explosion spell at them every day. He waved for one of his subordinates.
"Prepare my whole army for a siege. We will raze that accursed town to the ground and be done with this. The Ice Queen can be brought back with us to his excellence if she is still alive." Saying this he gestured to his nameless minion once more, for him to execute his orders. Beldia the Dullahan, one of the Demon King generals started preparing for war.


After officially clearing the lake purification quest, the now 5 person party sat at one of the tables. Momo was silent, visibly still agitated because of what happened just a few minutes before. "Don't worry Creati. Things like that happen from time to time." Darkness tried to lift her mood. "I am not worried about that... He reminded me of people i despise the most... For some people when they feel a bit of power they start to lord others around, as if they are gods themselves... I am sorry... I wish I had some tea, it always help me with nerves..." At that her blonde friend smiled to her. Standing up from the table she called to her. "Then let us go to Wiz's shop. It may not be a cafe but she still does have quite a selection of everything, herbal tea's included." Kazuma had other plans, Megumin wanted to stay at the guild hall for some reason and Aqua was dancing on one of tables, already drunk with that Mitsurugi guy trying to convince her to get down. The two girls that were with the swordman were glaring at ravenette from their table but it didn't seem that they would start anything for now. Momo got up from their table and went with her friend, she wasn't going to let go of a chance to taste some local blends.


Momo's first impression of the shop was a bit mixed. She loved the design of it, a nice and rustic aesthetic, few larger windows out front that have ample amount of light, even now with the setting sun it was quite bright inside. The air smelled of something like cinnamon with oranges, not to intense for the nose but just right. The bad thing was that the whole place was cluttered with a lot of random things. Vials and small bottles in all the colors of the rainbow were strewn across few shelves without to much thought, most of them didn't have any labels at all. Some random things like crystal balls, robes, fancy swords and other weaponry or even a broom were haphazardly put all around the room, making it seem smaller than it actually was. When the two of them entered a small bell rang informing the owner that she had visitors. "Please wait a second i will be right there." A melodic voice of the shop keeper was heard from the back room, behind the counter. "Don't worry Wiz, it's me Darkness, I'm with a friend who is in need of some good tea." Darkness replied happily and led Momo trough the room. After short while, the form of a quite tall and curvaceous woman entered the room. Wiz was clad in a purple robe with gold accents, she had long brown hair with a few bangs hiding her right eye a bit. The raven haired girl accidentally spotted something strange about her too. Never really deactivating her Mana Sense, she saw that for most people in town, Mana itself didn't react with them too much, maybe distort a little if someone was more of a magical class. But that gentle looking, smiling and happy woman before her was practically radiating energy. It was so intense that Momo had to drop her ability just to be able to stand so close to her. One thing for sure though... She was certain now that there was no upper underwear in this world.
After greeting her guests, seeing that it was quite late already and it wasn't like she would get any clients, Wiz decided to close shop for today. After locking the place up the trio went through the back room into a small but really cozy living room. Two armored girls took of their gauntlets and sat at the table, their purple clad host going of for a minute to bring drinks, when she was passing by a fireplace she lit it with a wave of her hand not even stopping. Momo observed her form until she left and quietly spoke to her friend. "Is she someone powerful? I accidentally looked at her with my skill. She is radiating a lot of Mana, but it feels a bit different than usual." Darkness hummed for a second, seemingly thinking about something, then she spoke. "Well it isn't really a secret or anything. But please have open mind, she is one of the more respected people in this town. That energy she is producing is something natural for her race. She is a Lich, a form of undead creature." At that, the black haired girl blinked. An undead? She heard that term in passing, maybe in some fantasy novel at one point but it wasn't clear for her what it actually entailed.
"It isn't very nice to speak about someone's secrets like that Darkness, you know?" Both girls nearly jumped at Wiz's voice from right beside the table. "I was forced to become what i am today quite a few years ago, i don't regret it really." The undead woman continued setting three steaming cups on the table and joined them both. "But that's yesterday's news! Who is your friend here? Is she the rumored Black Princess?" Wiz asked cheerfully. "I have rumors about me?" Momo asked unsure.

"You didn't hear? The whole town is buzzing with gossip that a new beauty showed up, and that she is a runaway princes that didn't want to marry some hulking brute. They said that your fiance was such a beast that he enjoyed throwing people through walls and was a tyrant so you escaped from him."

That was such an outrageous thing that ravenette had to look at her blonde friend to confirm if she heard that right.
"I am certainly not from here, but i never ran away from anyone. I never really had a fiance even." Stating that Momo started to nervously drink the tea she was given. It was a bit bitter and she couldn't really place the taste but it was really good. It certainly did calm her down a bit.

"What about that Izuku you told me earlier?" Darkness smirked at her playfully.

A bit of a tingling feeling spread through her from her stomach, it was nice and funny.

"What about him? He is in a totally different world. I never will see him again." Black haired girl didn't know why she blurted it out but it felt nice to throw it out.
"What is in this tea? I do not want to be disrespectfully but i feel really funny and tingly." She decided to ask, just in case something was wrong.

"Oh? It's mostly made from White Angelica, that herb have really good relaxing properties and helps with getting a good night's sleep. I thought that it would be good for a friendly talk." Wiz supplied happily, it was clear that she knew her medicinal plants. Momo sipped from her cup a bit more, closing her eyes and feeling her muscles relaxing a little.

"So you are from the other world? When I was an active adventurer there was this rumor circling that the last hero was from a different world too. But it was around 60 years ago, i think." The friendly litch statement didn't surprise the ravenette to much but it was concerning that heroes were sent her in the past and the war is still ongoing. It's true that the goddess said she didn't have to fight, just live her life in any way she wants, but there must have been someone that wanted to fight... Right?

As Momo pondered that, Wiz and Darkness shared a glance and smiled mischievously.

"Hey Creati, what kind of man is that Izuku of yours? I bet he is tall and wealthy right? All the other women probably swarm him noon stop." Darkness tried to rile up her friend to get some more information.

"He is not that tall really, more on the shorter side. And from what i know he don't have any wealth too. He is gentle and kind, i think that he even was afraid of me at the beginning." She giggled. "And he have the most fluffy and green hair i ever saw. He have those big green eyes that when he looks at you is hard to not get lost in them..." Ravenette started to describe Izuku to her friends.

"Wait a minute, why would he be afraid of you? Did you do something to him?" Wiz asked, having a bit of a hard time to connect the Izuku she is hearing about and the one from the rumors.

"Oh no it was nothing like that. When we started our training in UA he had a really hard time trying to control his power so he performed really poorly. I am not really proud of myself because I was one of the people that wrote him of... Especially after he gave up the position of a leader that our group choose him for. But he changed that quite fast." With a gentle smile Momo remembered how the green haired boy sacrificed himself for everyone, how he fought at the USJ, how after her own fight at the sports festival he found her crying near the stairs and told her that it was okay to not win every time, how he sacrificed his own hands to help Todoroki use his full power. Those crooked fingers of his were a reminder of how far that boy could go to help someone.

"Oh, do you maybe have any tales of his exploits? I do love to listen to adventures and stories like that." Wiz smiled brightly. After practically confining herself in her shop she didn't have to much to entertain herself.

After a bit of thinking and a refill of her tea the black haired beauty continued.
"Well... There is a place called I-island in my world. I was invited to a party so i took a few friends of mine and planned to relax. After exploring a little we found Izuku with his friend Melissa when they walked around. We thought that it was his girlfriend at first but it turned out they just meet. Now to think about it I wonder how did he manage to get on that island... It was very expensive." After pausing for a second to drink, she continued.

"At the night of the party a group of terrorists attacked. Used the special security measures in the island to capture every combat capable person but us. We were a bit late so they did not see us. Then we started to climb the tower that held the controls for the defenses at its very top. I don't really know what happened in the meantime because we got separated but i got a front row seat to the battle that occurred after. The leader of the terrorists named Wolfram stole a special... artifact that increased it's wearer power. He controlled all the metal around him constructing this giant monstrosity of steel and iron. Our best warrior called All Might was struggling with him and then Izuku entered combat out of nowhere. He used some sort of a gauntlet that could regulate his power in some way for him. We all couldn't believe what happened next, Izuku moved so fast he became a blur, he started to emit this green bolts of lightning all over his body, and with his help All Might stopped that psychopath. I was so jealous that Melissa got to hug him afterwards." Commented at the end Momo, a bit buzzed by the tea already. Her cheeks were flushed a bit and she started to speak in a slightly slurred manner.

Darkness not in any better state listened to her story with bated breath, longing for some adventures like that. Wiz, being an undead, didn't react at all to the herb's effect but too was absorbed in the story.

"So he is a great fighter, strong and courageous but gentle and kind... It's really hard to find someone like that in these parts. I was courted by a lot of people, even some nobles, but all of them were drunk with their money and power." The undead woman summed up the story.

"Yes! It is imposingle! And if you find someone like that they never want to abuse you or beat you or... Or even just strangle you a little!" The blond haired Crusader loudly proclaimed, getting the attention of both women.

"You want to be abused by your lover? It is a bit... Perturbing." Momo commented.

"And you wouldn't?! It would be so nice to get spanked and gagged and get tied to the bed while he would abuse you... Ah I wonder how good Izuku with his strength would be..." At that thought Darkness started to pant a little and blush like crazy, even some drool started to drop from her mouth.

"He would never do that! He is to kind to be like that! He might have looked at my body but that is natural!" Ravenette started to rise her voice to defend her love interest.

"And how would you know that huh? You did say that he isn't your fiance or anything." Darkness pointed an accusatory finger at her friend.

"Ladies please, there is no need to argue over a man that isn't even in this world." To Wiz's comment both intoxicated by this point girls looked at her.

"And what do you think about Izuku? I think he would like your boobs... " Momo slurred out of nowhere, now having s bit of a problem to speak clearly.

"Yes, he would beat and use me as he wants. People with power do that right?"
Darkness asked.

Now the purple clad woman sat a bit straighter, not wanting to answer those questions. The only thought running through her head now was that she should have used some less potent herbs next time.


Darkness and Momo were sitting at the dining table in their party house, looking extraordinarily rested today. Kazuma took Megumin for their magic training earlier this day, because he was meeting with their friend Chris to learn some more skills, something about sneaking. Aqua was so drunk last night that she was brought home by that Mitsurugi fellow, with Megumin leading them here. Apparently he was so disturbed with his goddess's performance with drinking like a sailor that he decided to travel to the capital.

After eating their breakfast, Darkness led her black haired friend to the temple of Eris because she wanted to pray. Momo not having anything better to do and not really knowing what she could do, went along.

After praying they meet with Kazuma on the way to the guild. According to him the small arch wizard was sleeping in her room at the house.
"So, Kazuma what are you and Megumin doing for this training of yours? Maybe i could join with you? I still need to learn more about magic and Mana control."
Ravenette inquired curious.

"Ah, you see. After that bomber loli detonated a few of her bigger ones near the city walls she got banned from using her spell anywhere near the town, so I just accompany her to a spot a few kilometers away from the city and bring her back after she is finished. I must say that those explosions of her are starting to get really scary." The boy summarized their so called training sessions.

"Well, it is certainly better to do such practice far away from civilization. You would disrupt the days of quite a few people otherwise." Momo mused.

As they entered the guild, Darkness immediately spotted the form of Chris who was standing near the quest boards.
"Hey Chris, how are you doing? Is there something interesting posted?" The blonde immediately greeted their friend.
"Oh hello there Lalatina, i heard you rescued this princess here in her time of need." The silver haired girl quipped playfully with a little smirk. The Crusader blushed really hard at the use of her real name.
"Chris! I told you to not call me by that name!" Started the blonde but Kazuma quickly cut in not making any effort to be polite.
"Ok you can endlessly embarrass her later sensei, you promised to teach me the Lurk skill today, i even have the money we agreed on." At that the two of them went to the guild training ground, just behind the building itself.

For Momo this thief looked extraordinarily familiar. She could have swear she saw those eyes somewhere and heard her voice. But this scar on her right cheek wasn't that hard to miss too. Not giving this any more thought she took the still blushing darkness by hand and led her to a table, ordering some good and drinks on the way.

"You know... I'm really curious where you got this armor of yours. I saw yesterday that you disassembled the plating of it to clean it. I never saw an armor like that. Not even mentioning how light it is." Darkness asked between the bites of her food.

"Well it is made with technology of my homeland. The main material of those plates is a military grade Titanium, it's extremely light but have the durability of steel, and the black coating is a special alloy made mainly with tungsten." Happily explained the black haired woman not seeing the lost look on her friend. The blonde wanted to inquire more but was interrupted by a loud alarm blasting from magical speakers all around the town.

"Emergency, we've spotted a large horde of undead heading in the direction of the city, all civilians please evacuate to your houses and places of stay. All able bodied combatants please gather at the guild hall! I repeat..."

As the announcement was playing from the device Momo and Darkness stood from their table and went to the gathering spot, where they saw their brown haired party leader, but without the silver haired girl.

"Where is Chris?" Blonde Crusader asked him.
"I don't know, just before the alarm she said she had something really important to do and sprinted away, she said she will be back as soon as she can." Kazuma stated a bit nervous about what he knew.


"Sir Beldia, the main force is nearly ready for battle. We are constructing siege engines as we speak." One of ghouls rasped out a report for the general. The Dullahan was holding his head a bit higher over the table to see clearly a map of the surrounding area.
" We will attack them from the main gate, they need to feel the might of our army. With our numbers and taking into account that this city have only low ranked adventurers they stand no chance."
Another ghoul walked into the commander's tent. "Sir, i have a report that another detonation class spell was used on our abandoned fortress." That infuriated the general further. Even now they couldn't find out where that accursed arch mage was. He disappeared just after casting his spell, not leaving any clues who he was.
"I will personally make them suffer for that. It's an insult to the whole demon army to have that scum alive for so long!" He roared. "Take small detachments and attack from different directions, that will distract them enough for us to destroy the main gate and crush them all!"


To Momo's confusion, the one that was organizing the defense was Luna herself. As the highest ranked guild member at hand it was her responsibility, even if she was just the head receptionist. To her growing consternation it looked like the main branch of the guild from capital took their most promising personnel for themselves because they were wasting their talents in the city of beginnings.
"Ok everyone, please quiet down!" The blonde receptionist started to speak.
"We have a really serious situation on our hand. An adventurer party spotted a large amount of undead heading in the direction of the city an hour ago when they were returning from a quest. We have sent a professional scout to investigate." She paused for a second to steel herself. "There is around 10000 skeleton warriors and archers, nearly 1000 zombies and 200 ghouls. They are moving in a formation and according to the report they were starting to assemble catapults and a battering ram." Luna was visibly shaking from the news and had to lean on the table she was standing in front of. Some whispered and talking was heard, a few people just walked out the door, probably to try and escape.
"What is the battle plan?" The loud and clear voice off Momo cut straight through the silence of the hall. Some people looked at her like she was crazy to even think of anything other than running away.
"I... I don't know... I don't have any idea how to defend a city, I'm just a receptionist! The guards should be doing that not me!" The blonde cried out, not knowing how to proceed.

"I'm sorry Luna, but the whole city guard contains around 80 people. We will try to do something but with those numbers we need the help of the guild." The same older man that let Momo into the town a few days ago spoke.

"I know Lucas, but what can I do?" The head receptionist started to cry from the pressure.

"Can I interrupt?" The black haired girl spoke up. After getting a go ahead fom the old guard, she neared the table in front of everyone with a map of the town and nearby land. After analyzing it for a few seconds she spoke.

"If the report is accurate, the main force is gathering near this gate." She said pointing at the map. " I think they will launch an assault directly at it. The walls are significantly taller and more fortified in other places. They will probably send a few detachments to pick up any deserters that try to escape the town, and try to thin us out." Everyone listened to her without a single peep. " Do we have any artillery on our forces?" She asked looking at the guard and receptionist. After a second Luna asked unsure. "You mean naval cannons? I don't think that we do."

"No i meant any way of engaging the enemy forces at long ranges, preferably with large devastating attacks." Momo clarified. At her question there was two people that reacted in the crowd, a purple clad litch stepped out to them, and Kazuma facepalmed really hard because they had a literal nuke in their party and couldn't use her.
"Only Wiz?". A few other mages stepped up but they confessed they were only able to use some basic magic attacks.
After biting her lower lip she thought about the situation, arrows alone wouldn't cut it. Even if they were on fire the damage wouldn't be too significant, unless...

"Do we have any flammable liquids? Oil, highly concentrated alcohol, anything like that? " Her query was meet with curious looks. Luna spoke up again.
"We have lamp oil, quite a few barrels in fact. There was a shipment a few days ago." That... That was something they could use.

"Okay, i think I have a plan." Momo spoke confidently.


In the evening, Beldia started his assault at the city. He was expecting a fast victory but to his growing fury after two hours they didn't even get to the main gate yet.

As they started to approach the city walls, a hail of flaming arrows was sent by the defenders. It was surprisingly large what meant that the amount of people defending was quite big. But even if fire was the racial weakness of the undead, a mere ember from the arrow couldn't really do a lot to them, especially the skeletons that didn't have anything that could burn. As they neared the walls a sudden rain of pots and jars was sent at them. Then a roaring torrent of liquid fire spew from the top of the wall, setting whole first line in an inferno straight from the hell. From then on when his forces were trying to get inside they were meet with the same treatment. The catapults were firing straight into the gate itself but for now it was holding strong, without a doubt strengthened by some kind of magic. Suddenly an enormous amount of ice shards the size of a person's arm was sent into his army, decimating over half of his remaining minions. 'So the ice Queen did defect to the enemy... It's time to end this farce.' The General of Demon King army went to the battlefield himself.


"That's it! Keep it up! We can't allow them to get close!" Lucas the guard yelled encouraging his fellow defenders. It was going just to the plan of the Black Princess. Everything went as if predicted by some kind of premonition magic. The assaulting army was still around 7000 strong but they put a huge dent into their forces. Not too long ago a report came in that there were small skirmishes along the wall in other places but the skeletons there didn't have any higher beings to control their actions. The dumb things just waltzed into the trap and we're killed by the flames.

Finding his friend between the bowmen he quipped. "So do you still think you could get her into your bed?" The few people around looked at them curiously not knowing what they were talking about.
"Are you joking? Apparently her man can punch through solid steel. I don't want to be at the receiving end of that." The younger man joked about the rumors that they heard yesterday.

Suddenly from the main tower of the gate a large stream of liquid burning death feel to the ground, coating another batch of enemies. Even their raised shields didn't do much. Burning up and melting into pieces of slag on the ground.

"There she goes again... What in the names of the Divines even is that spell."
The both men watched in morbid curiosity as flames from hell itself were sticking to everything, setting even metals and stone in flames.


It wasn't good. Momo had to use her quirk on a large scale again, even when she had food and tried to eat it, she didn't have that much time between attacks. Luckily her trick to use highly pressurized gases to propel her creations was working like a dream. The napalm she used to rain fire from the skies was an excellent evidence of that. She used the less toxic variant because undead didn't even need to breath, she would just poison her allies. She was accompanied with Wiz and Darkness, Kazuma with Aqua was going around as a first aid team. That had to heal a lot of arrow wounds already. If they had more healers they could use holy attacks but for now fire had to be enough.

"That is Beldia, one of The Generals of the Demon King." Wiz stated after using a spyglass. "It will be bad if he attacks, his defense power alone is tremendous. He uses a two handed cursed sword to fight and can cast really deadly curses at long ranges. He nearly killed my party all those years ago." She continued.

"How much oil we have left?" Momo asked biting her lower lip in a nervous tick.

"Sadly we are nearly out. Reports say that other gates defeated their detachments though so we have to focus on this main force." Darkness informed after reading through mentioned earlier documents.

"Wiz, can you cast something to attack from this distance? Ravenette inquired between the bites of preserved meat. She told them earlier how her power works, precisely only the fact that she need to eat a lot more than normal human to use it.

"I could use one of the wide area master level ice magic. I will be out of commission after that though, it will be problematic if Beldia attacks." Momo thought about it for a second and decided to gamble on her luck.

"Do it, if you could catch as many of them in it as possible it would be best. Try to aim to the middle of their ranks.

Acknowledging the black haired girl's request Wiz stepped to the battlements to have a clear line of sight and started to chant her spell.

A large blue magic circle appeared before her outstretched hand. Starting to rotate slowly as more and more complexes magic formulas were put into it. With somewhat cute war cry a large amount of magic followed into the magic seal activating it.An attack that even Todoroki would look at in awe struck at the enemies below. Ice spears large enough to smash the skeletons into pieces started to shoot from the magic circle like from a machine gun. With a slight move of her hand Wiz aimed the spell along enemy lines and destroyed more than half of the remaining attackers. A loud cheer of happiness emerged from the defenders all around them. Only to be cut out by Darkness's sudden call. " Beldia is on the move!"
Momo wanted to cursed her luck now. Looking at her brawn haired friend that was slumped on her knee, breathing heavily she saw that all the Mana she was radiating disappeared, and Wiz's body started to absorb it from her surroundings. She was clearly out for the count like she stated. Well they had to make do, like always. Calling an adventurer to assist her undead friend in getting to safety, she walked with darkness to the gates. She was greeted with a few adventurers, Kazuma and Aqua between them.
"Okay, vast majority of the enemy forces is down, the enemy commander is heading this way to fight by himself on the front lines." That statement was meet with fearful murmurs from the crowd. "Aqua, you will be assisted by our party leader and the two of you will go up top. You try to use your holy purification ritual to ward off the remaining skeletons. Me, Darkness and the rest of you will go and greet out guest. Try to use cover as much as possible to not get cursed, if you can't fight evacuate into the city. Form a perimeter and don't let any of them inside, the lives of civilians are at stake here." Giving her orders she started preparing for combat. Her blonde friend walked up to her. "Creati... Are you alright?" The question surprised the ravenette for a second. "Yes I am, a bit hungry maybe but i will manage." Darkness frowned a little bit but didn't posture the issue. It was one of the traits that Momo liked in her new best friend. It's hard to believe that they only knew each other for a few days. She indeed was a bit scared that the lives of so many people were in her hands, but she was trying to be a hero all her life, well previous life. So if she backed down now, she couldn't look in the faces of the people she had to leave. Prepared and ready she marched out of the city with her friend and a small group of the best combatants the city could provide.


As Beldia approached on top of his headless horse, he saw a party of warriors led by two women. One clad in black and red, the other in white and gold. They were standing in a formation around 50 mels before the city gates.
The black haired one spoke to him with a loud and authoritative voice.
"I am Momo Creati Yaoyorozu, what are you planning to accomplish, Beldia."

He stopped his advance around 20 mels from them.
"I was send by my liege to retrieve the Ice Witch from this town because of her defection to the side of the races. Give her up or i will slaughter you all" his voice was cold as steel. But he clearly saw that she was puzzled.
"I am sorry but i do not know anyone with that title in those walls." Saying that she gestured back to the city.
"Are you mocking me woman?!" The headless warrior roared. "She just decimated my army with a single attack! Don't hide her from me, you just wasted your only chance to die peacefully." Done with the talking the Dullahan got off his mount and unsheathed his blade.
At his actions all the defenders split up and took their respective battle stances.
In Momo's outstretched hand a small and unassuming flame of Petite Create Element danced around ready to attack at a moment's notice.


Kazuma was scared as fuck. In his worst dreams he couldn't even fathom something like this happening. He was standing now on top of the gate tower, with his hunting bow in hand and a stack of fire arrows ready to use, to his side was panicking Aqua. Being a goddess she was like a walking health dispenser with her unlimited Mana, but she couldn't use any offensive spells, maybe a few water ones but it would be counter productive to Creati's plan. Her only way of fighting right now was a limited range Sacred Turn Undead that was useless until she got onto the battlefield herself, or her purification ritual that she was performing now. It was visibly working on the mobs below, but the big bad guy didn't look affected at all. A few mages were firing small spells like Fire Arrow, they really lighted up the battlefield with the use of some type of light magic, it looked like the flares that military used back home.
Looking down he flinched when he saw Darkness was sent rolling away from the Dullahan even after blocking the attack. It was crazy. Creati was spewing flames at the headless warrior like a freaking dragon, causing him to withdraw from finishing the Crusader, her fancy armor looked heavily damaged but was still holding. The brown haired youth decided to beg her for one if they survive. He didn't know where or how she got it but if it could take such blows it must be a cheat item. Probably her boon when he thought about it. He notched an arrow and set it aflame, taking careful aim he snipped one of the walking corpses that managed to somewhat endure Aqua's magic. Still looking at his target as it fell to the ground he saw some green flash in the distance. Looking down to the fight to his horror, Creati with her sword gone somewhere was valiantly deflecting that huge sword with her staff, standing between the Dullahan and the Crusader who was trying to get back up.

Before Darkness was able to stand up, Beldia probably using some kind of skill cleaved Momo's staff in half. Now defenseless girl started to duck and weave but she couldn't do it for long.
As if in slow motion, when the sword of the Dullahan was about to decapitated the black haired beauty a man clad in green lightning flew in out of nowhere, using his both legs to do the mightiest drop kick Kazuma ever saw launching Beldia around 30 mels away. He really was glad he wore his brown pants today.

XxXxXxXAuthors Note:Hello. This part took some time from me, but here it is. Our green mean killing machine enters the scene. I know that I'm not really good at portraying battle scenes but hey, I'm trying right? I also want to give a little spoiler that with some shenanigans with OfA and his experiences in last few days Izuku may seem a bit OOC. I will try to minimize that effect but its hard to write such a skittish person, for me at least. I hope that it will be still somewhat readable :)

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