Town of Arkton

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Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA, Konosuba or any other fictional story that i my use in here. Chapter 11


As the caravan neared to is destination, the temperature dropped significantly. Judging by the snow visible in the distance it was going to get even colder.

Momo now seating with Darkness at the last wagon, looked at the rocky terrain that passed by. The luscious forests and vegetation gave way too large plains with stones and boulders all around, a few trees here and there but everything was mostly covered by grass and moss.

The target of their journey was visible in the far distance. A large city carved in the side of a mountain, with few sky scraper sized towers not really fitting to the rest. Her blonde friend told her that those tall structures were in fact the only above ground part of the ruins that their employer talked about.

"I only heard stories from my father about this place, and whatever I could learn from books and tutors. But to see buildings this tall is really something breathtaking." Darkness stated in slight awe at the towers in the city.

For Momo they weren't that impressive, taking into consideration the architecture of her homeland. But she could appreciate the contrast they provided with the stonework of the city itself.

"I wonder who were the people that build them. It takes considerate skill and knowledge to rise something like that." The ravenette replied to her blonde friend.

"That's the problem, the only thing we know for sure is that they were a race of people living underground, in some intact documents they were called the Kingdom of Norse. There are little too no official documents describing them.
According to the ones the researchers discovered, they looked just like normal humans with nearly white skin tone. The technology they had at their disposal was unimaginable, their creations are still working and guarding the abandoned bases and cities. Some of the bigger golems could rival in power with the strongest of the adventurers, many people lost their lives underestimating them." The Crusader summed up for her friend what she knew.

As the raven haired girl was listening, she spotted something high in the sky over the mountain range. Around 20 large flying creatures were approaching the city. For half a second she thought that it was an attack, but then she recognized that the monsters were flaying in a formation, something a wild animal rather wouldn't do. She asked her companion about that.

"Oh, that's quite a rare sight. Those are the Dragon Knights from the kingdom of Brydle. Arkton is like a stopping point for them to rest when they travel to the southern border to reinforce the defenders. Dragon Knights are the only unit between the surrounding kingdoms that can effectively fight in the air. It's thanks to them that we are able to push back any attacks from the Demon King." The blond replied, looking at the beasts and their raiders in the distance.

When Momo found out that Axel is nearly on the front lines, she was a bit miffed. It wasn't that she was lied too, when she arrived in this world it was safe like it was promised, not counting the warm welcome of the three kidnappers. If those men were more cautious she could have ended so much worse.

But only a couple of days later the siege happened, the city wasn't even prepared. All the personnel with strength and skill was taken either to the capital or to the border, the town would fall if not for her planning and Izuku's appearance.

As she contemplated that, the whole caravan slowly approached the town. Near the gates, they joined a short line of people waiting to enter the city itself. Being the trade hub with a nearby kingdom they took their security really seriously, around 10 dwarves in heavy plate armor were standing on guard and 4 more were checking the incoming people and their cargo one by one.

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