Settling in

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Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA, Konosuba or any other fictional story that i my use in here.


The whole world was on fire, with blurry eyes she could see flashes of lights in the distance, getting slowly closer. She couldn't breathe, her whole stomach hurt like never before, it felt horrible. She wanted to get on her feet but her legs didn't even twitch, there was no feeling in them. A boy with green eyes and hair was helping her to sit, talking to her, begging her to not give up. But no matter how much she willed her body to move, to live... It wasn't responding to her plight. She felt in excruciating detail how her body was shutting down. Her heart beating slower and slower, with every second her sight was replaced with more and more darkness. She could see the sadness and horror in the eyes of the one that held her, she tried to call out to him, to tell him she was sorry she wasn't able to go back with him. She so wanted to stay with him, to be by his side. He was saying something but it was all one loud cacophony of sounds, the fight going on the background was getting closer and closer. She felt her heart stop beating, her lungs stopped moving, not taking any more oxygen for her. Just before darkness took her, she tried to smile for the boy she admired so much, in hope that he wouldn't blame himself that she couldn't be saved. Then all feel still and silent, only all encompassing feeling of nothingness remained.


Momo shot up in her bed, gasping for air. She heard commotion outside her room and a distraught blond woman stormed in, sword in hand at the ready.

"Creati! What's happening are you alright?" Quickly looking around and realizing that there was no threats in the room, Darkness lowered her weapon and approached the still struggling for air ravenette. She looked like a mess, her black hair were sticking in all directions, her face was full of tears still flowing from her eyes. Trying to comfort her, the Crusader sat at the edge of the bed and put a hand on her trembling arm.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Now she asked more softly, worried for her new friend.

Momo gathered herself a little, combing her hair with her fingers. After running a hand down her face she sighed heavily.
"I... I had a nightmare. About... Well... It is quite complicated. A lot happened before I ended up here."

Not knowing how to explain to the blond Crusader her situation, without revealing that she died recently, she started to play with the blanket in her lap. " There was a big fight... A large part of the city was destroyed, two really powerful... warriors fought. I was near that battle with my friends, trying to save someone but I was struck by a large piece of debris... I don't remember much after that..." As the raven haired girl tried to explain her new friend why she was in such a distress, Darkness gently squeezed her arm in reassurance.

"I think I understand, you don't need to worry. All of us warriors have our personal demons we fight with every day." She stood up, it was still a bit dark, the sun wasn't even over the horizon yet. She stretched herself a bit, the feeling of adrenaline in her body woke her up good, there was no way to go back sleeping now.

"Would you like some tea? I should have some stashed in my room." Momo perked up, with a smile she agreed to accompany her friend.

After taking a quick stop in the Crusader's room to leave her weapon and pick up the herbal tea, both girls went to the kitchen. As it was the middle of the night the raven haired girl had the first ever occasion to cast one of her support spells, Petite Light. It created a small glowing orb hovering right above her hand, that gave enough light to see a few mels around it. It wasn't anything spectacular by any means but the soft glow was soothing to her nerves.

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