Things burried by time

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Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA, Konosuba or any other fictional story that i my use in here. Chapter 12


With the first rays of sunlight entering the room, Izuku stirred awake. Months of back breaking training and scheduled lifestyle meant that waking up so early was ingrained in his body by this point.

Not having really any need to actually get up this early, he decided to lay under the covers for a little bit more. Even with the gas powered fireplace their big room was quite chilly in the morning, the comfortable warmth he felt was to good to give up. Looking in the direction of his roommates he started to blush madly when he saw Momo and Darkness entangled in one another. It looked like one of them embraced the other in search of heat, then the second girl reciprocated the gesture.

Deciding to ignore what he saw, Izuku closed his eyes for a bit more. Then he heard the soft snoring off the third girl just beside him. Stiff like a stone statue he slowly looked in the direction of Nana, peacefully sleeping with him in the bed drooling a bit on his pillow. Somehow the floating girl managed to fit herself between him and the wall of the room, not waking him up in the process.

After a short while when his brain managed to catch up to the situation, he yelped and jumped out of the bed as if it was on fire. This action woke up the two sleeping in the double bed, both of them flailing to get up.

"Whaa... What's happening?" Darkness asked seating up, her hair sticking all over the place. Momo in a similar state was blearily looking around, trying to find the source of all this commotion.

The greenette gathered himself from the floor standing up and blushing madly. "Sorry i woke you two up. Nana just surprised me and i overreacted." He stated, taking effort to not look in the direction of the two now seating girls. In their haste to untangle themselves and get up, the clothes they were wearing shifted quite a bit. Certainly to much for comfort of the only male in that room.

"I'm gonna go change my clothes in the bathroom." He said nearly to fast for them to understand, gathered his clothes and bolted out of the door. The whole action took him less than few seconds, in his panic he used his quirk to do it faster.

With a quizzical look on her face Momo looked at her blonde friend who blushing slightly set her clothes straight and gestured to her to do the same. When she noticed the state of her own clothing she blushed so hard it was a miracle her face didn't catch fire.

She wasn't shy about her body, the need to have some skin exposed for her power to work was something she already was over with. Even her heroic suit was build to maximize the creation surface area, effectively being a skin tight and to her chagrin rather skimpy outfit.

But mere moments ago she nearly flashed her crush, and that fact was so embarrassing for her that she felt as if her cheeks would stay red forever now.

"Nana! Why would you enter a man's bed in the night like that! We had enough trouble convincing him to rent a room with all of us instead of going to some other establishment!" Darkness woke up the still sleeping girl and didn't waste any time to reprimand her.

"But it was so cold in the night and he is so warm!" The culprit of the morning commotion tried to defend herself.

"You can't be so selfish, he jumped out of bed in fright when he saw you." Momo chastised the girl too.

"You two are just jealous that i spent the night in his bed." Nana fired back, flustering both girls. All in all, this morning turned out rather eventful.


Back in Axel, Kazuma was still laying in his bed sleeping. Suddenly his eyes snapped open, an urge to scream lucky bastard at the back of his head. Not following it, he decided to start his day. With Darkness gone on an adventure with their three new party members the large house he lived in felt more empty now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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