Not so friendly town of beginnings

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Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA, Konosuba or any other fictional story that i my use in here. Chapter 2


Momo's feet were starting to hurt a little, she was walking for a few hours now. After exiting that forest she quickly found a dirt road leading in the direction of the wall visible far away which after an hour of travel connected to a bigger, visibly maintained tract letting straight to the city. At the start she was worried that the leather boots she was sporting would be harder on her, but they were surprisingly comfortable. When she was starting her journey the sun was still rising now it was high in the sky. She didn't know how many hours a day have in that world but after she traveled around 15 kilometers in her estimates the gates of Axel were in sight.

Nearing the border of the town, someone looking like a guard waved her over, not wanting to get into trouble she approached him. He looked to be quite old, around 50 years in her estimate but from his posture she could see he was in a surprisingly good shape.

"Hello there young lass." He greeted her with a smile. "I never saw you before in our town, are you a traveler?"

Pausing for a second to get her bearings and think about her answer she replied. "As a matter of fact yes, I'm from a small village quite far away and would like to enter this city in hope to find some work. At least to stay a few days to recuperate." Momo replied with a smile.

Eyeing the girl before him, the guard could tell that she looked to refined to just be from some village, this girl practically radiated with noble conduct, and used too polite of a language to not have some type of upbringing.
"Well in that case I would need to make sure you don't have any criminal acts in your status, do you maybe have a status plate of any kind with you?"

"No, sadly I do not. Will this be a problem?" Momo asked wearily, not knowing if not possessing such documents would bring her any trouble, to her relief the older guard smiled at her.

"It won't be any problem, please come with me into the guard house, we have a status stone in there, we can quickly check it and you will be on your way. I recommend getting a status plate though, you could get one made in the adventures guild in the town center. Is a really large, hard to miss."

A bit reluctantly Momo followed the older man into the building just beside the gate, in the first room they entered on a polished grey stone pedestal, a big black tablet made of some kind of metal was laying. Following the instructions of the guard she placed her right hand on the corner of the device.

After a few seconds the surface of the tablet glowed a bit and a string of texts showed up, arranging itself neatly.

Name : Momo 'Creati' Yaoyorozu
Race : Hiuman
Age : 16
Current class: Civilian
Previous class: UA Student
Crimes committed : None

To her surprise, her hero name was listed as a middle name. Being in a bit of awe she didn't see the reactions of the old guard, she didn't know too that in this world such a long names were only used by nobles. Not to mention that she was a student, and only a few commoners could afford any kind of education.

"Hmm there seems to be something wrong with the tablet, your race is displayed differently. But i guess it's just the age of this thing showing, i should send to the capital for a new one." The guard mused after getting a hold of himself.

"Well you are clear to enter, please be careful though. There were reports of thieves on the streets lately, so if you see anything out of order please report it to the nearest guard, we had to increase the amounts of patrol because of those ruffians." With that said, the older man showed her to the exit with a smile.

"Thank you, I will be careful. Would you be so kind to point me in the direction of a shop in which I could sell some trinkets? Mostly jewelry." With a polite smile Momo asked.

Giving her a nod he pointed onward into the city. "You can do that at the adventurers guild, young lady. It is a large red building, near the main city square. You need to head around 2000 mels that way. If you follow the main street it's impossible to miss." Thanking the man she continued along her way as instructed.

As she moved quite far away, the old guard heard his partner whistle in a low tone.

"Wouldn't mind spending a night with that one don't you think?" At his younger co-worker comment, the older one sighed with disapproval.
" I wouldn't try anything if i were you. My bet is that she's some runaway fiance, or a daughter of some noble. Her name was really strange though, had that crimson demon vibe to it. That kind of gals are often followed by trouble." After that short exchange both of them returned to their work.


After a few minutes of travel down the main road through the city, she started to be surrounded by a more urban environment. The road that was made from packed dirt was replaced by a nice cobblestone at the gates, making for quite a nice sight. There were a lot of people milling around, going every possible way. It wasn't anything near the amount of pedestrians back home but after a few hours of traveling by herself she was happy to see a bit of civilization. When she was going in the general direction of the guild a really nice smell of fried meat caught her attention, reminding her that she didn't eat anything in a long time. After spotting a stall nearby with a few people waiting for their food already, she decided to join them. There behind the counter, at a grill of sorts stood a red headed woman, with what looked like canine ears at the top of her head standing proudly, looking behind her she had a bushy tail too, having the same color as her hair. Momo wasn't too shocked seeing her form, people with quirks could take practically any form so it wasn't anything new really. She could even swear that she saw someone with a head in the shape of a Lego block at the sport festival back home. She was really curious how such a person functioned in everyday life though. As it was her turn she saw earlier that the customers before her were paying with coins in a copper like color, well going by the value of the metals back home she hoped that she had enough.
"What it will be for you missy?" When the woman working at the stall turned to her and smiled, Momo clearly saw that she had quite large teeth, larger than normal humans at least.
"Hello, I would like 2 portions of those meat skewers you have there please." After placing her order, she took out her money pouch and fished out a smaller silver coin. When she was waiting in the line, she found out that she had two kinds of coins, smaller and bigger. Going with the logic they had to have different value, and as silvers should be significantly more pricey she hoped it was enough.

"It will be 180 Eris" Hearing that and going with her gut feeling she gave 2 smaller silver coins to the animal girl. And got herself 4 skewers with ample amount of meat and vegetables of some kind, and 20 copper coins. After thanking the lady vendor, Momo found a place to sit for a while to rest and eat. Observing the people walking around, she quickly found out that there were more races here than she initially spotted. After about half an hour of resting she counted around 15 different kinds of people, including some that fitted normal fantasy stereotypes like dwarfs, elves, all kinds of animal based anthropomorphs, and even really small race of people that she didn't know the name of right now. At first she thought that they were children, but for the life of her she couldn't picture a young boy with gray hair and beard like the one she saw.
Collecting her things, including the sticks and wrapping from her food to dispose of latter, she was about to pick up her staff to continue her walk when she was suddenly yanked back by her cloak. She was about to hit her attacked with a back kick, when she had a large knife put to the neck.
"No sudden move and no screaming doll, or we gut you like a fish." A really gruff male voice sounded behind her ear. Not having to much of a choice she decided to cooperate for now when she was roughly dragged into an alleyway, out of sight of other passersby. There she saw two more men, much older than her, one had a large sword on his back, the other two small axes at his hips.

The sword use whistled happily. "You caught quite a looker this time, she looks like a noble princess straight out of a book." The axe wielder snorted at that." Well it's her bad luck then, she will fetch quite a price when we sell her." Momo's eyes widened at that comment. Only to get even bigger when she heard her captor speak up next."Hey guys, how about we check out this merchandise our self? It's not everyday we catch a beauty like this."Starting to panic, she was going to create a spike right into her captor body, a soft glow could be seen beneath her blouse where the deadly needle would emerge, just to be interrupted by a powerful, female sounding voice.

"In the name of goddess Eris, stop your actions immediately you scum!"


Darkness had a pretty good day so far. A few days ago she and her party successfully helped an angry spirit, that was haunting a large house at the outer parts of the city, to pass away fully.Despite the house not being haunted anymore, no one wanted it so they bought it practically for a fraction of the price they would pay otherwise. She was happy to live with her friends, even if Kazuma was a bit strange.Even if he was a strange foreigner, and a bit of a brute, and a jerk, and a perv... Well he was a good man in there somewhere... He was decent enough to not try anything, despite Aqua parading around without underwear, in her scandalously short skirt, it was a slighted breeze from an accident for Eris's sake. That blue haired woman was shameless, but what could you expect from someone who was an arch priestess of the Axis cult. Darkness often wondered how Kazuma was taking all those jeers and verbal jabs from the bluenette so calmly.After the breakfast they all went their own way. Kazuma and Megumin, the arch wizard of the group, went outside the town to train magic. Aqua was already half a bottle of wine down even before Darkness went to the church to pry to her deity.She even meet her dear friend Chris the thief at the temple. As always secretive about where she was and where she headed they gossiped a bit about what happened in town and went their separate ways.
Now a few hours after the midday, she was walking around enjoying the day and just bumbling around without any real destination when she saw something alarming.Around 30 mels from her she saw a cloaked figure drag a young, raven haired woman into a dark alleyway. Not wasting any time she charged after them glad that she decided to bring her full combat equipment with her today. A few guards that just rounded a corner on their patrol, saw her sprinting full tilt into an alleyway with a sword drawn and decided to follow her just in case.
The Crusader of Eris not aware of her incoming backup roared a the thief's.
"In the name of goddess Eris, stop your actions immediately you scum!" Which of course get her their full attention. "Shit! She's a Crusader... Holy mother of... Her defense is of the charts!!" The guy holding the hostage shouted to his comrades, probably using some skill to check how much of a threat the newcomer was.When they all prepared to fight one of the guardsmen peeked around the corner assessing the situation, then signaled to his two co-workers to circle from the other side of the alleyway to corner the kidnappers.
"What are you trying to do too that girl? Are you going to beat her up and violate? Why don't you try me instead?!" Bandits faltered a bit from the apparent strength and confidence of the warrior woman before them, not noticing the light blush and panting.
The knife wielder pointed his weapon at the Crusader and warned her to back off, giving Momo an opportunity to act. Using her combat training and all her strength, she quickly twisted the hand that wielded the weapon away from her, at the same time kicking with all her might at her assailant's knee. With a sickening crack and a scream of agony the knife wielder collapsed to the ground in a heap, he clutched at his leg that now was bent in the opposite direction it should.
The other two seeing their partner in crime getting incapacitated by their captive, who for some reason was shocked at the result of her actions had two different reactions.The axe wielder didn't waste any time and sprinted to the opposite direction of where Darkness was where just around the corner he ran straight into the guards who quickly apprehend him. The other one unsheathed his massive two handed blade and charged at the blond Crusader who didn't even try to block when she was struck right in her side with a heavy blow.
Momo was terrified that her savior would get cleaved in half by that brute, but had to blink a few times to even understand what happened before her.
When that two handed sword came into contact with the warrior woman it started to bend, and then shatter from the impact, breaking into a few larger chunks that scattered on the ground. The swordsman, at first dumbly looked at the hilt of his sword with now only a few centimeters of the blade remaining, and then all color drained from his face as he saw the excited visage of Darkness getting ready to attack him with her sword in retaliation. He prostrated himself immediately in front of her begging for mercy, not wanting to be ripped apart by this best of a woman, in his mind at least.
Darkness was visibly saddened that the battle was over with only this much of beloved and delightful feeling of pain, getting her mind out of the gutter for once, leaving the swordsman to a guard that showed up from nowhere, she went to check on the girl she effectively saved.
"Hey there, are you alright?" She asked the raven haired girl.
"Yes, yes I am. Sadly it was not the first time I had to go through something like this. Thank you for your help miss...? Momo replied with courtesy.
"Oh there is no need to be so polite. I am called Darkness, I'm a Crusader of the goddess Eris. What's your name?"
"I am Momo Yaoyorozu, or you could call me Creati if you want. I'm really thankful for your assistance with those villains. I'm afraid i can't offer you any compensation though, I'm completely new to this town and I still need to find some lodging, possibly even some source of income."
"Creati..." Darkness mused. "I like the sound of it." She added after a while.
"There is no compensation needed, in fact I can assist you if you want, i was heading to the guild hall to see if there are some new quests listed. You would be more than welcome to join me, and if i saw correctly you have some experience in combat, maybe you could join the guild to. It may be a bit dangerous but it's fun at the same time and often rewarding."
"Oh, i was trying to get there just before I got attacked by those three." Momo said to the blond girl. "I would really like the company too. I was traveling for some time alone and really would like to talk with someone."


"I can't believe that your teammate got swallowed by a giant frog... How big it was too even do such a thing to a human?" Momo asked with a bit of concern.
"Well they are called giant for a reason. The biggest one i saw was bigger than a four horse drawn carriage. But most of the time they aren't that big... We are here!" Darkness announced with a smile totally missing the look of horror on her companion's face. They entered through a giant door into a spacious hall, decorated with some trophies, probably from the adventurers themselves. Inside was bustling with laughs and cheers, you could see people dining and talking, most of them was armed with all kinds of weapons, from knives to maces, you could even spot a few crossbows, one man in a fancy armor even had a few black powder pistols holstered all around his person.
As Creati followed Darkness to the counter, a very well endowed blond receptionist welcomed them. "Hello Darkness, who is this friend of yours? I never saw her here." Luna, the receptionist asked with a smile.
"This is Creati, i helped her out from a tight situation earlier today, and seeing that she wanted to get here to register i tagged along to guide her. Are there maybe any new quests listed?" Darkness inquired looking on the direction of the quest board.
"I think that there were a few, don't really remember the details you can go check them if you want, i will handle your friend in the meanwhile." Saying that the blond receptionist gestured to a series of boards with sheets of paper pinned to them. Seeing that the Crusader went to do just that, she turned her attention to the newcomer.
"If you want to join the adventurers guild, we have just a few simple rules you will need to acknowledge. We are against any kind of crimes, if you commit any crime that is deemed to be with intent, your guild card will be revoked. If it is possible we don't want any duels or fights between the members, other than sparring of course. And the final one states that if you take a quest and won't be able to complete it, you will be forced to take the easier ones for quite a while as a punishment for overestimating yourself. Is that clear?"
"That's... Awfully lenient for an organization such as this. Is that really all the rules?" Momo asked a bit puzzled.
"Well to be completely honest we have a book stating all the laws here, but most of the guys in here can barely read, not many can even write, they learn what they need to get by. I presented you with the simplified version and as long as you will abide by that it will be fine. If you want to register now, issuing a new plate will cost 10000 Eris." At that Momo paused. She's was a bit shocked at the illiteracy of the common folk, but it was somewhat fitting in this medieval setting. Taking out all her money she sighed a bit and peeked at Luna.
"I am sorry but I think I lack the funds right now... Could you maybe direct me in the direction of a pawnshop? I have a few trinkets to sell." At that the receptionist smiled and made a dismissing gesture. "There is no need, we as a guild provide a lot of services. There is a bar as you clearly see, upstairs we have rooms for rent and the most important, we have the treasury. I have an Analysis skill in cases the adventurers find some jewelry or other things that they want to sell. You can just show me the things you want to pawn and I will apprise and exchange them for money." At that revelation Momo smiled happily, emptying her pouch on the counter for Luna to see.
It didn't look too fancy, a few small gems, a couple of gold and silver ornate rings. But just after activating the skill, the receptionist eyes went wide. In front of here were the purest gemstones she ever saw, and they were expertly cut too, giving them the most beautiful shine she ever saw.
"Are you sure you want to sell those gems? They are of the highest quality i ever saw, they are one hundred percent pure. You probably could get a small fortune for those at the auction even if they are this small." The blond receptionist said with awe.
The raven haired girl looked a bit sheepish for some reason. "It is fine really, i need to get the money now, and cannot wait for to long." She quickly answered, chastising herself inside for forgetting to make the gems more authentic.
"Well, the decision is yours. I will give you 15000 Eris for those rings, and 265000 for those gems." Quickly counting it, Momo agreed. She already replaced the lipids used to make those things with the meal beforehand, so it was practically free money. Once more she remembered the economy classes, and her parents warnings that she could collapse it if she wasn't careful.
After covering the registration fee, Momo pocketed 2 small gold coins and 70 large silver coins. Luna went for something needed in the process, and in the meantime Darkness returned from the quest board.
"There is a quest that could interest Aqua, our arch priestess, but other than that nothing for the rest of my party. How's registration going?" The Crusader asked, a bit disappointed from lack of available work."I was able to procure some money from the trinkets i brought with me, now miss Luna went for something to finish the registration." At her words the receptionist's voice could be heard.
"Hey! Don't call me miss Luna, it makes my feel so old, i have only 21 years dammit!" The blonde quipped playfully returning with some kind of contraption.
"Okay everything's ready. Please take this needle and puncture one of your fingers, we need some of your blood to bound this device here to you." At that Luna presented Momo with something that looked a bit like a smartphone, on the smaller side only about 5cm wide and 8 cm tall, but still the similarities were uncanny.
Following the instructions, Momo dripped a bit of blood in a small crevice at the top of the device and with that action the whole front panel of the thing lit up in a colorful way.
"Looks like it's working, i will need to check your crimes list just in case, it's a standard procedure. And i would like to check your stats to, so if we could assign you a class of your choosing from the ones accessible." The raven haired girl gave the device back, not really looking at what was displayed, which proved to be a mistake, mostly from the Luna's fault though.
When the blond receptionist saw the numbers on the card she was speechless. Every single statistic was above average, with intelligence practically of the charts, and wisdom closely following it. After a bit of shock she started to read the rest of the information just for her jaw to partially dislocate from going so low.

Name : Momo 'Creati' Yaoyorozu
Race : High Human
Age : 16
Current class: Civilian
Previous class: UA Student
Crimes committed : None
Race trait: Next step of evolution- caused by an unknown virus the body of a High Human went through a forced evolution that resulted in higher Constitution, Strength and Dexterity.
Skills: Kickboxing martial arts - lvl 6/10;
Long sword fighting - lvl 3/10;Bo staff fihting – lvl 4/10
Sharpshooting - lvl 4/10;
Cooking - lvl 6/10;
Engineering - lvl 7/10;

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