Trouble Caused by Greed

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Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA, Konosuba or any other fictional story that i my use in here.Chapter 7


After the girls left, Izuku continued with his workout. He was trying to gauge his power like this for a time now. His quirk was working like always, but at the same time it was not. It was a really peculiar feeling, like if you knew you car all the way through, all it's kinks and how to drive it, but someone, somewhere changed out the engine or something... He didn't know where he was going with this analogy really, he just felt like he wasn't using some part of his power that he knew for a fact shouldn't be there, but it was.

Getting mentally exhausted with those thoughts, he decided to go to the house for something to drink. He was really grateful to Momo and her new friends for a place to stay, but he couldn't use their kindness like that forever. He would need to find some kind of work and lodging for himself and Nana. There was this guild place he could check out, he had some combat experience so going on missions to hunt monsters wouldn't be too hard. It would be cool to go see the world to, maybe start analyzing the monsters? It'd be nice to have some hobby like back home. There were no quirks here, but after a few days he saw a lot of different races of people, he could always try to learn more about them.

Musing about that he remembered how Nana keeps making insinuations about him and his friend, yes friend. He didn't really think that Yaoyorozu would choose him off all people, she had so many better options. He knew that she did what she did because she wanted to not have regrets, he really hoped that it worked. She acted a bit stiff around him when they met here in this town, but it would be more strange if she didn't. He really should find somewhere else to stay.

After drinking some water, Izuku was about to go back out but he heard loud banging on the door. That Kazuma guy was out somewhere, the same with that girl, Megumin and that blue haired priestess was at this point living in the guild hall. He was alone right now in the house, so he decided to answer the door.

When he opened them, he saw young man, maybe a year older than himself. He had brown hair and a really expensive looking blue armor, gilded in gold. On his back was a flowing black cape that was reaching nearly to the ground, and to finish of his looks, he had a large two handed sword.

"I am in search for the Black Princess, is she here?" Not even introducing himself the man in blue asked.

"Excuse me, but I'm not familiar with anyone who have such a title, I am new in this town, maybe you should go to this adventure guild, they probably know about her more." The green haired youth didn't remember hearing such a title really. It sounded like an alias or a hero name back home.

"Don't play with me! I know she resides in this house, Creati the Black Princess." Visibly getting agitated the swordsman raised his voice.

"Oh, you meant Momo. I'm really sorry, i arrived in this town only a few days ago. She went with her friends to some sort of temple i think, around an hour ago." Not seeing anything wrong in informing the man before him, Izuku told him.

"That may be good. Are you this fiance all the town speaks about? The one that defeated Beldia? " At that green haired youth had to pause a little. It was certainly his doing, defeating the Dullahan. But he never was, and certainly isn't anyone's fiance. It must be some sort of misunderstanding.

"Again, i don't really know what are you talking about. I defeated that headless warrior when i arrived in town. Momo and i aren't engaged too, where even you got that idea?" Izuku asked, getting red in the face. But at the same time, for some reason this armored man was giving him a bad vibe.

"Your lies won't work on me, you scum. The whole town knows that you are making the Black Princess be your wife by force! I will not stand for this!" With those words the blue swordsman was about to grip his sword, but was stopped by a short girl with red hair.

Izuku didn't see her before, but she was standing right behind the man. After she whispered something in his ear, the green haired youth had a chill go down his spine at seeing the sickening grin on the warriors face.

"I challenge you to a duel of honor, not that you have any. When I win you will leave lady Creati for good, and she will join my party." Saying that as if it was already his victory, he looked down on the greenette, still smiling.

Well... That wasn't something Izuku expected. It was normal for him to get looked down on, to get insulted. But for some reason, he felt this foreign feeling deep inside himself. He felt his quirk stirring a bit, as if it wanted to be let out.

Still looking calm on the outside he spoke to the swordsman. "Why would we fight about that for ourselves? Shouldn't it be Momo's decision to go with anyone she wants to?" It was a simple question really, but it clearly showed the intentions of his guest.

"That isn't important. She will just join my party after i free her from your clutches. Meet me in the guild tomorrow morning, we will have our duel and you will meet defeat. Have fun with your last moments coward." After those words he just spun around and marched of, like he didn't just threaten someone with death.

Izuku stood there, trying to get a hold of his emotions. He really didn't like how that guy just decided everything for his own, not even taking Momo's opinion into consideration.

As he was contemplating that, a black and grey missile impacted him from the side.

"Izuku! Are you alright?! Why were you so angry, i thought you were fighting or something!" Looking down to the form of Nana hugging him like that, his anger evaporated as if it was never there. She was visibly distressed, looking like she just blasted across the entire town to get to him.

"I'm alright, nothing happened. Where are the two that were with you? I thought I told you to listen to Momo right?" Trying to change the subject was rather easy with the floating girl. She was a bit strange at times, as if her adult personality was showing. But the next moment there she was, this teenage girl that was easily bored and wanted to move all the time. He really hoped that it wasn't anything serious, he didn't have any knowledge of the metaphysical side of things so hope was one of the only things he had now.

"We were at the temple but then you got angry at that blue guy so i flew to you as fast i could." Well that was new. So they were connected to some degree, it would be good to check later how strong that connection was.

"How did you know about the blue swordsman? Do you know what were we talking about?" Greenette tried to pry some information from her.

"It was strange... This elf lady asked me if you are near, and i was like no he is at the home talking to the blue guy, and then you got angry and i wanted to get to you here." Now standing near him, feeling that he was calm now, Nana sighed with relief.

In the distance the running forms of Momo and Darkness were seen, he really didn't like to make everyone worry like that.


"He want to what?" It was a proper reaction to what Creati just heard. That Mitsurugi had something bring with him from the start, to just show at someone's house and demand a fight?

"It's rather serious, to demand a duel of honor one need to be of a higher standing. In our kingdom high ranked adventurers are often treated like nobility, but you don't have to take a request like that. That man isn't of noble birth, and adventurers guild do not condone duels like that." Darkness stated, visibly not happy from what she heard from Izuku.

"I don't want to fight him, but he didn't even heard me out, he was just ignoring me and going at his own pace. I think that man is bad news, he somehow thinks that I'm engaged to Momo..." He trailed off for a second, trying to get his blush under control. "That i made her my fiance by force and he is trying to release her so she can be in his party. He just decided that Creati will go with him when he defeats me." The green haired man summed up his encounter for the girls.

"That buffoon thinks i will join him?" Momo looked incredulously at Izuku who just shrugged.

"What is this I hear about my bro here being challenged to a duel? People talk that Creati is going to join Mitsurugi's party too. Please don't, you are the only sane person here." Kazuma quipped entering the room.

The situation just went from bad to worst.


The whole guild was buzzing like a bee hive. Everyone was talking about the sudden duel of honor that Kyouya Mitsurugi requested. Apparently the blue knight was going to free the Black Princess from the clutches of her tyrannical fiance. Everyone was excited because of the incoming fight, it was hard to get some entertainment in Axel.

Well, not really everyone. Luna the head receptionist was stressed to the maximum. The fight was outside the guild regulations because the green haired man wasn't a member of it, which meant that they couldn't interfere and call it off.

Not to mention that the request that Mitsurugi issued was using his power as the 3 ranked adventurer in the whole kingdom, and that was infuriating.

"I can't believe this guy! Where was he when the town was under siege? Now he just showed up and demands a duel? " Luna ranted to her co-worker, a young orange haired girl with fox ears, Nina.

"Not to mention that he wants to fight the one person that saved us all! Those rumors are ridiculous. I meet the guy, he is calm and collected, not some tyrant warlord!" And that was the other thing. Those outrageous rumors about their savior, who apparently had made Creati his fiance with force. The blue swordsman spun the whole thing as if he was rescuing a princess from a wild caveman.

"There is nothing we can do Luna. I only hope that the Black Princess won't hold it against the guild. She did a lot to this city, even if she arrived here not so long ago." Nina replied with resigned voice.

Luna looked to the tables from her place behind the counter. There in his whole armored glory sat the man who was the culprit of this all. Mitsurugi Kyouya, smiling and laughing with his companions, was eating his breakfast, the most expensive one of course. It was nearly time of that accursed duel and the second combatant would show any time now. And just when the blonde receptionist was going to ask the blue swordsman to reconsider his request, the doors to the guild hall opened with a bang.

Darkness entered first with a somber look, just after her was Creati looked really displeased and angry, in her full combat gear shining in the morning light. Her armor looked a bit more intricate than before, adding to it's amazing looks, beautiful engravings were along the plating adding even more elegance to her outfit. And after her entered the green haired man himself, half a head shorter than the two before him. With his fluffy hair and not so combat oriented plain shirt and pants.

Just after the trio, a young woman clad all in black with a long flowing white cape flew straight in the direction of the blue swordsman.

The whole guild looked at the confrontation with curiosity.

"Are you that Mitsubishi guy?" Nana shouted and pointed her finger at him.

Clearly taken aback he replied. "I am Mitsurugi, yes?"

"Sweet! Imma deck you in the shnoz!" Happily the floating girl announced, for everyone to hear.

"Nana, please get back here." Izuku called to her in a patient voice. To his words, the flying girl made an I'm watching you sign and slowly flew back to the greenette's side, not taking her eyes from now confused warrior.

Momo quickly got in from of the man in blue who smiled at her, her icy glare was all he got in response. "How dare you challenge Izuku to a duel! Do you even think what you do? First you attack my party's property, then try to kill my party leader, now you are trying to kill my friend?!"

Her loud and clear voice rang throughout the whole guild hall. Everyone was waiting for the confrontation, but not like this.

A lot of the people though that the gallant hero was going to show everyone how he saves this warrior princess from the tyrant, who no one could connect to this short boy.

"Don't worry Black Princess there is nothing to be afraid of. I will defeat this villain that have his hold on you and then you can join me on my quest to defeat the Demon King." Dramatically said Mitsurugi, wholly believing that he is making her a service.

"Don't you dare call him a villain! He is more heroic than anyone in this world! And i am not joining your party even if you defeat him, and there is nothing you can do to make me do it!" Momo getting angry was a sight to behold, her icy gaze ran over the whole crowd, some even covered in fear.

"I am really disappointed that the guild approved of the fight. There is no need for it, and this man here is the only instigator." She said, pointing at the blue clad warrior.

"Why are you shouting at him like that you ungrateful woman." A blonde and slender girl stood before her, seemingly out of nowhere. Probably by using some kind of skill.

"He is doing this to release you from the clutches of that vile man over there, you should show a little respect don't you think?" The slender girl said, as if this was common knowledge.

Infuriated by this, Creati was about to respond, when a scarred hand took a hold of her shoulder. Looking back she saw the green eyes of her friend, clearly not amused by the whole situation.

"Thank you Momo, for trying, but those kinds of people always do what they want, even if they are doing it over someone else's life." His soft voice reached quite far, making s few people blink.

"I had hope that you would back of with this ridiculous request off yours, you do realize that even if you win, my friend here won't join you right?" Izuku started politely but was ignored completely.

"So you show up you coward. Where is your equipment? Are going to give up even before the fight?" Mitsurugi didn't even acknowledge what the greenette said, mocking him from the get go. Izuku just sighed and went to the training grounds, guided by his friends. This wasn't going to be pretty.


It was infuriating for Momo that she couldn't do anything. When they got back to the house yesterday chasing after Nana, she was glad to see Izuku was okay. But after hearing this outrageous request of Mitsurugi, to battle possibly to the death and with her as the prize to boot, she wasn't the least bit pleased.

Surprisingly it was the green haired youth that calmed her down. He seemed to take this whole situation quite well, but the panicked face of Nana, when she was trying to get to him, was still on her mind. Why would Izuku getting angry produce such a reaction from her, when asked she wouldn't tell. It was clear now that the two of them had some sort of connection, overlooked earlier because they never were apart for so long.

"Don't worry Creati, Izuku will win for sure. You saw how much strength he posses, Beldia was folded in half with a punch from him." Darkness tried to calm her friend. The blonde herself couldn't even fathom how strong would the blue swordsman had to be, to best Izuku in a straight combat. This Mitsurugi fellow was looking like a high ranked adventurer, his companions said he was third in the kingdom, but that confrontation with the Dullahan was just too one-sided for the green haired man to lose.

Thankful for the support from her friend, the black haired girl smiled to her a little.

"It is just that... I seem to bring him trouble, you know? He had to save me quite a few times, i hope that I am not a burden to him." Momo sighed, looking at the two combatants in the arena.

Both of them were ready, most of the people thought that it will be one-sided too. The only people that witnessed what really happened on the battlefield, the defenders of the town were all cheering for the green haired man. Sadly they werent that numerous. For Mitsurugi, who issued the challenge and was in fact a really successful adventurer, the whole rest of the gathered crowd roared in applause.

Then everyone fell silent when Luna's voice was heard through the speakers.
"Are both combatants ready? I want to state, that the guild isn't in favor of this duel. If this battle will escalate, the responsibility for your actions will be on your own shoulders. Any damages that my occur will be fined directly to you."

As Luna was still talking, a loud yell cut her off.

"Let us just start, this won't take long for me to win, i will just kill this joke here and lady Creati will join my party. There is no need to drag it out!" Of course Mitsurugi got inpatient and just wanted to start.

A soft murmur went through the crowd, everyone in town knew Luna, she was a really respected figure in Axel. To cut her off like that was more than a bit rude.

"As you wish... Combatants you are clear to engage." At her words, the swordsman sprinted to Izuku who was around 20 mels form him, the green haired man erupted in emerald lightning and ran around surprised Mitsurugi, with so much speed that he was rising a cloud of dust. Then not slowing down he started to shoot large gusts of wind at the blue swordsman with his hands.

Kyouya was taking all the hits, and even with his high stats, he wasn't able to track his opponent. This being the first time he encountered someone so powerful, he did the only thing he knew to do, went all out.

Rising his two handed sword high into the air, as if stabbing heavens themselves he roared.

"Awaken! Gram!" With those words a large pillar of light descended upon him, shielding him from Izuku's onslaught, and sending the green haired man rolling.

After Deku got up, he saw that his opponent looked totally different, his brown hair turned blond, and his eyes were glowing blue. The golden parts of his armor took more sinister look, jagged and sharp.

His sword, that earlier had the same color scheme as his armor was now golden, with glowing white engravings.

"Let's see if you will be so fast now you worm." Saying that, he rocketed to the greenette with nearly the same speed that Izuku displayed earlier.


Momo was shocked, as she was watching the whole fight with her Mana Sense active, that transformation scene sent shivers down her spine. As just a minute before that buffoon in blue armor was barely disturbing the flow of energy near him, now he was like a pillar of solid Mana. His sword was worse though. It radiated so much energy, that it was too hard to look at it straight. It was like looking at a sun in the middle of the day. She had to drop her skill, even if she was in the stands, good 50 meters away.

"This is bad, i didn't know he had a magic sword, a really strong one at that. He certainly is more powerful than Beldia." Darkness stated with concern. She knew the greenette only for around two days, but he was a friend nonetheless. She was still in awe though, as Izuku was managing to fight Mitsurugi off.

It was a surreal sight for sure. A man, wearing just plain clothes was going toe to toe with a warrior that was equipped with a magic blade.

After two minutes of the fight, an enraged voice of Kyouya could be heard.
"Stop dodging me you coward!"
To everyone surprise, and dread, a large curved blade made of white light went into the building nearby, cleaving it nearly in half before stopping. The swordsman was using his large scale attacks in the middle of the city like a madman, and to the growing panic of the crowd it wasn't the only one.


That idiot was going to far. For Izuku it was quite hard already to fight him off. Using the same trick he used on Beldia, deflecting the blade of his opponent sword, striking it on its flat side whenever he could he tried to make an opening. It wasn't as effective on his current opponent though.

Mitsurugi was getting out of balance from those hits, but remained on his legs, clearly having enough strength to withstand them. Deku was running out of options, he had a bit of margin on his power left. He could crank it up, but that would drain his body to fast, and if that crazy swordsman had any aces up his sleeves it could be bad.

As if the greenette was seeing the future, Mitsurugi roared.

"Stop dodging me you coward!". And swung his blade in the air, a few meters away from Izuku. The greenette had milliseconds to react, twisting out of the way of the devastating attack, and with horror watched as the crescent shaped energy carved the side of a building. It was a miracle that none was in there.

He wanted to stop this madness but more attacks followed, it was pure coincidence that all of them went in the one direction away from the spectators.
This guy was insane, there is no other way to describe what he was doing.

As more and more attacks were fired, Izuku was trying to stay at the area he was in, it was already destroyed so it was minimizing the damage. Izuku's anger rose at the thoughtlessness of his opponent. If there were people in those buildings, he was a murderer already, not to mention the destroyed property and structures. It was infuriating that this idiot in blue just did what he wanted, he even started to cackle at the carnage he was creating clearly enjoying it.


Why?! Why does things like this happen in her guild?

When Luna saw Mitsurugi's transformation she knew that this will go belly up. She started preparing for evacuation just when the first crescent attack went off. It was infuriating that such a powerful man didn't care about the city, the only good thing was that this attack, and all following blasts went into the warehouses. It would be a lot of costs in damages, but there shouldn't be a single person there right now. The amount of witnesses would win them any court with the swordsman. Especially with the presence of the eldest daughter of the Dustiness family.

Looking from her place near the entrance to the guild, she saw as the said blonde was keeping her new flying friend restrained. The capped girl looked as if she desperately wanted to go to the two battling men. She even was yelling something about helping the greenette, but the iron grip Darkness had on her prevented Nana from flying off.

Looking in the direction of combatants, something caught her attention. The green haired man suddenly burst with emerald power and flashed forward, as if using some sort of teleportation spell, and struck the swordsman with an uppercut. It didn't look special until the man that was hit shot up into the air. She was taken aback when Izuku punched the flat of Mitsurugi's blade, who was trying to block, even as he fell just in front of him.

In the next moment a powerful blast of wind nearly raised her from the ground, throwing her to the floor. She could hear a loud crash just above her.


When Nana started to tell them they need to help Izuku, Momo really wanted to enter the battle. The only thing that stopped her was the fact that she couldn't really do anything.

With the amount of power thrown around she wasn't even sure she could get close enough to that villain in blue armor. Nana was about to go into the battle but Darkness reacted in time, taking one of her arms in her iron grip, and getting a hold on the balustrade they were standing near, effectively anchored the floating girl in place.

"No! Let me go! I need to help him!" The capped girl yelled, striking with her other hand at Darkness, who didn't really feel anything.

Momo trying to comprehend what was happening spotted a sudden difference in Izuku's visage. His quirk's energy started to be a bit more erratic, leaving light scorch marks around him.

Creati's eyes suddenly widened when Deku flashed forward as if teleporting, then he punched up with his left arm, rising his opponent from the ground. In those few millisecond Momo's brain registered why Nana was panicking.

The greenette's arm was looking quite bad, his sleeve shredded from the force. That made what he did next even more horrifying for her.

Just before Izuku's right fist connected in a punch with the flat of Gram, Creati gripped her companions and dragged them to the ground.

In the next moment a powerful gust of wind went right over their heads, rattling the wooden construct they hid behind.

When the aftershocks quieted down, in the middle of the field stood Izuku, his right hand dripping blood. Mitsurugi wasn't anywhere to be seen. As she connected the dots, the blue swordsman probably got launched like a canon ball, looking in the direction he would go, she saw a large hole in the guild building's higher floor.

Spotting Momo's group, Izuku walked up to them, visibly drained from the fight. "Is everyone safe? That madman started to attack everything around. We need to restrain him." He stated and was about to go in the direction where his opponent went.

He was stopped by Nana though as she landed before him and looked at his arms, at his whole form.

The greenette's body was battered and scuffed, his legs looked bruised and we're visibly shaking, left arm was changing color a little and was swelling.

His right arm was the worst, the one he used to launch that psychopath. It was dripping blood from few wounds that opened on his skin as if it wasn't able to hold his power in and ripped itself apart. The already crooked fingers looked dislocated and were in a deep purple color.

Yet her host wasn't even flinching, he was still trying to apprehend his opponent who started to destroy the town. She saw situations like this from her place in OfA's core, but it was surreal to see it in person.


Getting her bearings, Luna looked around after being tossed of her feet by the sudden wind. Up on the guild building's wall was a big hole, on the third floor. Old Lucas already was directing the guards on hand to apprehend the adventurer that got out of hand. Even if that guy was so highly ranked, he just destroyed a good portion of guild's property and used huge devastating attacks in a duel.

On the field, Creati and that second black haired girl were tending to the other, green haired combatant who introduced himself as Deku. That man held enormous power, he fought barehanded with a Demon King's general and won. And from what she saw from this distance, he faced of with the third ranked adventurer in the whole kingdom, and got away only with minor injuries and broken hands. Something that could quite easily be healed by that arch priestess they had in Kazuma's party.

"Lucas, we can't find him anywhere!" A loud yell from a guard that was visible in the destroyed part of the wall was heard.

"That bastard must have run." The old guard muttered to himself. "Don't waste time on him any more, take your team and go help the rest of the boys search trough the wreckage!" Lucas yelled back, getting a quick salute.

"This is unbelievable... I'm going to write a letter to my father at once. Luna please prepare a messenger to deliver it." Darkness, with the most serious expression the blonde receptionist ever saw, told her.

Back at the field Aqua was already healing Izuku's hands with her spells.


It was impossible. He was the strongest, with this sword in his hands he defeated dragons and giant accident golems, so how was he defeated like that. Mitsurugi was sitting like in a trance, starting at his sword gleaming in the lightfrom a fireplace.

After getting sent through the wall, his two companions sensing impending problems with the law, used an escape scroll to teleport away. It was a really expensive magical item, costing more than a house in the middle of a city, but it allowed the user to teleport his party to an earlier bound spot.

Now the three of them were in their house in capital, never really used but it was bought by the swordsman and his party as a base of operations.

Now in the middle of the night, Kyouya was consumed by his feelings, still staring at the gift from the goddess of water herself. He remembered how she told him he was the chosen one, and that he would be able to do whatever he wanted with this power.

The cursed blade Gram, was a sword that granted his user a tremendous strength and speed. It could cleave through nearly anything using that crescent light attack. It was a sword of a hero.

So why was that short guy able to go toe to toe with him? He certainly was using some type of strengthening magic, with all this lightning shooting of him. But Mitsurugi never heard of something like that.


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