Chapter 1: In and Out the Tunnel of Love

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One small float for man, and a giant float for mankind. This is what I thought to myself after floating through this crazy drug trip. Wait I'm not a person right now, would it be ghostkind? Luciturd left out a bunch of details before I got kicked off into the portal. Then again I might of just ignored him during the important bits. Am I going to be reincarnated going through the magical tunnel of love? Or is it more like I just get plopped into a random world with my old body. I guess I'll find out soon enough. That said it's been forever, since I started-. Just as I say that, my entire body started falling. Going completely off course from its intended destination I fell out of the amazing light show and fell into a open wormhole of some sort. Next thing I know it was pitch black.

[Booting up system]

What the actual fuck? Oh yeah this is my life now. It was just showing a bunch of percentages of the booting sequence.

[Now Configuring to User Settings]

Ok that's definitely interesting.




Hey did I just see something offensive?! Everyone is a pervert, just some hide it better than others. I refuse to be looked down upon by a mere system.

[User Data Scan Completed. Configuring Gatcha Waifu/Husbando System. Please Capture To Your Heart's Desire.]

I think I have a tear in my eye. I take back everything I said about you. You are everything I wanted and a little bit more.

[Now Commencing Birthing Sequence]

No, oh no. Please anyone, can you help me. Jesus, Luciturd, please I'll even take Alucard from hellsing!

Well I am now officially in my new body. The details of how this came to be shall never be spoken of ever. The mental scarring was like nothing other that I have ever faced. Between the multiple blackouts and bouts of soiling myself (curse this baby body) I'm not too sure what's going on. I do however know that I still have my old name Y/n, thank the devil for small miracles. This was from me looking at my trusty status screen.

My stats were pretty trash not gonna lie, but that fat number for Luck made up for it. I still had no idea where I was. Seemed like a normal world for the most part. I still couldn't quite see with these baby bodies but I could hear well. From what I heard it seemed I was born in an Italian family.

Unless they were immigrants then I assume I was in Italy, good ol capital for pasta and pizza. It seems that it's time for this body to sleep again. The warmth of what I assumed was my mother was truly magical, I felt safe and caressed.

Some months or a random amount of time had passed since my last status check. I had gotten a little older but tragedy had struck. I was taken away from the sacred warmth protecting me in this foreign world. It happened during one of relaxing reading times where my mother would read or speak to me and I would just babble. It started with knocking on the door, then multiple pairs of footsteps coming inside our home. It was tense polite conversation which got heated later on. All I know was I taken from my mother and handed to a man which I would later come to know as father.

Day 352, I could be wrong since I haven't been counting and I just made that number up. My new caretaker is an older woman, she seemed caring enough but I was raising hell. This new living situation was not what I wanted and I wanted to make that known but alas, nothing changed. Strangely enough my vision was getting better, not as good as my old body but enough to tell people apart. Suits, suits, and more suits was all I saw for a very long time. Other than my caretaker, everybody in some shape or fashion was well dressed I would say. Was very curious on why I had so many what I would assume to be guards. Then the fateful day I heard the magic word. Mafia.

I was a child now, no longer with a caretaker mostly just body guards. I was entrusted to a higher up named Coyote Nougat, or what I called him Broom-stache. Pissed him off day 1 as soon as I started speaking. I would say what my first word was but I don't think you would wanna know, story for another time I supposed.

I was being groomed to be acceptable in the eyes of the boss of the family. Yep the boss was my father, and shit you not I knew him before this new life too. My father was named Timoteo, or Vongola Nono. I was smack reincarnated into one of the anime I watched frequently during my youth. Katekyo Hitman Reborn, otherwise known as KHR. This was a shit fest if I ever saw one. I mean all of his children were murdered or died to a strange occurrence, the only child left alive was his adopted son Xanxus. Not even gonna touch that bucket of daddy issues with a ten foot pole.

Now I knew what I was dealing with, but there was an issue I didn't expect. I was ostracized, let me rephrase that. I was simply an outcast in the family. Yes I know, direct heir to the throne that is Vongola. One problem, I had no flames. Correction, I did have flames but not sky flames. No I was blessed with the majestic flames of cloud. No doubt from my mother of all people.

The biggest troll though was the fact that I actually did have sky flames but they were sealed. My status proved it, clearly labeled sky flames but locked.

My luck was bad in my previous life but I assumed it would be amazing in my new one. It seemed it was a mix bag so far.

Clearly I had my work cut out for me but with the blessing of Lady Luck I would prevail damn it. Or so help me Satan I will shit on your floor again.

My main plan as of now was to grind out my skills to at least Varia quality to survive in this world. I needed to be the best of best in terms of being a Hitman. Not to mention what happens in the future, if it's still the same. I truly don't know if Tsuna or Xanxus will take up the mantle of Decimo. As of right now I'm shit out of luck in that department.

I'm still a child as of now, I will bide my time till I'm a little older with my skills leveled up.

Verdant here, originally wanted this chapter a lot longer but would feel like it's at a point where I can't add much more on while still making sense. If anything seems amiss please let me know as I am currently running on no sleep. Night owl over here :0

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