Chapter 6: Blood and Lead

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We walked through the portal, all three of us tense on what kind of world we would be walking into. However what we walked into was a normal busy street. The temperature was definitely hotter than what we were used to in Italy. We must of landed in a tropical country somewhere in Asia from the looks. I learned our first problem of we couldn't understand shit of the language being spoken around. This was going to be an issue so I looked for a way to get around that. So I took the chance to have Rokudo to explain the extra abilities I had to the other while I focused on shopping. Honestly they both have seen some weird shit so weren't that phased. So I ended up buying a ability called Language Absorption from the shop, this allowed me to learn to speak and write any language by focusing on what I was hearing and seeing.

After about thirty minutes, I got a notification saying I learned Thai. That was definitely interesting, last place I was expecting. It also seemed that this world was as normal as it got. Here I was hoping for some excitement from this place, oh well.

The next course of action was finding a place to settle down, since this was a mostly normal world I tried buying a new SIM card for my phone but that end failed. I ended up just buying a new phone and using that to check a map. We were in smaller city in Thailand, our best bet would of been a bigger city to get things prepped but I happened to notice something. Towards the coast was the fictional city of Roanapur, the most corrupt shit stain in all of the world at least in Black Lagoon. A savage grin took my face knowing that we couldn't get adventure, but we could definitely have some fun.

So I bought a car from my shop, probably a better deal than what I'd get from a dealership. The car of choice was a bat mobile, the most normal one I could fine. This was the best choice considering how often shit got blown up and shot at in that city. Hopefully the car lasts while we stay here.

Driving down the road with no speed limit was really dumb, but something about the adrenaline flowing while gunning it was something else. There was no worry about any driving mistakes as HDW mode covered those areas the only other person enjoying my crazy driving was Ken. He was pretty animalistic so it made some sense.

Three hours later we finally touched the city borders of the true city of sin. Our first stop was a hotel so we could sleep before I found us a new place to settle the next day. We pulled in the parking lot before I hit a fancy remote locking the vehicle. Hopefully no one tries to pull a Jason and steal my wheels. We got a nice fancy room and started our own routines to end the day.

I had to fix the language problem for my other members however, what I ended up doing was buy some standard Vongola rings for them to wear as a sign of our family. Then I bought some more language absorption since it was cheap and combined it together so they could use the ability. I might as well buy some more just in case and stock up, I needed some for the people I have in my character cards.

The next day I went towards the only place I could reliably sell me a building, the triads. The Italians were assholes from what I remembered, the Hispanic cartel were sketchy, was too soon to fuck with Balalaika, so that left the triads, Mr. Chang didn't see so bad anyway.

It was definitely awkward since I looked so young, they were probably wondering what the hell I was doing here. One guy even decided to be smart with me.

"Go back to your mama kid," said some unimportant mook.

I easily replied back to get him to shut up, "Go back to your father's nut sack."

He seemed a little pissed off by my remark and grabbed my shoulder before I drew my pistol and put it against his forehead. He let go of my shoulder and tried his best to pat away the wrinkles from my suit then fucked off.

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