Chapter 9: Till Death Do We Part

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Seems though my system thought I was taking it too easy and decided I would have to fight something sixty levels above me. Well screw you too, I'll still find a way to kick his ass. Now what could I remember about this guy. I knew he was the former king of Hueco Mundo before Aizen slid into his DMs. For the life of me I couldn't remember what his power was.

He had finally shown up, from the ground crawling like a zombie he had appeared in his base form. An older tan man with fragments of his hollow mask atop his head in the shape of a crown. Indeed a king I guess, too bad he got destroyed so easily by Josh Groban. After looking around he seemed confused, not sure why he was here.

"You, are you a shinigami? Why am I back in my former kingdom once more?" He said

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"You, are you a shinigami? Why am I back in my former kingdom once more?" He said.

I didn't know what to tell him and just opened my mouth with nothing coming out. Apparently that was not what he wanted me to do.

"Foolish boy, you dare ignore your betters?" He said calling for his axe.

Soon he disappeared in a blink and appeared in front of us, Rayquaza was startled and tried to gain some distance but Barragan merely swiped its arm. Rayquaza screeched in pain, it's arm going limp. I screamed for us to get away with Barragan merely watching us. 

He seemed to not care what we were doing, as if it wouldn't change anything. I recalled that his power had to do with aging. Meaning his had aged Rayquaza's arm till the bone inside had turned to dust. I couldn't risk it getting hurt more, so I hurriedly sent it back to wherever familiar went while I flew with my fiamma sandals. I focused to get into HDW mode as fast as possible while I had time.

This got me thinking, could he hurt Gengar too? Sure Gengar was a ghost type, but did they live forever? I knew there was more reward than risk, but the ghost was growing on me. I didn't want to risk it, it was better to have him stick in my shadow. I could use Erasure and Bad Company to hopefully kill him.

"Are you done thinking boy?" Said a voice behind me.

I freaked out and sent enough energy to nuke a cow to my feet, trying to get away as fast as humanly possible. As I turned around though, he casually skimmed my arm and hand with the intent to age it. I had a mild heart attack before checking myself. I could still move my arm and felt fine. It took a second for me to understand what was going on, I was immortal meaning I couldn't age. His power had  to do with time manipulation, he was essentially forwarding time on whatever he touched. This would work on a normal beings as their cells would die from splitting, mine however didn't split normally unless I was wounded or an outside factor was forcing it. Since his ability was just time, my cells just behaved as normal. This explained why healing abilities like Tenseiga worked, since most likely forced my cells into overdrive, or it was just supernatural nonsense who knows.

"It seems old man, I'm your counter. You age until people eventually rot into nothingness, however I can't age. What are you gonna do now?" I smirked.

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