Chapter 1

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              You sat on the train from Platform nine and three quarters, one of your father's death eaters standing next to you. "Y/N..." the man sighed. "You really need to stop getting kicked out of schools. It's only your sixth year, and you've been kicked out of all the other available schools." You scratched behind your ear. "So?"

           He sighed again. "Why can't you stop being so horrid?" You bare your teeth at him, standing up, making the man flinch. "You don't get to boss me around. You work for me and my father. I am above you." You pointed your wand to his throat. "Don't advise me. Don't sass me. Just do as I tell you like a good man." He nodded quickly as you slowly pulled your wand away.

         You felt the train stop, and you growled at him. "You may go now." He gulped and nodded, transporting back to your father with a quick spell.  You sighed and ran your fingers through your short/long h/c hair. You, luckily, took after your mother, who was strikingly beautiful. 

      You had her e/c eyes, charming smile, humor, and hairline. You only slightly resembled your father, formerly known as Tom Riddle. Before he made himself strange-looking, he was a handsome young man, full of charm. You had his bold, sly personality, and smooth skin. 

      You slowly made your way out of the train, and was greeted by a giant man. "Well then! Yeh must be Tom Riddle's daughter, Y/N Riddle!" You  nodded, taking in the huge man. "Are you...Hagrid by any chance? The boy my father framed as-" Hagrid nodded, eyes narrowed.

       "Yes, but yer not like that? Are yeh?" You shook your head. "No." Hagrid smiled at you. "Alrighty then! Do yeh have a pet?" You pulled a string out of your pocket and placed it on your wand, a small cotton ball hanging from the string. You swung it, and as soon as you did, a black furry blur came charging over, attacking the cotton ball.

         "This is Crow." you said simply, the furry black tom still attacking the cotton ball. "Still a kit, isn't he?" Hagrid asked. You nodded, looking kind of sad. "His mother was my cat before him, but she died giving birth. No worries though, Crow is just as good. Maybe better." Crow blinked up at you with round blue eyes and purred.

           Hagrid smiled. "Let's get yeh sorted into a house then. Come on!" You followed Hagrid into Hogwarts as he led you to Dumbledore's office. The office of the only man your father's afraid of. Dumbledore smiled brightly at you, his silvery blue eyes glowing with energy and warmth.

          "Hello Y/N Riddle. Ready to be sorted into your house?" You nodded, feeling Crow claw his way up your robe and onto your shoulder, perched like an owl. "Of course, headmaster." you say formally, dipping your head with respect. Dumbledore dismissed Hagrid, and Dumbledore smiled at you.

             "With a respectful demeanor like that, I wonder why you've been getting kicked out of your schools." You frowned. "Because if I make a small mistake, I'm disowned because of my father. They all judge." Dumbledore frowned at the mention of the bias, and gave you a sympathetic look.

            You watched as Dumbledore grabbed the Sorting Hat. "Keep your mind blank, and you will definitely get the right house, Y/N. Just let it read you." You nodded, sight focused on your hands, as he placed the Sorting Hat on your head. 

             You heard the hat mutter into your ear as it worked. "Hmm...You aren't really like your father. More like your mother, yes? You're sly and bold, and you're desperate to prove yourself. You don't want to be like him, do you?" You felt your hands ball up into tight fists as it spoke into your ear.

               "Intelligent and bookish, creative, competitive, and witty, like a Ravenclaw. You are loyal and patient, like a Hufflepuff. You are brave and determined, like a Gryffindor. You really don't want to be Slytherin, or do you?" You whispered back to it. "No. Not Slytherin." 

                "Are you sure? You would be a great Slytherin. You could obtain great power-" You cut it off with a low hiss in Parseltongue, then converting it to English. "No. Never. I am not my father." You heard it respond in a quiet mutter. "I see. Determined to be better than your father. I like you, Ms. Riddle. I shall put you..." The Sorting Hat paused before speaking in a louder, clear voice for Dumbledore to hear.

               "Ravenclaw!" Immediately your blank tie turn blue and silver. Dumbledore smiled warmly at you as you took the old hat off your head. "Welcome to Hogwarts, Ms. Riddle."

A/N: you like??

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