Chapter 7

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                     You woke up Sunday morning, feeling groggy from staying up so late. But you couldn't help but notice your thought immediately went to Hermione. Why do I feel so weird? you thought, a warm feeling flooding your chest. Your mind traveled back to the almost-kiss. Why had she leaned in too? Did she feel the same way as well? You shook your head, clearing your thoughts. 

                     You layed on your back for a few more moments, staring at the ceiling, Crow still snoring on your pillow, before Luna barged in. "Y/N! Get your fat ass up!" Luna yelled chipperly, making you groan. "NoOoO!" Luna laughed and pulled the covers off you. "Get. Up. Someone wants to talk to you." She ended the last sentence with a wink. ".....Moon, I love you, but what the hell did you do?"

                        "I didn't do anything!" Luna said, raising her hands in surrender. "But you and Hermione obviously did." You looked confused. "W-what do you mean?" Luna smirked. "She wants to talk to you about something, but I don't know what it's about. She told me to tell you to meet her in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom." Ginny came running in, making you wiggle your eyebrows suggestively at Luna.

                        "Well, I'd better get dressed and get going then, but first....Ginny..." Ginny smiled at you, looking slightly confused. You got up and took her by the hands. "Take care of Luna for me?" Luna blushed furiously, glaring at you. "Y/N!!!"

                          You smirked. "What?" Luna punched you in the arm, face pale pink, making you laugh. "Okay, okay. Now get out so I can change." Ginny grabbed Luna by the arm and dragged her out, but not before they both heard you yell, "TRY NOT TO SWALLOW EACH OTHER!!" 

                           You heard a sharp exclaimation from Luna, but it was oddly cut short. You chuckled to yourself as you got changed, combed your hair, and brushed your teeth. You slipped on your shoes and without a second thought, you walked over to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and entered.

                   "Hey, anyone here?" you called, and immediately you felt a tug on your hand. It was Hermione. "Hey! You said you needed to talk to me?" Hermione nodded, face flushed. "I...need to tell you something very important."

                             "The person I smelled in Potions when we made that potion together...uh...was-" You cut her off, already knowing what she was about to say. "Me?" Hermione looked confused. "H-how did you-" You interupted her again, looking amused. "Well, for starters, your face wouldn't be pink if it wasn't me. Second, you wouldn't need to tell me so urgently. And to conclude, we almost kissed last night."

                              Hermione blushed harder. "I-I thought you forgot about that." You chuckled and shook your head. "No, definitely not. Granger, you really are something." She blushed and looked down at her hands. "Who did you get?" she asked, her voice a nervous whisper.

                             "Well, who smells of vannilla, cinnamon, mint, old parchment, and coffee?" She cocked her head to the side. "Who?" You smiled at her innocence. "You! And we think you're the brightest witch of our age!" you joked, giggling at Hermione's awed expression.

                                You smirked and brought your hand to her cheek, your other arm snaking around her waist. "I still don't trust you." Hermione mumbled, turning her head away from you. You just laughed. "But your stuck with me. Besides, what's life without risks?" 

                                You ran your finger along her jaw, body pressed close to hers, hot breath fanning her cheeks, dusting her long neck. Hermione's breath hitched as you kissed her cheek gently. you pulled away from her and walked out without a word, leaving Hermione flustered in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.


                            You walked into your room, smiling wickedly. You had just teased the hell out of Hermione. You sat on your bed, and almost immediately, Luna ran back in, cheeks flushed. "Y/N!" She was smiling wide. "So what happened with Ginny? She must have done something to get you to shut up earlier." Luna blushed harder.

                       "She, uh...k-kissed me..." Your eyes widened and you hugged her with excitement. "OH MY GOD MOON!!!! YOU TWO ARE THE CUTEST!" Luna laughed. "She said before we can make our relationship open...she needs to come out to her brothers." You nodded. "Understandable."

                         "So, what happened between you and Hermione?" You smirked. "She admitted she liked me, that she still didn't trust me, and then I left her flustered in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, to keep it short." Luna gasped. "That's so freaking-" You shoved her. "Hush!"

                      Luna laughed and hugged you tight, relaxing into you. You did the same, kissing the top of her head. "So, you're gay?" you asked her teasingly. Luna pondered the thought, still wrapped in embrace with you. "I mean, I guess. I don't really like boys." You grinned, kissing her head again and rubbing small circles on her back. "You're too good for boys anyway."

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