Chapter 8

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        The next day you sat next to Hermione in Potions, feeling a bit flirty. So of course, you decided to flirt on a repeat with Hermione. Since Snape was checking in on everyone else, you looked at Hermione, a mischievious smirk on your face. "Y'know, you look a lot like my next girlfriend..." you say to Hermione, who just rolled her eyes, continuing to work.

         "Are you a library book? Because I'm checking you out." Hermione smiled a bit, but her face became serious again. Progress... "If being beautiful was a crime, you'd be in Azkaban for life!" Hermione fought a smile that wanted to beam off her lips.

            "You must be a broom, coz you swept me off my feet." Hermione continued to work, but you noticed a small blush on her cheeks. "Do you have a name, or should I just call you mine?" Hermione's cheeks reddened, spreading across her nose. 

           "If kisses where snowflakes, I'd send you a blizzard." Hermione turned to you and gave you a flustered look. "Shut up, Riddle!" You wiggled your eyebrows. "Why should I?" Hermione narrowed her eyes at you and poked your collarbone roughly. "I swear to Dumbledore I'll-" You cut her off by pressing a finger to her lips. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." 

             When Snape had dismissed class, however, she did carry out her unsaid threat. She dragged you by the collar of your shirt and threw you into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, your back hitting a stall door. "What the fuck Mione?!"

               Hermione gave you a menacing glare. "What the hell were you thinking back in Snape's class? What are you playing at?" You cocked your head to the side as she got closer. "I'm not playing at anything!" Hermione's eyes were dark, but you couldn't tell why.

                   "You do realize you're driving me insane, right? It's no wonder I don't trust you. I barely know you, yet I still feel like I'm going in circles." She was standing right infront of you now, looking up at you. You smirked.

                 "So, what you're saying is, that you don't trust me because I make you feel weird?" Hermione's face flushed and she looked away. That was all you needed to know the answer. You cupped her cheek with your hand, a small smile on your face. A genuine smile full of warmth.

                     "I think I know how you feel when it comes down to it." you whispered, breaths coming deep and ragged. Sparks flew between the two of you, similar to the feeling you had in Hermione's room. Not exactly though. This feeling was full of something new, maybe passion, or maybe love. Neither of you could tell.

                  All both of you knew was that there was a tension, a tension that pulled the two of you close. A kind that made butterflies awaken in your stomach, and warmth spread through your chest. Hermione's eyes flickered down to your lips, then back to your eyes. Yours did the same.

               The tension was beginning to suffocate your senses, and before you knew it, you crashed your lips to Hermione's. Hermione kissed back, hands finding the back of your head and gripping your hair, pulling you closer. You felt as if fireworks had gone off in your stomach with each second the kiss lasted.

         She pushed you against the stall door, which was Moaning Mrytle's. It was locked, and you couldn't hear her sobs. Neither of you noticed though, your arms wrapping around her waist as her hands lowered down to your shoulders. You brushed your tongue along her bottom lip, and after her moments hesitation, she allowed you in.

            Once your tongue touched hers, everything in your mind when blank. Like everything you had ever known had ended. Hermione's hands roamed your body, gently caressing every inch of your clothed skin, her hands stopping at your hips. She gripped the side of your hips tightly, as if scared you'd move away if she let you go.

Trust to Earn (Hermione x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now