Chapter 6

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                  And then.....

               Crow leaped up, tackling Hermione while licking her nose. "H-hey!" Hermione laughed as Crow purred, rubbing his fluffy head on Hermione's nose. Really Crow? Really? Was Crookshanks not good enough a friend? You thought. You didn't know why you felt such annoyance with the tom. (Haha bitch you thought-)

                "Anyway," you laughed nervously, trying to change the subject away from you. "Don't you think Draco and Harry are cute together?" Hermione grinned, sitting up. "Obviously! I've never seen Harry this happy!" You smiled wide, happy that you had something in common with Hermione. But you couldn't help but notice the flicker of disapointment in her eyes.

            "So...what is your sexual orientation, since future wifey is a girl?" You asked Hermione. Hermione blushed and looked down at her hands. Cute. "I'm bisexual." You nodded, then scratched behind your ear. " you wanna play 20 questions?" Hermione nodded, smiling. "Sure!"


                The day went by in a flash. You and Hermione had joked around together all day, and you felt as if you knew her by heart. You knew her favorite color, her favorite type of chocolate, her parents' names, her first pet's name, what her dream date would be like (after you asked), and when her birthday was. You tried to memorize her in general. The way she would look at her hands when she was embarrassed, or the way she would tense up if someone made a wrong move, or troubled her. You knew her concentration face by heart (you see it all the time), and you had memorized her genuine smile.

                You yawned as the clock struck midnight. "I need to go back to my room, ot I'll end up passed out in here." Hermione looked as if she wanted to suggest something, but she quickly thought better of it. She got up, pulled you up to your feet and gave you a long hug. "I'm glad I decided to get to know you." you heard her whisper. You chuckled. "I am too." Then you pulled away from her, immediately missing her touch. Crow then clawed his way up to your shoulder.

            "Good night, Mione." Hermione smiled, a warm glow in her eyes. "Good night, Y/N." You walked out of her room, and moments later you found yourself in your room. You collapsed into your bed and sighed into your pillow, Crow curling up next to your head. You had no idea what had happened in Hermione's room. Is it just me, or did we almost kiss? you thought, suddenly wishing you hadn't changed the subject.

            To late to ponder that now... You think to yourself, when suddenly you hear your door slam open. "Y/N!!!" You recognized the voice. It was Luna. "Yes?" you yell, your head still in your pillow. "I need to ask you something... " she said quietly, not meeting your eyes as you sat up. She shut the door as you beckoned her, concerned. 

                  "What is it Moon?" You had begun calling her Moon, due to the fact Luna is latin for moon. She sat next to you and took a deep breath. "Is it okay to like girls? You way boys like girls?"

                     She flinched as she saw your eyes widen. "I know, I know. I shouldn't have asked. Neverm-" she tried to get up and walk off but you grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her back down. "No no no, Moon! Look at me." Luna sat back down and looked you in the eyes.

                    "It is perfectly okay for girls to like girls, just as boys can like boys. Love is love, no matter gender or race." Luna breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank Merlin! I thought you hated me for a second." You laughed, putting a hand on hers. "Luna, I'm [Insert sexuality]."

                    Luna's eyes widened, then they looked thoughtful. "Is that why you won't stop staring and flirting with Hermio-" You pressed a finger to her lips. "Nuh uh. We aren't speaking of that topic. Now, who's the lucky girl? You aren't just asking for no reason."

                      Luna blushed a little and her fingers twitched. "It's Ginny..." You smirked. "Ginny Weasley? Pretty little redhead? Ron's little sister?" Luna giggled. "Who else could it be? She's my best friend." You wiggled your eyebrows. "oOoOh~!" Luna shoved you, blushing and grinning. "Shut up." After a few moments of laughing, Luna hugged you tightly, and you hugged her back just as tight, a warmth filling your heart.

                       "You're kind of like a big sister to me..." she muttered as the two of you embraced. You kissed the top of her head. "And you're like a little sister to me." Luna pulled away from you, smirking deviously. "So...Granger, huh?" You scratched the back of your ear.

                        "Haha....yeah." Luna grinned. "I ship it!" You laughed and threw a small paperback book at her. "Shush!" Luna headed towards your door, then turned back to whisper. "Good night." You smiled. "Good night Moon."

A/N: Slow burn 😏 I'm enjoying y'alls suffering.

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