Chapter 5

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                 You looked up from your book to see Hermione standing next to you, who was looking embarrassed. You smirked. "Depends. Where do you want to sit?" Hermione looked a bit confused. "Next to you. Where else?" You tried not to laugh at the innocent teenager's words. Uh, my lap. Or my face. Either works. "Go ahead." you said with a small smile, heart pounding as her scent brought you back to the potion.

                Hermione sat down next to you, shifting her feet awkwardly, then clearing her throat. "I just wanted to say...that you're right." You cocked your head to the side, Crow excitedly leaping up as your hair moved, attacking and biting it. You ignored it, like always. "I'm right about what?" Hermione sighed. "About me not being able to se through the fact you are He-who-must-not-be-named's daughter. Harry has gotten over it, and I need to let it go too." 

                 You smiled, completely forgetting about the book. "I would like to get to know you, and not just remember who your father is. want to just hang out and talk on a Saturday or something...Maybe meet in my room?" Haha, adorable. You thought, looking at Hermione's blushing face.

                 "Sure, why not?" you chuckled, finally acknoledging Crow's presence by slowly running your hand down his spine continuously, making the tom arch his back in satifaction. "Hey, nice cat. What's his name?" she asked, suddenly interested in the black kit who she had seen was perched on your shoulder earlier, picking out your book. "This is Crow. His mother was my cat, but she died giving birth." 

                   Hermione frowned a little, but brightened back up as she replied. "I have a cat too. His name is Crookshanks." You grinned. "Could I take Crow to meet him this Saturday?"  Hermione smiled wide. "Of course! Crookshanks would love the company!" That's when you heard a loud, "SHHHH!!!" from Madam Pince, making you snicker. "Oops."


                 Saturday came in a flash. You joked with the Weasley twins, had great conversations with Luna, and shipped Harry and Draco with a passion. You took a breath. After breakfast, you would spend the day with Hermione, as planned. Crow was perched on your shoulder, catnip mouse in his mouth. You walked into the Great Hall, Luna chatting chipperly next to you, you replying with distant murmurs.

                   As soon as you finished eating, you felt a warm hand drag you across the Great Hall, and into the corridors. You laughed when you saw who it was. "Hey Hermione!" Hermione smiled giddily, looking wide awake. "Hey!" 

                She dragged you along the corridor, into the Gryffindor common room, then into her room, shutting the door. She slammed it so hard that it scared the shit out of Crow, who leaped off your shoulder with a loud yowl, making Crookshanks perk his big, ginger head up. Crookshanks slowly padded over to Crow, who immediately tackled the older tom.

                "Crow!" You laughed as he sniffed Crookshanks, having him pinned to the floor. "Crookshanks, are you okay?" Hermione laughed. Crookshanks just blinked, then touched his nose to Crow's in greeting, letting out a purr. "Awww!" you said, smiling wide at the adorable sight displayed in front of you.

                Hermione sat on her bed, patting a spot next to her, indicating for you to sit. You did as you were told, sitting next to the beautiful witch. "So, Ms. Riddle," Hermione started, wiggling her eyebrows playfully. "do you like anyone?" You actually had to think about this one. You've never had a crush on anybody before, so you wouldn't know if you did or not. But Hermione made you feel different. Not in a bad way, either.

                Besides, you had smelled her when the two of you made that potion together. So maybe?? "Uh....Well...I don't really know. I've never really fallen for anyone. But I guess I did find out whom I'm meant to be with when we made the Amortentia Potion." Hermione tilted her head to the side, her hair falling to the side. "So you know who it is?"

                    You nodded, blushing at the thought of ever telling her it was her. "Are they a boy or girl? Or non-binary?" She added quickly. You scratched the back of your ear. "Uh...she's a girl...I'm uh...[Insert sexuality]." Hermione grinned. "So...who is this mystery girl?"

                    You laughed,  scratching the back of your ear some more. "....I'm not telling." Hermione pouted. "Please...???" You shook your head, now leaving your ear alone before she thought you had a rash. "Nope." Hermione huffed, still uncontrollably smiling, making your heart pound. What am I feeling?
           "Fine!" she huffed, then suddenly her mouth curved into a sly smile. Her mocha eyes narrowed mischeiviously. "Would you like me to tell Pansy you like her?" Your eyes widened. "I what now?" Hermione checked her nails casually. "I mean...Would it be hard to believe? Her being...y'know...a Slytherin? Surely you'd want to marry a powerful young witch."

                   "You wouldn't dare!" you mocked being distraught. "Then tell me who it is!" You grinned, leaning close to her face. "No." You swear you saw Hermione's eyes flicker down to your lips for a moment before she pushed your face away roughly with a hand, making you laugh. "Get out of my face, Riddle." You smirked smugly. "Maybe when you stop being so smart, Granger."

             Suddenly the air became electric between the two of you, sparks flying. You felt yourself lean in, as well as Hermione. And then...

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