Chapter 4

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                     You sat next to Hermione during Potions, feeling drained. You looked at the bewitching girl beside you, who's mocha brown eyes were narrowed in concentration. Her eyebrow was cocked slightly, and the corner of her lips twitched into a frown. You found it kind of cute. Yo, that's kinda gay Y/N, you told yourself. Then you mentally shrugged, remembering that you didn't care. Oh well. Sucks to suck.

                     "Today we are making the Amortentia Potion." Snape announced, smirking at every student in the room. You frowned, feeling a bit anxious. You figured it probably wouldn't be anyone in the room. You knew that it wouldn't be anyone in this school. For all you knew, it could be odorless. "You shall work with the person next to you to make this person, then we'll see what filthy student in here you are in love with. Unless, it is odorless to you, potion was a major fail, or the person doesn't belong to this school."

                   He looked at you when he said odorless, as if he thought you weren't capable of love. You glared, thinking of your mother. I will make her proud of me. I love her. I am very well capable of loving someone. Hermione stared at you, looking a bit annoyed.

                    "Why did he have to move Ron and replace him with you?" she mumbled under her breath, making you grin cheekily. "Because I asked to sit with such a smart witch, like yourself." Hermione smiled slightly, making you grin wider. "Let's just get started on out potion." she muttered, trying not to smile at your cute grin.


                  An hour later, the potion was prepared, and you and Hermione looked at each other, proud at the work they had put into it. You had a lot of time to breathe in Hermione's smell as you made the potion, and you noticed that not only did Hermione smell of vanilla, cinnamon, and coffee, but also old parchment and mint . You found the scent kind of addicting.

                 "Now take a long whiff of your potion. See if you recognize what you smell." Both you and Hermione leaned a little, and took a long smell. Your eyes widened. Old parchment. Vanilla. Coffee. Cinnamon. Mint. You buried your head in your hands while Hermione stared down at the potion, blushing furiously. Snape approached, smirk on his lips. 

                "Odorless?" You shook your head and managed to croak out a word. "No." Snape's eyes lit up with surprise. "Really? Who is it, or do you know?" You nodded. "I-I know who it is. I just don't know why." Snape looked at Hermione, who's jaw was dropped. "So? Do you know who yours is?" Hermione nodded, mouth dry. She looked as if she wanted to protest to the potion, but she just stared, as if paralyzed.

                Snape left you two alone now, so you looked around the room. Draco was blushing a pale pink, staring at Harry. Harry stared back at him, blushing as well. Haha, cute. You thought, looking at all the blushing teens. You suddenly felt anxiety hit you like a killing curse. 

                You stood quickly as Snape dismissed all of you, dashing into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. You slammed the stall door and locked it, sitting on the toilet and grabbed your book. You needed the comfort of the old pages, words that had existed for years now. 

                 You lost yourself in the pages, and before you knew it, it was dinner time. "Shit!" you hissed, leaping out of the stall as you unlocked it and open it's door, dashing into the Great Hall. You shoved your book into you satchel as you ran. You ran into someone as you did so.

                 Your ass hit the ground and you looked up with a groan. It was Harry, who was struggling not to laugh as he offered a hand of help. You took his hand and he pulled you up. "Where were you? You missed all your other classes." You scratched behind your ear. Nervous habit of yours.

              "I started to feel sick, so I went to Madam Pomfrey." you lied. Harry nodded. "So, who did you smell?" You tried to come up with an excuse, but thankfully, you didn't have to. Luna came dashing over, giving you a quick hug. "Hey Y/N! Let's go eat dinner. Crow misses you!" You nodded, waving farewell to Harry, before letting Luna guide you.

              You ate, laughing and talking with Luna and Cho Chang, before saying goodbye so you could go to the library, Crow perched on your shoulder. Madam Pince greeted you with a smile as you walked in. "Back again, Ms. Riddle?" You nodded, pulling out your Quidditch book. "I finished this."

            You put the book back where it was, and you muttered to Crow. "Which one should I read next, Crow?" Crow stared at the books while you walked down the aisles of books, before pawing a book. You grabbed the book and smiled. "Thanks buddy." Crow responded by running his head along your jaw and purring.

            You sat at the table you normally sat in, and a few moments later you felt a presence beside you. "Mind if I sit down?"

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