Chapter 2

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                     You groaned, mildly upset. You knew nobody who was in your class. Of course, this was a no-brainer, but you still hated the idea. You realized that you weren't taking any classes with the other Ravenclaws, but it didn't bother you too much. You entered Potions, taking in all the faces. Of course, Slytherins were there, as well as the Gryffindors. 

                    "Hey! It's Voldemort's daughter!" Draco yelled, jumping up from his seat and pointing. All the Gryffindors looked at you with trustless eyes, especially a specific emerald-eyed boy. You turned to the boy with a lightning scar.

                  "You're Harry Potter, aren't you?" You muttered, Harry throwing you looks of suspicion. "Yes, why?" You grinned, holding out your hand for him to shake, which he reluctantly did, captured by your beautiful smile. "Anyone who can defeat my father twice, and make a fool of him, I like." Harry smiled a little bit, his intense look softening slightly.

                 A bushy-haired Gryffindor sat near, casting curious looks your way. Definite mistrust, but no hate. "Yes, I'm actually the famous Y/N Riddle. Daughter of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Hold your applause. You must be Hermione, brightest witch of our age." You say sarcastically, a smirk resting on your face as you speak to the girl.

                Hermione frowned slightly at your sarcasm and her eyes raked your body. "Yes, I am." She speaks again after a moment. "You're attractive...Y'know, for someone with a noseless father." You chuckled. "And you're awfully powerful, for a girl with Muggle parents." A redheaded boy sniggered from beside Hermione.

               "That dumbass over there is Ron." she said mildly, pointing to the wheezing boy. You rolled your eyes, grinning charmingly at the attractive right in front of you, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Weasle?" You coughed a little bit then added, "I mean Weasley."

                  Hermione looked sort-of impressed. "How did you know?" You shrugged. "I have my resources." Snape strutted in, his serious tone floating around the room. "Okay class. We have a new student by the name of Y/N Riddle." Draco grinned cheekily at you, making you roll your eyes with annoyance.

              "Ron! Go sit somewhere else. Sit by Harry, actually. Ms. Riddle, sit by Hermione." he ordered. Ron grumbled and got up to sit by his raven-haired friend, while you sat down next to Hermione. You glanced over at Draco to see he looked disappointed. 

                You shrugged, not really giving a shit about how he felt. You pulled out your Potions book, which you had already read. "So today we are learning how to make a..."


              It was after classes, and time for dinner. But you really weren't hungry. You went to the library instead, reveling in the smell of books, new and old, the smell of melted candle wax, and a slight lavendar smell coming from Madam Pince, who eyed you warily.

              You felt her eyes boring into you as you ran your fingers along the spine of some books as you searched the titles. You were not looking for something in particular, however. Just something that caught your eye. You sensed Madam Pince flinching every time you made a sudden move, and you got tired of it.

              You turned to her, looking annoyed. "Look, I'm not going to curse your books. Just because I'm his daughter, doesn't mean I'm like him." Madam Pince looked slightly guilty, but she said nothing. You knew she was occasionally glanced at you, or in other words, stared at you for a few minutes before dropping her eyes back down to whatever she was doing, but you didn't mind it now, since it wasn't constant.

             You picked a book that looked particularly interesting about Quidditch, then approached Madam Pince. "Do you mind if I read in here? I don't really want to leave. I like it here." Madam Pince looked confused. "Have you eaten yet?" You shook your head. "Not hungry."

            "Why do you like this place? You could just read it in your room." You smiled as you looked around the quiet library, taking in a slow breath. "It's peaceful, and it has a comforting scent. I think I'll spend much of my time here, if that is okay with you."

              Madam Pince smiled. "Sure. Go ahead. There are tables back there." She said, pointing. You picked the one closest to her view, since you knew she didn't exactly trust you, but you still enjoyed your time in there. You were invested in the book, hanging on every word. 

               Seconds turned to minutes, and minuted turned to hours. It had felt like a very short amount of time when Madam Pince approached you and tapped you on the shoulder, flinching when you jumped with surprise. 

                "Y-yes Madam Pince?" You acknoledged, smiling sheepishly. She chuckled. "You've been in here for hours. It's time for sleep, Y/N." You looked confused. "What time is it?" Madam Pince looked amused. "It's almost midnight." You scrambled up, book in hands. "Mind if I borrow this?" Madam Pince nodded. "Go ahead."

               "Thankssssss!" the last part came out as Parseltongue, but you didn't care. You dashed into the Ravenclaw common room after stating the password, which was, to your amusement, was, "Riddle Me This". You walked into the Ravenclaw common room, and you were immeditely greeted by a blonde-haired girl, who was a year younger. You saw Crow clinging onto her leg.

               "Hi! You must be Y/N Riddle! I'm Luna Lovegood!" You smiled and shook her hand when she offered it. "Indeed I am." Luna didn't seem to be bothered about who your father was. She was more curious about you in general. "Can you speak Parseltongue like Harry and your father?"

             "Yes, I can." You chuckled. Luna continued with another question as you walked through the common room. "How many school have you been kicked out of?" You scratched the back of your ear. "All of them but this one." Luna cocked her head to the side. "Have you made any friends here yet?" You shook your head, looking a bit put-down. " I've never really had a friend, due to Voldemort being my father."

            Luna gave you a friendly smile. "I'll be your friend, if you'd like." Your eyes widened as she said this. You were confused and shocked. Is this bitch playing or...?? Your response came out in Parseltongue. "Hissssssss~!" Luna cracked a wider smile, trying not to laugh. "Wrong language."

          You shook your head, embarrassed, smiling sheepishly at Luna. "Well, if you're okay with being friends with Voldemort's daughter." Luna grinned and gave you a huge hug. "I'm more than okay with that! Let's get you settled in."

Trust to Earn (Hermione x fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now